Shout by Bubbles of Randomness

Doctor Who: Season 2

2x04 The Girl in the Fireplace

This is probably my favourite episode of Doctor Who ever. I think it really sums up what this show is about; it has 'monsters,' comedy, mystery, action, romance, history, sci-fi & heartbreak. If I had to show one episode to get someone interested in DW it would be this one.

David Tennant & the rest of the cast are superb. I think everyone's reactions are spot on. I loved the chemistry between Tennant & Sophia Myles, it was a shame that we could not see Myles as this character again, but I suppose this is why it makes such a great standalone story.

There is a slight possibility that I enjoy this episode so much because it reminds me of Casanova - the first show I can remember seeing Tennant in.

By the way, if you don't like DT by this point but are going to continue watching the series please stop moaning... there is just no hope for you

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