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Steins;Gate 0

Steins; Gate 0

Obviously the successor from S;G, so there isn't too much to say about the plot. It follows an alternative world line in which Okabe fails to rescue someone, and leads to the events of the very last S;G episode and makes it happen.

I felt you need to pay way less attention than in S;G, and roughly only the last quarter is like the second half from S;G. Those who have watched will understand.

Rating: 10/10, still Steins;Gate

I rec watching S;G first, obviously.

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Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045

I stopped after looking at it for 5 mins. WTF is this.
The animation literally looks like it was done with the Source Film Maker. So badly animated, i couldn't take it.

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Great Pretender
No Game No Life
Forrest Gump

This was my absolutely first watch of it.

I am very impressed. I was over and over with this movie.

I think it pictures what should be important to us. Not intelligence, being smart or what society thinks of us. But rather...being content with our life ourselves.

People mock Forrest all the time as stupid. I don't even think he is. I think he would somehow fit the description of an autistic person. In fact, he can indeed do very many things better than most people - despite failing at what seems to be basic and obvious to people. He just does what people say, and is stubborn and doesn't stop - and by this, ironically, is superior to these people that mock him in such aspects.

We get down. We compare ourselves to our environment, loose hope. smacked down. Forrest don't! He just keeps going, no matter what others think of him or tell him otherwise. We should be all like him.

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Pacific Rim

A somewhat over-average sci-fi movie, but apart from it playing under sea against aliens - I didn't feel it was really outstanding. It was definitively watchable and enjoyable, however.

Be like: ...Mobile Suit Gundam animes?

Rating: 8/10

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I am a bit foncused because I am pretty sure I watched this on netflix recently but it isn't listed here. if you want to watch this, check out whether it is online there!

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I didn't know before what this movie was about, and assumed a typical WW II or vietnam war movie likely.
I was pretty mistaken.
This movie is good and shcking, but I feel very, very tough to take often. For me it was often in the first half, when the absolute racist language was used regularly.
Overall, the focus of the movie was for the very most part not the fighting, but racial inequality, and in general having a huge priority on social issues and interaction.

And obviously, when watching this, and getting all the hope up for incoming changes - Yet, still a century later, we haven't archived to eliminate racism.

Rating: 9/10

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Portrait of a Lady on Fire

First off, I hate romance movies. Why did I opt-in to watch this?

Also, I am a (mostly) straight man. To the movie.

You really need to be a patient person for this. Everything moves so slowly, and there are often long scenes without anything happening. I am not that emotional. It is pretty sensual though.
Bonus points if you are into art, music, history and culture, I suppose.

Rating: 7/10 - from someone who absolutely hates romance movies.

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The Green Mile

This movie is almost perfect, but having some very, very small calm moments here and there, which might make the movie feel a bit lagging.

It portraits the US Death Penalty in a pretty bad light - a light that is fully justified. Crowds cheering for the death of a person - it is just cruel. Sending someone into the death is not bringing your loved ones back, does not undo the crime, it is just that: Another person dead, there is no winner.
In the perversion of justice, the ones executing or being responsible for doing so have become monsters themselves.

The burden of a messiah, or a godsent person, and how he is dying for our sins as an innocent. Have to see all the harm and violence in the world, and have to endure it.
Some of the prisoners show actually quite some humanity. Humanity the system or even the survivors and relateds of the crimes lack.

Oh and yeah, that one warden is such a stupid jerk you cannot even fathom it.

Rating: 9.5/10

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Chain Reaction

Chain Reaction (1996)

I think it was quite tense, albeit the scientific plot can be ignored. I have seen worse conspiracy & chase movies.


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Oblivion (Around 2012?)

This caught my eye mostly because of Morgan Freeman in it.
In a post-apocalyptic world after a war with alien invaders, the Earth's moon has been destroyed in the process, and the Earth itself contaminated. Civiliation fled to Saturn's moon Titan, and resources are taken from Earth to uphold this last shelter of humanity.
Jack and his partner are placed on a mission on a tech-tower on Earth, having to constantly repair and protect super-armed drones which guards these resource sites while down there, the invaders named Scavengers (Scavs) are still around and pose a threat to humanity's last shelter.
They are not supposed to have memories prior to their mission, but Jack is haunted by dreams.

Both the initial situation of this as well as Morgan Freeman in this led me instantly believe there must be a major plot twist going on.

Rating: 9/10, watch this shit.

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The Truman Show

It is interesting nobody here noticed that literally everything in the movie is a sign for schizophrenia.In fact, I interpreted the movie once I noticed as absolutely everything it happens in there is just within his own mind:Him being the center of everything, people sending him secret message, imagining stuff that people said, taking every little hint to absurd levels of serious.
I would assume many people who now symptoms of schizophrenia would agree upon this.

Under this aspect, the whole show doesn't exist or any directors. It is all what he expects and assumes his life and environment to be.

I did expect it would be clarified at the end of the movie, but it wasn't. Him taking the door could be interpreted as him leaving his own mental bubble and mindset, though.

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Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron

This has incredible detailed animation and images, really impressive.As are the badass songs. Sissy horse? Certainly not!
The movie translates it's messages well with few words.

Love to the details.

Else, it is beautiful, emotional and at times a tad bit sad.


