This movie is almost perfect, but having some very, very small calm moments here and there, which might make the movie feel a bit lagging.

It portraits the US Death Penalty in a pretty bad light - a light that is fully justified. Crowds cheering for the death of a person - it is just cruel. Sending someone into the death is not bringing your loved ones back, does not undo the crime, it is just that: Another person dead, there is no winner.
In the perversion of justice, the ones executing or being responsible for doing so have become monsters themselves.

The burden of a messiah, or a godsent person, and how he is dying for our sins as an innocent. Have to see all the harm and violence in the world, and have to endure it.
Some of the prisoners show actually quite some humanity. Humanity the system or even the survivors and relateds of the crimes lack.

Oh and yeah, that one warden is such a stupid jerk you cannot even fathom it.

Rating: 9.5/10

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