

Sad Hill Cemetary


Everything I wanted it to be and more. Perfectly cast and excellent soundtrack by Hans Zimmer. Epic Sci-Fi at its best.

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No Time to Die

A proper send-off for Daniel Craig, he did much for the franchise. One of the better Bond-films for sure, there's lots to like here. The acting is great, music fantastic and obviously the action is riveting. Even at 163 minutes, it does not drag - and even though I wanted more, the ending was perfect. It's exciting to discuss who will become the next Bond, but let's enjoy this ride first and let it sink in.

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6 Underground

No, no, no... This was an incoherent mess.

The film is structured as though it tries to be something edgier and cooler than it is. It's an action movie, and barely that. It jumps back and forth but it adds nothing to the plot. The main characters are hard to root for as they kill innocent people from left to right. The product placements are too much and gets in the way of the story, not that there's much story to talk about.

And it's about forty minutes too long.

Michael Bay peaked with 'The Rock'.

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Ad Astra

Criminally underrated.

In the age of Transformers-, Pacific Rim-, Godzilla- and Marvel-movies that is churned out every other month this is a great alternative Sci-Fi film. I loved the pacing and tone, but I understand that a lot of people that are used to the same formula and action every 30 seconds - it could be viewed as boring. It isn't. Brad Pitts performance is perfect and the driving force of this space adventure.

Visually stunning and with beautiful music, this hits almost every note with perfect pitch. A must-see for Sci-Fi fans and a must-buy for me when it's time for a blu-ray release.

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Memories of Murder

Beautiful scenery, great music and good acting. I have seen it twice now and it was just as good as I remembered it. Some really funny moments and a few thrills and chilling moments. But the way the movie is crafted and cut is just beautiful. Love the ending immensely, and since it's based on a true story - you can't really complain about it.

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Seinfeld: 3x05 The Library

Probably the best cameo in any TV-Show ever.

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The Knight Before Christmas

Had low expectations, but got disappointed. I imagine that someone came up with the title first and then they tried to mold a script around it. Pretty much nothing happened in this film.

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

I like most of Ritchie's films, but sadly this was a complete mess.

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The Revenant

Just saw this in IMAX and it was the experience of a lifetime. I almost sat there with my jaw dropped the entire length of the movie. This was as close to a perfect 10/10 you could come in my opinion, without it actually being a 10. I can not find any fault with it. The acting is just superb all the way and I really hope Leo gets his Oscar finally. The music was so haunting, it gave me chills multiple times.

But the cinematography and directing is what really stands out here. I have never seen any movie that looks and feels like this. It really is one of a kind. 9/10.

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Joe List: I Hate Myself

Greatest comedy special in the last five years.

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Red Notice

I can't believe people actually think this is good.

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Miami Vice

When I first watched this at its release, I had it as an OK 6/10. Upon re-watching though, I really liked a lot of it. The casting is great, you even get used to Farrell's mullet after a while. It still looks and sounds great, good music and solid story.

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Mark Normand: Out To Lunch

Mark is so funny, maybe the most underrated comedian out there. This was a great special and the funniest I've seen this year.

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The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie

I like many of Buñuel's films, but this isn't one of them.

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Easily top 5 of the year, haven't seen The Lighthouse yet though. Not quite as good as Memories of Murder, but it's close.

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Brawl in Cell Block 99

Loved the ending and the brutality. I like Bone Tomahawk too, but feel like Dragged across Concrete is Zahler's best to date.

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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

I've tried three times to get through the first 20 minutes of this film and just can't do it. I've seen so many people praise the animation, but to me it was just a blur of colors. I don't have epilepsy but I think I might get it if I watch the whole thing.

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They started our pretty strong with Wandavision, which was decent. Falcon/Winter Soldier was OK but not as good as Wandavision. Loki was really disappointing for me. I love Hiddleston, but the writing/pacing on this show was pretty lousy. And what's with the bad fight choreography? I'm really hoping for a strong Hawkeye-season to end the year.

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Midnight Run

One of very few films that are perfectly casted, with great writing and great music. Don't know how many times I've seen this, but it never gets old. The chemistry between Deniro and Grodin is on the level of Riggs and Murtagh in Lethal Weapon.

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Zack Snyder's Justice League

Honestly didn't have high hopes for this since the original is so painfully mediocre. Presently surprised, much better than Whedon's version.

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Brotherhood of the Wolf

The only thing that aged badly is the cgi beast. Everything else is top notch.

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Seraphim Falls

Seriously underrated. Great actors, mood and music wrapped in a great revenge story.

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Pretty crazy that Cameron managed to make two sequels that surpassed the first film. This one, and of course Terminator 2. Ripley is as bad ass as they come.

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Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood

Incredibly misunderstood and insanely underrated. I loved every minute of this film, and those two hours and 40 minutes just flew by. It was truly great to see in the theater and to watch again on 4K Bluray.

A true cinephile's film!

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The bar was low from the previous films, but this was a step down. Can they at least try to make it a little bit plausible?

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The Little Things

First half was 8/10, but the second half falls flat. The ending was just disappointing...

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Das Boot

Probably the greatest submarine film of all time.

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Such a complete masterpiece. There are so few movies out there with perfect casting, down to every last role. This is one of them.

Add to that - fantastic cinematography, great music and a compelling storyline and you got yourself a masterpiece. Eternally quotable and mimicked for decades, this film really stands out as one of the best of all time.

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The Lighthouse

It's good. Dafoe is brilliant and the cinematography is great. I just feel like it's seriously overhyped, sadly.

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