

Grand Island, New York


For me this film was a mixed bag.  It was cute on many levels and my kids seemed to enjoy it.  That said... I don't get why it needed to be that dark (and I LOVE dark movies).  I was more than a little surprised at the amount of violence against and by children.  I firmly subscribe to the Carline-eque notion that if your best argument is "what about the children" you don't have much of an argument.  However, this is a movie aimed at families and kids. 
I can't remember another movie where the message is that maybe you'll get magical powers to punish an adult and maybe someone will come along that will replace your awful family.

follow me at https://IHateBadMovies.com

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Owning Mahowny

A good portrayal of an interesting true story of a gambling addict. As always Hoffman rules. follow me at https://IHateBadMovies.com

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The main character (the awesome Tom Hardy) sees his life break down on a solo overnight car ride. A decent character study. follow me at https://IHateBadMovies.com

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Irrational Man

As Allen gets older he seems to be more... direct?... in getting to the philosophical or moral question that is at the heart of the film. Once he gets there it was a decent film with an interesting core. follow me at https://IHateBadMovies.com

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The Lobster

So the main character checks himself into an institution that forces the members to find a mate within x days or be turned into an animal of their choosing. Yeah, it's a very dark and unique comedy. That said... I fell asleep about an hour in. Still haven't finished it. I loved the beginning and then....


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Happy Christmas

A decent film but nothing that really jumps out at you (other than Anna Kendrick, of course).


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Irrational Man

As Allen gets older he seems to be more... direct?... in getting to the philosophical or moral question that is at the heart of the film. Once he gets there it was a decent film with an interesting core.


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Crime + Punishment

The story is amazing and inspiring. The delivery is just ok.

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The Rider

This film might not be the best that I've ever seen. However it is absolutely among the most extraordinary that I have ever seen (there is a difference). About 20 minutes in I was thinking that maybe the movie would not live up to all of the hype. There is a point in the film not long after that where it all clicks in and I see where it is all going. At that point I fell in and trusted that I was in good hands.

What might be the most amazing part of this .... experience.... is that I can't imagine how the director found this story and knew enough to use non-actors to tell it. If she tries to make this with actors it ends up being an after-school movie. Amazing.


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First Girl I Loved

At first this appeared to be a run-of-the-mill coming-of-age film. The film really developed a nice amount of depth and heart as it went along.


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Two Lovers

This film left a lot to be desired.  On the plus side Phoenix was excellent in playing a rather unbalanced character.  The really odd thing about the film is that it just felt like it was very low-grade.  In a way this film very much reminded me of The Rainmaker with Matt Damon.  That was a film that should have been better than it was and I would say the same about this film.


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The movie started off nicely and there was a nice build.  Somewhere toward the end it started to unravel a bit and the end felt rather unsatisfying.


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Sunset Song

Bleak but in a good way.


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Louder Than Bombs

Quiet, subtitle - very much like a good book.  For the mature movie watcher.  


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American Animals

The most interesting part of this film was the commentary based on the people that were really there.  In that sense it very much reminded me of the fantastic documentary "Evil Genius".


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This film was..... good.  It reminded me a lot of Game Night but that was definitely a better film.  This was worthwhile.


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Deadpool 2

Disclaimer:  I tend to lean toward indie movies and rarely watch Hollywood blockbusters in general and comic book movies in particular.  As many have pointed out this film was filled to the brim with one liners - some good, some not so good.  Is it corny at times?  Sure is.   Plot?  Not much of it. But you know what? I found myself smiling through the entire movie.  And I laughed hard and often.  

follow me at https://IHateBadMovies.com

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Taxing Love

This film was really a pleasant surprise. It’s hard to break new ground in the rom-com genre but I think this film did it. Sure, I’ve seen parts of this movie before – Stranger Than Fiction, Man Up, Love Actually – but I really enjoyed all of these films. I am tough to impress in this genre and I really enjoyed this film. In a couple of parts I laughed really, really hard – that’s something I rarely do while watching a film.


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Keep the Change

This is one of the best films that I have seen in a long, long time. There are soooo many different ways to dissect this film - I am not sure how well it really translates to a review. I found it fascinating to see the couple struggle to gain acceptance from the outside world and themselves. I found it fascinating to see that they struggle with slightly different (but mostly similar!) stuff that non-spectrum couples face. From start to finish, a masterpiece. Too often these kinds of films come off feeling like glorified after-school specials. This film is special.


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Robin Williams: Come Inside My Mind

This was fairly interesting. I think the main problem that the director had is that Williams himself isn't terribly interesting. In comparison with the recent doc on Gary Shandling this film comes up way short because there were so many layers to Shandling.

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Who We Are Now

A satisfying tale of redemption and the struggle to overcome. The last scene is excellent.


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Brad's Status

My glowing review of this film is very personal. While I don't relate to exactly what Brad is going through as a 40-something year old man with children and friends of varying quality I can definitely relate to a struggle. This film explored that struggle in a very unique and subtle way. Bravo. It isn't a great film but it is trying to tackle a very personal issue.

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Black Panther

As someone who is not a fan of Hollywood movies in general and comic book movies in particular I was floored by this film. Very, very impressive. This was a great movie that just happened to have a comic book hero backdrop.


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Hunt for the Wilderpeople

A charming little film. I agree with a previous review - it is probably a better version (definitely less tedious) of Up.


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Swinging Safari

This movie was really an unexpected gem. In a way it felt like a more modern and subtle version of Heathers. Much of the film was about trying to navigate the teen years while idiocy abounds. Unlike other movies in this space it didn't beat you over the head with it. It was just the right amounts of quirky, edgy and funny.


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Oh Lucy!

This was a charming little film with an amazing performance by the lead. Joy and despair are part of the human condition and this film does an amazing job at showing how despite our language and cultural differences we can are all humans. Well worth the time.


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A Late Quartet

This film was really a pleasant surprise and I don't know why it should have been. The cast is of course fantastic and they are as good as they expect them to be. Argh how I miss Hoffman. In a way this film reminded me of his fantastic film Doubt in that it very much reminds me of a play.


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For the most part this was an excellent. The only complaints about the film I had are fairly minor when compared to the overall film. First, the non-believers were mostly portrayed as undesirables and extremely immoral. The implication that a man of faith seemed to be the only person that had a moral compass available to him is really unfair and untrue. Second, at times when the film wanted to tackle a new question the scene setting just felt a bit too .... obvious. "Ok, we see what you are doing here".


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Wet Hot American Summer

I think the unique aspect of this film is that while spoofing so many other kinds of films it managers to avoid becoming exactly like so many other parodies that we've seen.

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Manson Family Vacation

This is one of those films that can be watched on a lot of different levels. Not my favorite film by any stretch of the imagination but I appreciated the different layers that the view can access if he wants to do a little work.


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