

Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

I, Claudius

By the way... don't touch the figs.

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Resident Alien: 1x07 The Green Glow

"I would grow a mustache as a disguise, but then, I would have to get a job as a fireman or a pedophile."
Just some fantastic shots taken in this show. Love the writing.

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American Horror Story: Season 12

Just keeps getting worse every season. Anyone that made this show decent, from the acting to the writing, has departed the show. The last few seasons I keep asking why I'm doing this to myself. Maybe it's a morbid fascination to find out just how badly they can drive this once very cool show into the ground. Worst season yet.

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Wherein Debra Winger's performance has all the emotion and believability of a table reading. Just dreadful.

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I, Daniel Blake

I work in social services in the US and yeah, the systems are absolutely broken. Bureaucracy run rampant, for sure. I can also tell you that the people working in them are usually as powerless to do anything about it as the people trying to receive services. That being said, there's always a 'Sheila' in the mix. Sheila is just a c**t.

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Fish Tank

So, this film was pretty obviously more than a little inspired by 1961's A Taste of Honey. Not necessarily a bad thing, but it's close enough in some aspects that I'm surprised I haven't seen any acknowledgement of it beyond comparisons on a thematic or surface level.

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3 Body Problem: 1x06 The Stars Our Destination

Well, that was a total momentum killer.

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3 Body Problem: 1x05 Judgment Day

Oh, hell yeah. I've been waiting to see how well they pulled off the nanofibers cutting through the ship. Nailed it!

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3 Body Problem
War and Peace

Massively epic and a hell of an accomplishment in film, but man, I have zero sympathy for any of these people. I can't imagine reading the book would make them any more likable. Guess I can keep using that weighty tome as a door stop. Bullet dodged!

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A Story of Floating Weeds

So interesting to compare this, Ozu's first film of this story, with his remake, which is one of the most beautifully framed movies I can think of. This is absolutely a gorgeous movie in its own right, though.

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Floating Weeds

Gorgeous movie; Ozu sure can paint.

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Some wonderfully human moments in a film full of rough images and subjects. Understated atrocity. There are some powerful messages delivered with unexpected subtlety. And some not so subtle...

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Killer Party

Not nearly enough boobs for a movie in this vein from this era.

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Horrors of Malformed Men

Guess the guy who comments with the original name of the film didn't catch this gem...

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Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire

Formulaic garbage. Downright larcenous plot points and characters. Uninspiring performances. Apparently, if you had a mediocre music career and a role in Game of Thrones, you were a shoe-in for casting. And, of course, the severe pendulum swing of Hollywood's guilt-ridden campaign against its social injustices of the past continues. Meh.

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The Vow

Another documentary series that suffers from too many episodes, surely in the name of mo' money. Of note, (and I may have missed some of what they included about his life prior to NXIVM, but I don't remember them mentioning this tidbit) Mark Vicente was a member of another cult previously - Ramtha's School of Enlightenment - which led to him being involved in the making of What the #$*! Do We Know!? - a pseudoscience film linking spirituality and quantum physics. The people who seem to be susceptible to these sorts of things are definitely of a type.

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Thank you, Atlanta. That was a hell of fun ride. Thanks for somehow keeping it real and weird at the same time. Bravo.

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The Old Man

Wherein the Dude most definitely does not abide. Bridges and Lithgow both fantastic. Great story thus far.

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A couple of the major plot points are pretty obviously altered rips of an upcoming project based on the Seveneves novel from Neal Stephenson (which hopefully is handled as a limited series - a film won't do it justice.) Anyway, mix in some rips from other apocalyptic action thrillers (Armageddon, for one) and you've got yourself yet another p.o.s. Roland Emmerich flick. The guy made some decent (not great) movies back in the day but has turned into one of the biggest hacks in the biz. Shame.

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We Are X

Weak sauce. The music is bad melodrama, as is the documentary. The whole tale of X Japan just feels so fabricated to me. Meh.

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Heavy Metal 2000

A complete abomination. I wouldn't say they wrecked the legacy of the original but they sure as hell tried.

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Doom Patrol: 3x04 Undead Patrol

So, I was getting a bit put off by the sentimentality of the last few episodes. However, my interest in this show has been renewed by were-ass eating zombies and a fantastic performance from guest star Michelle Gomez.

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Maybe not Fellini's most acclaimed film, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Very rich visually. Some very humorous moments. The Vatican fashion show alone is worth the price of admission. Fine satire, if not exactly subtle, but there's nothing wrong with that.

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Bad Boy Bubby

What a ride! As noted in the other shouts on here, it isn't the movie it appears to be at first, for sure. Starts off super-weird and a bit uncomfortable, then it stays super-weird but goes all these other directions. Funny, tragic, philosophical... it's a very unique flick for sure.

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Eagerly awaiting the superhero spin-off film, "Cockroach Man".

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Ozark: 3x08 BFF

Tom Pelphrey's (Ben) character arc - his bioplar swing - in this episode was just an insanely good piece of work. Dude should get a nomination for this episode.

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Rambo: Last Blood

Unnecessary and uninspired, mostly. With so many decent examples of reboots and re-imaginings out there, I think they could have done much better with this.

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City on a Hill

"I'm gonna tell you what my father told me the night our house burned down. Life is all about finding happiness in unhappy endings."

"Fuck you."

"... you'll be fine."

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I was very enthused about this once I heard it was Lindlehoff at the helm. The Leftovers is one of my all time favorites, and this series promises to be a deep dive thematically with him at the helm. The series opener is as smart and interesting as I expected, but I was happy to see that it delivers on the action elements, as well. Very solid beginning - I'm psyched to see where it goes.

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