Shout by atroxa

No Time to Die 2021

A proper send-off for Daniel Craig, he did much for the franchise. One of the better Bond-films for sure, there's lots to like here. The acting is great, music fantastic and obviously the action is riveting. Even at 163 minutes, it does not drag - and even though I wanted more, the ending was perfect. It's exciting to discuss who will become the next Bond, but let's enjoy this ride first and let it sink in.

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@atroxa I agree with your review but do you think there will be another Bond since they killed him off? I guess anything is possible since it's Hollywood we are talking about. The only other thing I can think of is that he survived but the explosion burnt up his face so he had to get plastic surgery.

@inksybinksy i expect another continuity reboot is more likely

@inksybinksy this is Bond, not Robocop, he took an air to ground missile, I doubt there's a surgery for that.
