André L



What If...?

Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2021-08-18T21:03:07Z— updated 2021-10-06T08:04:36Z

I’ve seen two episodes now and I’ve got to ask: what’s the point of watching this?
There’s nothing inherently satisfying about the show itself.
Just putting a twist on existing lore and calling it a day isn’t enough to hold my attention for 30 mimutes, nor any sane person, I imagine.
Are people only watching this because it sets up future stuff?
Why would anyone watch something that’s just set-up?
Projects are always supposed to function as an isolated piece of art, and not just as a piece of a larger machine.
This show is so empty, it’s the kind of format that lends itself for short 4 minute videos on Youtube.
But a feature series? Come on.

Edit: alright so there is an attempt to tie the loose ends together in the final episode, but still, it kinda fails to justify its existence.

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@jordyep You could have to take into account that the Marvel Universe, it was as portrayed in the comics, was just like that, several universes and stories exchanged. Personally, I found the season 1 to be well-constructed, well-grounded from the start and much more focused on character development than a story of a specific event. Another situation is, it is made in animation cinema, perhaps also to leave a border between the films and this present series :) The series isn't over, and season 2 can bring more plot twist and even more engagement.

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Pacific Rim: Uprising

I don't even want to write anything. This movie makes me angry. Even with the mind-set going in that this is cheesy non-sense meant to please the brain-dead movie-going public, it fails to generate any sense that it understands what it wants to be and it's responsibility to respect it's predecessor. Call me exaggerating, but Pacific Rim: Uprising is a nightmare of a film, it's the last thing any fan should want of a property: Taking everything great a franchise has established, strip it down it's bare assets, then trying to sell it to dumb people. I've already said the first Pacific Rim wasn't a brilliant piece of cinema, but a lot of love went into crafting it's visuals and universe. Del Toro had a great eye for practical effects, lighting, digital composites, etc. I'm sorry Steven S. DeKnight, but he murders the franchise in every possible category: The writing is film school amateurish, the effects are below-average (lower than Transformers quality), the music is forgettable, and the universe has been shrunken down to a couple people, just like what The Last Jedi did for Star Wars. You had this mature and bad-ass world of Jaegar meets Kaiju action and you squandered it into the embarrassing cringe-inducing children's movie domain. I don't know how much hand John Boyega had in the creative process, but you can smell the cheapening all over the product. Everyone's picked apart the Jaegars moving too fast and the outfits not appearing as technically impressive, but down to the core, the writing, it's ruined. You thought Independence Day: Resurgence had lazy writing? Wait until you hear classic lines in Uprising that just reference how much better the writing was in the last movie. Want to write a great speech before the final battle? That takes too much effort. Just mention how great Idris Elba's "cancelling the apocalypse" speech was. They do this constantly in the movie, chucking, not even just random subtle call-backs, but full pieces of dialogue mentioning events in the last one. If you're not even going to bother writing your story better than garbage like Ender's Game and every other "youth training in military to stop evil force" movie, please don't insult the original by persistently referencing how much better it was. The action isn't even exciting. The physics and extremely out-of-place uses of slow-motion hinder any kind of tension or thrills. The finale in Tokyo is among one of the most underwhelming and confusing messes of editing ever. Resurgence was easy to follow at least, because it was set in the barren desert. How is it that a sequence at night in the rain, from the first movie, is easier to follow than one in daylight? And the movie just ends after they defeat the "final boss" Kaiju. No extra words to bring the characters' arcs to a close, you know, like a resolution should. It just goes from the characters getting out of their pod, having an out-of-place snowball fight, and the end credits. I almost couldn't believe it was over then. There was a brief mid-credits scene that poorly set-up future sequels that thankfully won't ever happen. It just dumbfounds me the entire cast went about putting this disaster together without one person going, "You know, shouldn't we at least get something right from the original movie?" Long-gone are the days of cool neon-aesthetic duel-outs with robots smashing ships into on another. We have the most bare-bones bullshit that's parading around as a sequel to a passion project of epic proportions. It's no wonder Del Toro isn't advertising this movie on Twitter. There's a part in the movie where they play the "Trololol" song as the Jaegars are flying away to fight. It was literally trolling it's audience.

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@filmtoaster I should read the reviews before hit play on this "movie". I lost 30 minutes of my live with this very bad plot driven. I don't even know how the movie ends and seriously I don't really care. This is the feeling left.