There is also a follow up series -
and another movie inc.-

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BNA: Brand New Animal

I didn't really know much about it, and didn't watch too many furry animes either. I think I actually foncused it with Beastars, and didn't know the difference between both.I actually thought both might be even related and one the successor to the other, or a spin-off

Back to BNA: It is likely less brutal than Beastars, overall pretty mild, family friendly, and maybe the biggest thing for it is just charming, and a huge adventure with an equally charming as well as clumsy and adorkable main character. It is about getting amazed over and over by this awesome world and creatures! And they are all so cute and adorkable!!

Yet, surprisingly, despite being so adventurous and light-hearted, it manages to maintain a thrilling story which wants you to watch the next episode to unravel some secrets.

Be Like: The Cat Returns, A Whisker Away (maybe, still unwatched), Whisper of the Heart (maybe, still unwatched), Beastars (maybe, still unwatched), some western adventure-fairytales

Rating: 10/10, I loved it!

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Akame ga Kill!

Akame Ga Kill

I am in the mid of it, and I am deeply impressed. It started a tiny bit slow, but not too much. It is quickly escalating to some extreme scenes. It is about a assassination group killing corrupts in a government city, supporting rebels to overthrow a corrupt government.

The characters are pretty extreme, fleshed out, interesting and come with backgrounds, they don't feel like they are thrown in lovelessly.

There is an openly gay character, a possibly hinting lesbian and trans character, but unlike most animes, I like that they are merely making it one attribute of the characters, instead of the defining one. That guy dude is a bastard of a fighter and is surely remembered by the audience for that and his motivational words!

It is also pretty brutal, for that matter. Albeit so far, still miles away from the likes of Hellsing Ultimate.

Familiar to: Hunter X Hunter, Black Bullet, Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Rating: 10/10

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The Asterisk War: The Academy City on the Water
Angel Beats!

AngelBeats (netflix)

This was weird all along. Some fighting, pretty weird humour and often over-the-top. It got pretty good rating, but wasn't my cup of tea. Somehow some kind of highschool musical drama I suppose?

The visuals have been stunning, maybe too stunning. I didn't feel much anticipation and excitement for the next episodes, and there is barely tension, overall pretty lighthearted.

Rating: 5/10

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Borat Subsequent Moviefilm
The Cat Returns

Shout by Bas
BlockedParent2020-10-24T23:59:05Z— updated 2020-10-30T16:07:54Z

A beautiful story, maybe a fairy tale. The characters are destinct from each other, standing out, and overall it is just a great family-friendly adventure, which made me gasping for all the events and world-building. It will send you into a world of mysterious wonders, waiting to get revealed in order to amaze you.

I really felt the effort in this. It is a bit hard to say that apart from the above what REALLY makes this so likeable, from the sympathic characters or just hitting the exact perfect pacing - nothing is rushed nor really standing still for too long.

This is actually a sequel or spin-off of "Whisper of the Heart", starring the baron cat again. (Which I don't think having watched yet and certainly not recently)

Be like: Princess Mononoke (likely, never watched it)...nevermind, on the preview screen PM looks rather bloody lol.

Maybe a more modern fairy tale version of Alice might be somewhat fitting as a description

Rating: 10/10

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Actually and weirdly, I thought this would be some kind of cute animated pixar family movie. Heh, it was not.
I think the movie is actually pretty hard to swallow at times.

Some hefty abuse Chappie goes through, and we are also confronted with about three different villain groups, so it was kinda hard to expect and anticipate the concrete outcome and story plot in advance (plus point). It could have easily went into many different directions.

The cruel world and environment aside, I felt it also pretty interesting in terms of social interactions and role models.

There was also quite some character development in the movie, and by this I don't mean just Chappie (you often just feel sorry what he must endure!), but rather especially Ninja, who goes from badass super jerk to....actually caring about people, and even willing to give his own life for them. That was...pretty touching.

Also, poor America! - What was up with all these weird names anyway!?

Rating: An emotional 9/10

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This is watchable, but still hugely overrated. It is definitively enjoyable, but the plot is just sooo foreseeable. There are many movies with a similiar theme and twist that just perform way better.

Rating: 7.5/10

PS: People being tracked by electronical implants is a conspiracy theorist's wet dream for Bill Gates.

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Collateral 2004

This is quite watchable and I think the two main actors are doing well, with the killer being especially bad ass.
I felt the female cast was pretty weak in performance, and the character both forgettable and just artificially made important emotionally.

Maybe it is more important to note what the movie lacks rather than what he has:

The whole investigation plot did stop suddenly, with no meaningful outcome either. It really let's one wonder: Why does it even exist? Or did they plan more of it and scrap other huge parts of it?
On a personal note, after the Max, the driver, made a very self-believing bet at the start of the movie, one might assume as I did it would be either a major repeating theme throughout the movie or would happen at an important show-down moment: Will you let me go if I win this, and if I loose you can kill us both? Neither did happen, and it was only used a single other time, but pretty irrelevant even.

You can still find quite some enjoyment in this movie, however.

Rating: 7/10

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I usually like sci-fi movies, and this is no exception. There is usually a plot twist in these, but it was somewhat moderate in this one.

Still pretty great overall.

Rating: 8/10

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Million Dollar Baby

Million Dollar Baby

TBH, based off the title my expectation was not a boxing movie.

I think that aside, it still went unexpected afterwards nonetheless.

Spoiler warnings

I did expect a movie about the utmost rise, and archiving your goals, and be content with your life after.

Yet what this movie showed what was the largest fall in life one could ever have.

And while I don't quite agree on the reasons for the end - I think as society as well as in media we need to talk more about how our lives will eventually end, and how we handle that as people.

Rating 9/10

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