Bubbles of Randomness

1 follower

Merseyside, England

Doctor Who: 12x01 Spyfall (1)

As a female I really hate to say that Jodie is my least favourite Doctor but she just seems a bit too naive and just doesn't do it for me.
The guest stars in this episode were spot on though :slight_smile:
Wow, I really didn't see the twist coming but I think I kinda liked it, definitely a bit John Simm-y but I'm interested to see how this develops

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Doctor Who: 11x03 Rosa

Wow, that is such a powerful episode. Very much how I imagine the original Classic Who to have worked, with recognisable historical figures & events & important messages.

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Doctor Who: 10x11 World Enough and Time (1)

Wow :exploding_head: such a good ending!

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Doctor Who: 9x11 Heaven Sent (1)

Wow! This episode is a masterpiece in brutality

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Doctor Who: 9x10 Face the Raven

I'm certainly not the biggest Clara fan but I really enjoyed this episode. She died believing she was doing the right thing, even though in the end it was a bit pointless, which is slightly annoying. I think it was a good send off with Rigsy being there too. Plus Maisie Williams really grew into the role of Me & was much more believable in this episode.

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The Man in the High Castle

This started off with so much promise but ended up being quite disappointing. The first season was outstanding, but it went downhill from there, season 3 being the worst. Season 4 did offer some hope but ultimately this show ended with more questions than answers.
As this was based on a novel which I haven't read I can only base my opinions on the show itself. Like many others I also felt the larger sci-fi elements, from season 3 onwards, were detrimental to the show overall. Season 4 certainly didn't feel like a final season with the BCR being introduced (I felt they should have been brought into the show sooner - being introduced here made me feel they were a bit of a replacement for a different character's storyline), certain characters just disappeared & the ending made no sense to me!

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The Man in the High Castle: 4x09 For Want of a Nail

Only one episode left?! WTF

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The Man in the High Castle: 3x05 The New Colossus

Hmmm I hadn't been feeling this season so far & now they killed my favourite character ☹

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The Man in the High Castle: 1x10 A Way Out

Wow I only clicked about 'the man in the high castle ' by reading the comments :sweat_smile:
That ending is still amazing!

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BEEF: Season 1

This took me a few episodes to get into but by the end whoah I was blown away! Steven Yeun & Ali Wong deserve all the awards they get & the supporting cast was great too. I really couldn't see where it was going & while I hope there is a second season to see where the characters end up I don't know if it will have the same impact as this, it was really something special.

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The Good Place: 2x12 Somewhere Else

Seeing Ted Danson back behind a bar made me weirdly happy :blush:

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Doctor Who: Special 83 The Day of the Doctor

This is IT!

I haven't seen this since it first aired & it is wonderful. I loved all the throwback references & how it clears some unresolved issues. The performances are stellar. It just gets me buzzing like when I used to wait every week to see what 10 was getting up to. I still don't understand half of it but that's not the point. This is so nostalgic now & makes me realise how much I love Doctor Who :blue_heart:

Bonus: The Curator :astonished::heart_eyes::face_with_monocle::heart:

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Doctor Who: 5x10 Vincent and the Doctor

Such a beautiful, heartbreaking episode :broken_heart: if it wasn't for the obvious I would have wanted Amy & Vincent to get together.

Bonus: having a Scottish Vincent Van Gogh was genius!

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Doctor Who: 5x09 Cold Blood (2)

Wow I totally forgot what happened at the end of this episode :exploding_head:

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Doctor Who: 5x03 Victory of the Daleks

Yeah I definitely like 11 more when he's in serious mode

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Doctor Who: 5x01 The Eleventh Hour

I loved Rory at first sight (at least this time). 11 is just too wacky and blah for my liking... & I like wacky :confused:

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Doctor Who: Special 17 The End of Time (2)

The worst yet best regeneration ever! Thank you so much DT & RTD for everything :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

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Doctor Who: 4x13 Journey's End (2)

To end this season's exhilarating finale like that is just hugely depressing :cry:

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Doctor Who: Special 7 Voyage of the Damned

For an episode with a "standalone" cast this is proper emotional, you really feel for the characters. There is such heartbreak & hope, a proper Christmas special :christmas_tree:

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Doctor Who: Special 6 Children in Need: Time Crash

This one really gets me... in a really good uplifting way :revolving_hearts:

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Doctor Who: 3x11 Utopia (1)

The way Derek Jacobi performed his character was outstanding! It really gives me chills & the ending :exploding_head:

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Doctor Who: 3x09 The Family of Blood (2)

It kind of annoys me when people say they don't like this two-parter because it's so racist... it is set in 1913 England of course it was racist! Sure this is a fantasy, sci-fi drama but these elements of realism are what make this series dark & gritty. It actually makes viewers think & ask questions, perhaps a kid watching this would ask why the Doctor is treating Martha this way which can open up a conversation about race & history, isn't that important?

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Doctor Who: 3x03 Gridlock

Oh, I could watch David Tennant talk about Gallifrey forever :heart_eyes:

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Doctor Who: 2x08 The Impossible Planet (1)

Casanova reunion part 1!!! I love that Shaun Parkes is in this - that scene with the hug is everything :hugging:

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Doctor Who: 2x04 The Girl in the Fireplace

This is probably my favourite episode of Doctor Who ever. I think it really sums up what this show is about; it has 'monsters,' comedy, mystery, action, romance, history, sci-fi & heartbreak. If I had to show one episode to get someone interested in DW it would be this one.

David Tennant & the rest of the cast are superb. I think everyone's reactions are spot on. I loved the chemistry between Tennant & Sophia Myles, it was a shame that we could not see Myles as this character again, but I suppose this is why it makes such a great standalone story.

There is a slight possibility that I enjoy this episode so much because it reminds me of Casanova - the first show I can remember seeing Tennant in.

By the way, if you don't like DT by this point but are going to continue watching the series please stop moaning... there is just no hope for you

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Wednesday: Season 1

I was extremely apprehensive about watching this show. I am a huge Addams Family fan - I used to dress as Wednesday every year for Halloween :jack_o_lantern: At first I was super excited for Tim Burton's spin off of The Addams Family but then I saw the trailer & heard some mixed reviews & I became very wary.
I must say that the series is a grower, it was pleasant enough to begin with but by the last couple of episodes I couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen.
They have left it very open for another season & I will definitely be watching if there is one :fingers_crossed_tone1:

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The Royal House of Windsor: 1x04 Shadow of a King

Seeing this has made me feel quite different towards the new King. He always loved Camilla but unable to marry her & pressurised to find a future Queen, trying to do the right thing he married Diana in a haste that would have drastic repercussions :slight_frown:

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The K2: 1x04 Episode 4

And the award for Best Fight Scene (in a shower) goes to... :grin::shower:

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This is such a great reimagining of the Dracula story & it feels very modern despite being set in the past. It's such a shame it only had one season especially with that ending, but a really good show nonetheless.

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Dracula: 1x02 A Whiff of Sulfur

That scene in the members only club was superb - it's exactly how I would expect Dracula to act :rainbow:

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