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Doctor Who Universe

I saw your awesome Doctor Who list and it helped inspire me to make my own!

Please check it out and give it a thumbs up and follow me!

The Definitive Doctor Who:

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@allonz Hi there, I am already following you. lol. Grad you like the list :)

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The Zero Theorem

Totally Ninja! The plot it's amazingly mind twister. Bloody love it!!!! 10/10 recommend but not everyone will understand fully.

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@taifumaster yes indeed, I've changed my mind mean while, but I'm still very well impressed with the funny perspective, pointed on this plot. :) I saw that u didn't like that much :P peace

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Wonder Woman

Shout by -A
BlockedParent2016-03-08T02:12:01Z— updated 2017-06-01T03:15:09Z

UPDATE: I saw a movie so beautiful I started crying™

Stop rating movies before you even know they are in production!!!

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@aag I guess trakt could set the rating on only when date >= than Premieres June 23, 2017

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Westworld: 1x10 The Bicameral Mind

I hope Ford faked his death with a Host version of himself.

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@konvar lol my very first thought!! Probably a programmed scene to the event. Remember quoting Ford "The piano doesn't murder the player if it doesn't like the music" grins

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Westworld: 1x09 The Well-Tempered Clavier

Always pay attention to the tiny little details, because it turns out, it's was the biggest clue of all. I had a feeling that Bernard was more than just a host, but damn! So that's why they didn't show us that photograph!

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@cloud_lightning when they showed the photo, it was from Bernard perspective, so he can't see him at the photo. ;) He was programmed to ignore some things, like the Door. I tought that was pretty clear, maybe u missed that.

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Westworld: 1x09 The Well-Tempered Clavier

Always pay attention to the tiny little details, because it turns out, it's was the biggest clue of all. I had a feeling that Bernard was more than just a host, but damn! So that's why they didn't show us that photograph!

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@cloud_lightning I guess u missed a point. That photo they showed to us like Bernard see, in other world, Bernard was programed to ignore some aspects, like the door in the house. Arnald was always there on this photo, he just can't see himself. What is much much more mysterious is the fact that his other robot was there in this photo. Some claim that this is his father in the photo, in that area of the park with the family was just a copy, of course that means that the boy it is a copy of Ford (but that's a theory).

You should pay very very attention to ford, since he know all about the park and after all, he build the entire park. "the piano does not kill the artist because of the music" <- this is very important, U will see on this next episode. ;)

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Westworld: 1x09 The Well-Tempered Clavier

Wow, that episode was insane! Each character in this show is outstanding and very sad next week is the finale! Going to have to wait so long for season 2 :(

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@thetrophymunchers will be a 90 minutes episode. ;) hbo promissed to explain it all

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Westworld: 1x08 Trace Decay

Maeve's plot is the best of the show yet.

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@rachelduncan Not totally sure about that. Much more deeper, in the whole sense of the series, Dolores it is the best in the plot so far. She's a totally mistery, with the maze and all what is it happening. Just my thoughts (with no spoilers) grins

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Westworld: 1x01 The Original

This is a top notch cast and an impressive production. The plot gets more and more evolving and mysterious as the episodes are released. The concept reaches the complex question of how much human a machine can be. AI and the complex question. For me 10/10 top Series that I recommend!!

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In fact the movies are not as detailed as is the story to be developed in the series. And I think it was a strategic move by the screenwriter. He took advantage of the lack of any argument to argue at his will. Yes, I also give you a similar vote. :) 1/10 equals 12 lol

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Arrow: 3x08 The Brave and the Bold (II)

Can you watch this episode without watching 'The Flash' and still understanding the story?

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Yes, but it's not the same :) that's why I am following both :)

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The Flash: 1x23 Fast Enough

Reply by André L

If Eddie killing himself erases RevFlash from the timeline, then who went back in time and killed Barry's mum? Who rigged the particle accelerator to explode and make the Flash? What put Eddie in the position that he felt he had to kill himself just then? Cisco, you're Vibe now. Explain this with movie references, because it does not make sense.

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Well this RevFlash was from the future and lived in his timeline the event, even if he dies for him, in his perspective there's no paradox. This is not RevFlash time travel to the past to change it, he was "trying" to build his future :)

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Victor Frankenstein

Start was really good, but then. . . too much of frankenstein last years.

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I totally agree with your comment :)

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