

Grand Island, New York

Rescue Me

I watch a TON of shows and movies, and this show is unlike anything that I can ever recall. While the show has a 9/11 backdrop, it is more about relationships and the difficulties with being a firefighter (and how those around them suffer). While the show is a comedy and is very funny at times, it works best as a drama. Every episode is at least "good", and it sometimes (especially in later seasons) ventured into the "great" category.

The show also did something that is very unique: it stuck the landing. The first few episodes of the final season were alright, but the last several were fantastic. And the finale.... perfect. It captured a little bit over everything that the show was about. I am going to miss those guys.

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Mad Men

This show might edge out Better Call Saul as my favorite show of all time. Not only was there not a bad episode, there wasn't even a bad scene. The depth of the characters and the portrayal of the social issues of the time are second to none. The final episode (and scene!) are perfect. I can't wait to watch it again (for the third time) in a few years.

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Game of Thrones
Remember WENN

This is a show that has a small but extremely loyal fan base online. The show pre-dated the likes of Mad Men and was never made available online for purchasing or viewing. To find it you have to do some searching and then ask the community moderator for access to the videos that have been privately collected (they are not in high definition, of course).

The first season is actually quite good and the second season probably peeks with the Christmas episode. There is a warm feeling that you get when watching many of the episodes, especially early on as you get to know the characters. Later on (as the series starts to feel more like a sitcom than a show with an arc) it really loses steam. At time of this writing I am in season 3 and I am probably done with the show. I wish that I was closer to the end so that I could finish the series but it is starting to feel like a chore to watch it.

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The show was best when it stuck to some kind of storylines. By season 3 it became formulaic - one one-liner after another. By season 3 it became tiresome and I bailed.

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State of the Union

Season 1 is very good, but everything outside of the last 2 episodes of season 2 is poor.

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I just finished this and I already miss it. At the heart of the show is a love story - I won't say more than that. It took a while to build but there is some fantastic character development that takes place over the arc of the story. I love when people tell a story in a way that is soooooo different than anything else. They took the premise (crappy sitcoms) and completely turned it on its ear. It doesn't hurt that the ending (and specifically, the final few seasons) are perfect.

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The Good Place: Season 4

A fitting ending for one of the most creative shows to hit public airwaves. It is still hard to believe that this show existed when you look at the idiocy that passes for comedy and storytelling in the shows with laugh tracks. The last three episodes are incredible.

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Top of the Lake

This show was a gigantic waste of talent. The big problem is that it didn't seem to know what it wanted to be. It was a drama without drama and a mystery without real mystery. It seemed to think that just because you have good actors and dramatic music playing there would be something magically dramatic and it just doesn't work that way. At no point was I invested in any of the characters and at no point did there ever really feel like there was a real mystery. The characters just kind of meandered through mediocre story lines. Season 2 did seem to have a better arc but it was still troubled by all of the above. It's such a shame to see Moss, Kidman and Hunter wasted in this way.

The contrast check out The Sinner to see how drama/mystery should be done.

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This show excels at showing how difficult it is to make a relationship last. It does this in a very brutal and honest way - at times it is fantastically cringe-worthy. I really appreciate how the children are pretty much non-existent in the show and the focus is on the main characters. I just finished the final episode and there is a great arc to the story. While I love the characters I am glad that they went out on a high note. Sometimes less is more.

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This show was a completely joy and I did not expect that it would reach the highs that it did. There is something to be said for these one-off series that allow the writer to drop the viewer right into the middle of the story without having to do character development. In fact, the opposite happens - the viewer gets to discover the character. Each show seemed to be better than the next with the culmination being an absolutely masterful (and emotional ending). I hope this makes it to American tv at some point for those that do not have alternative methods of finding this show.

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The Deuce

The best way that I can describe this show is that it is a more mature and advanced version of The Wire. While that show certainly had higher highs this show was consistently good from beginning to end and actually got better from one season to the next. And unlike The Wire it knew when its ending was and was able to finish the final season appropriately. The backdrop and the stories are fantastic. The finale..... one of the top 5 in the history of television. I loved it and will miss it terribly.

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State of the Union: Season 2

Despite the best efforts of Gleeson and Clarkson, this season was extremely disappointing. It did pick up with the last two episodes (especially the finale), but the rest of the season was at best mediocre.

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This was a fun little show. You can absolutely see Horgan cutting her teeth and Catastrophe was definitely an improvement over this show. Tanya Franks was definitely the best character of the lot. While there really weren't any bad episodes there weren't any great ones either.

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The Morning Show
Sharp Objects: Season 1

This show is a lifetime movie dressed up to be something more. The drama is achieved not by unraveling a mystery but by showing brief flashbacks from the main character's youth. The mystery is very much secondary, and quite honestly, I forgot about it most episodes. Instead, we find out more about.... the past. Maybe this isn't fair in that I was watching this at the same time I was watching Season 5 of Fargo. In that series, you see what what character development and mystery really are. If this series didn't have such fine actors, you would not be able to distinguish from a Lifetime movie. It looked nice and was well-acted, but everything else about it is sooooo amateurish.

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Apples Never Fall

I hate that these kinds of "mysteries" are being made now. You start with a story that - if told in chronological order - would have bored anyone to tears. You then take that story and tell it in two timelines so as to create completely unearned drama. It was pretty evident from the end of the first episodes that they were going to draw out the simple story by tossing out misdirection after poorly-executed misdirection. When you realize this fact, it was pretty easy to see how the "mystery" was going to end up. I hate this kind of storytelling because it isn't really telling a story or earning drama. Having watched Fargo just before this didn't help as that was a show that earned everything that it got.

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Mrs. Davis

This is a show that really swung for the fences. Unfortunately, as the series went on, it struck out more than it got a hit. It is kind of hard for me to understand where this all went wrong. On paper it seems as though there was an excellent premise, and Betty Gilpin is fantastic in the role. The first episode is EASILY the best of the series, and as it went on it just got goofier and goofier. Towards the end I think I was half watching because it so badly lost its way. I can't think of a show that took the kinds of chances that this show took - maybe Schmigadoon? I really wanted to say nicer things about the show.

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The Sinner

I've watched season 1 and season 2. I thought season 1 had the better story while season 2 might have actually been a little bit better if only because Carrie Coon had more to work with and is obviously a superior actor. It's a bit of an odd series in that they show you what happens right in the beginning and then actually work back from that. Bill Pullman does his best Bill Pullman in this series.

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Apples Never Fall

I hate that these kinds of "mysteries" are being made now. You start with a story that - if told in chronological order - would have bored anyone to tears. You then take that story and tell it in two timelines so as to create completely unearned drama. It was pretty evident from the end of the first episodes that they were going to draw out the simple story by tossing out misdirection after poorly-executed misdirection. When you realize this fact, it was pretty easy to see how the "mystery" was going to end up. I hate this kind of storytelling because it isn't really telling a story or earning drama. Having watched Fargo just before this didn't help as that was a show that earned everything that it got.

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Apples Never Fall

I hate that these kinds of "mysteries" are being made now. You start with a story that - if told in chronological order - would have bored anyone to tears. You then take that story and tell it in two timelines so as to create completely unearned drama. It was pretty evident from the end of the first episodes that they were going to draw out the simple story by tossing out misdirection after poorly-executed misdirection. When you realize this fact, it was pretty easy to see how the "mystery" was going to end up. I hate this kind of storytelling because it isn't really telling a story or earning drama. Having watched Fargo just before this didn't help as that was a show that earned everything that it got.

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Apples Never Fall

I hate that these kinds of "mysteries" are being made now. You start with a story that - if told in chronological order - would have bored anyone to tears. You then take that story and tell it in two timelines so as to create completely unearned drama. It was pretty evident from the end of the first episodes that they were going to draw out the simple story by tossing out misdirection after poorly-executed misdirection. When you realize this fact, it was pretty easy to see how the "mystery" was going to end up. I hate this kind of storytelling because it isn't really telling a story or earning drama. Having watched Fargo just before this didn't help as that was a show that earned everything that it got.

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Only Murders in the Building

Fairly mediocre and much less than it could have been. I bailed after the 6th episode.

  • Every now and then it made half-hearted attempts to drift back to the mystery.
  • Way too many scenes were simply Martin and Short just trying to be cute together. Very lazy writing
  • Gomez was given a lot of mediocre scenes when not with the old guys.

I am still shocked that this got the glowing reviews that it did

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Crashing: Season 1

I think of this show as training wheels for the ridiculously good Fleabag. At times it feels a bit like high school but you do get enough hints of the greatness to come.

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The Sinner: Season 1

I've watched season 1 and season 2. I thought season 1 had the better story while season 2 might have actually been a little bit better if only because Carrie Coon had more to work with and is obviously a superior actor. It's a bit of an odd series in that they show you what happens right in the beginning and then actually work back from that. Bill Pullman does his best Bill Pullman in this series.

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The Greatest Showman

The late, great comedian Patrice O'Neil used to say that he wished that he knew how to watch a film before he started watching the film. I think about this now and then when I watch a movie. In my head I am an armchair director and I want to take in the whole film. At times it really robs me of the enjoyment that I otherwise might have had.

I think that this film is a great example of me over-thinking. I probably spent half the film trying to figure out where they were going and if all of the events were true and.... stuff. And then I finally realized that the film wasn't so much about Barnum the man as it was about how so many of us struggle to escape our lot in life. It felt very much like a mix between Les Miserables and Rent. It might not be the best film ever made but by the end I was smiling and I felt like the whole experience was worthwhile.


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Free Solo

Besides the obvious draw of the film (oh my freaking god I can’t believe he climbed the rock without ropes) there really was a lot of meat on the proverbial bone in this film. I spent much of the film assuming that he was simply an adrenaline junkie only to realize later on that this was not true. The director did a fantastic job slow-playing this story line as it isn’t towards the end that you get a better feel for what makes him tick.

The second most interesting theme in the film is the relationship between the climber and his girlfriend. What does he owe her? What is right for her to expect from him? Once again this director avoided did a great job to not portray her as a sobbing puppy and instead focused on the nature of their relationship. Some of his statements about the relationship will really grab you.

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Past Lives

I don't say this about very many movies, but this one is a movie for people that like good movies. It is a fascinating and sometimes heartbreaking tale about two people who are in each other's orbit yet are still so very far away from each other. The viewer completely feels the longing that they both had, and I think that the fact that the resolution never seems to be in doubt makes it all that much more heartbreaking. It is so close, but....

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Dream Scenario

Oh how I wanted to love this movie, but I just couldn't get there. Cage continues his late-career surge and does a fantastic job in this role. But the movie starts to sputter in the middle and by the end it felt kind of stale. This felt like a mediocre attempt at an extended Black Mirror episode.

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I spent the first half of this movie comparing it to the movie Timer before realizing that the device used in the movie is metaphorical. In a vacuum, I like the use of the device to show how people want to take shortcuts to an end. The problem I have is that the movie is too slow of a burn given the payoff. I wanted to like it more than I did because I love the three leads so much.

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