


The Last of Us: 1x07 Left Behind

Jeez, the snowflaky reactions of straight white men because not every single episode and narrative centres them - anything deviating from that priority is apparently "woke". Get over yourselves, you egomaniacal bigots.

Anyway, another great episode that nicely expanded Ellie's backstory - bonus points for the Mortal Kombat II appreciation, too :nerd:

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American Horror Story: 10x07 Take Me To Your Leader

OK so the second act is being enjoyably batshit from the off.

Also, to the other commentors, kindly fuck off with your homophobia and idiotic "woke trash" dismissal - honestly don't see what was so 'woke' about this episode.

Besides, a decade in, you should know what you're getting with this show.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 3x13 Mayday

Oh man, I unexpectedly lost it when Rita landed safely in freedom and was reunited with Emily/OfGlen. It'll be interesting to see where things go next season for all the handmaids since I can't see how it won't be carnage/a lot of draconian punishments.

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The Walking Dead: 9x12 Guardians

While the Whisperers are a cool idea, the more I think about them, the more they don't stand up to scrutiny. We've seen in previous seasons that to go undetected by the dead, people have to smuther themselves in guts thus implying the dead work on some sense of smell. The Whisperers don't do this, they merely pop on a dried out face of a dead person and somehow the actual dead are supposedly convinced the living person is a dead person. It's at the level of Superman hiding his identity by putting on a pair of specs.

Furthermore, I realise the show has been often criticised for lack of character development but, honestly, I couldn't give a shit about this Rosita/Gabe/Sadiq "love triangle with added baby". I think it does the greatest disservice to Rosita who, from what little previous development she's had over all these years, has always been a fiery character, so to see her potentially be made into some incredibly boring mother character is irritating.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 3x13 That Hope Is You (2)
The Handmaid's Tale: 3x09 Heroic

I don't have an issue with lowkey bottle episodes, which this definitely was, but there were such flaws in this general setup. Why would they leave June, a woman who has repeatedly shown herself to be rebellious and against everything Gilead stands for, left unsupervised with ofMatthew and her unborn child? Children are surely the most precious thing to Gilead, so to have no-one in the room with June seemed like a contrivance to allow her to do the things she did this episode.

Also, on a fundamental level, I don't understand how (what looked like) a gunshot injury to ofMatthew's shoulder rendered her brain dead.

This show is definitely on a bit of a messy downward spiral of late, which is a shame. It feels meandering with no overarching narrative direction. It's lucky the production values and cast are so terrific. Hopefully things will turn around for the season's closing episodes.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6x01 Missing Pieces

Shout by Elliot
BlockedParent2019-02-04T12:48:47Z— updated 2019-05-08T16:34:36Z

Much as I love this show, I will never understand people rating stuff before they've seen it. Currently unaired and yet already 7 people have rated it; really helpful, guys. >_<

Edit: 3 months after my initial comment and 13 people have now rated it before it's aired. FFS.

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The Morning Show: 2x10 Fever

Another great season but this felt oddly anti-climatic for a season finale.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 3x06 Household

The end of this episode was a bit ridiculous, imo. Serena and June having an audible spat by the Lincoln Memorial, where the acoustics would surely help carry their raised voices to the 100s of gathered handmaidens and assorted soldiers/cameramen at the foot of the steps, stretched the level of believability somewhat.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 3x02 Far from Home

Michelle Yeoh is just so damn good in every scene she's in. She was an excellent bit of casting. This was a really fun episode and so far I'm loving this season.

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The Walking Dead: 10x15 The Tower

A typical wheel-spinning pre-finale episode that was pretty enjoyable. I'm sure many will hate her but I kinda enjoyed the new character Princess; she has a chaotic comic relief feel to her that I think is kinda needed amongst all the weekly moping and brooding.

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The Expanse: Season 4

While I agree with other comments that this season felt a little filler like, it was still great TV, so I find it ridiculous there are people seriously rating this 2/10 -- no way is this "terrible" TV.

Looking forward to season 5.

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x09 Võx

Was that ending just pure and utter fan service? Yes. Do I remotely care? No.

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Killing Eve: 2x02 Nice and Neat

Terrific episode - I loved how it was almost like a mini horror film thanks to that creepy guy Villanelle met at the supermarket.

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The Haunting of Hill House: Season 1

A great series with some terrific visuals and scares, it's just a real shame that they didn't quite stick the finale for me. The last half of episode 10 seemed to tonally shift in the wrong direction and I don't think it capitalised enough on the malevolent events and creepy spirits it had shown throughout the first 9 episodes, which were all excellent in my opinion. Always a shame when the payoff doesn't meet the build up and I feel that's what happened here, even though I thoroughly enjoyed it overall.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 3x11 Su'Kal

In contrast to most of the other comments, I thought this was a really great episode. I loved the whole sequence of developments with Michael, Saru, and Hugh on the planet; terrific graphics for the creature, too. I enjoyed the protective but glitching computer holograms that our group kept encountering.

My only real gripe with this episode was the solidifying of Tilly's recent promotion, which still doesn't really sit right with me bearing in mind all the other higher grade officers on board Discovery. I know she's proven herself to be a capable and competent member of the team but she doesn't have the nerve I would argue to be a good Number 1 - it's also why I think she doesn't really work in the mirror Terra universe. Don't get me wrong, I actually like her character/the actress but I don't think this development quite works; I would like to think it gets undone for season 4.

On a different note, I'm not quite sure what Adira's plan was beyond "potential suicide mission to bring more medication"; seemed a bit cavalier. Still, I'm excited to see how the story continues next week.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 3x04 Forget Me Not

After a good run of episodes so far this season, this one was quite blah. I haven't warmed to this Adira character so I was disappointed that at the end of the episode, when given the chance to stay with the Trill, she returned to Discovery instead. I'm also not a fan of kid/young adult actors in general, so the fact this was an Adira-centric episode made it even less appealing to me, combined with the fact that she's a new character who I really don't care about...to say nothing about her boyfriend.

I hope this was just a blip in an otherwise good season. I did enjoy the scenes onboard Discovery, at least, but they were too few in number to make the episode a good watch.

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Killing Eve: 4x01 Just Dunk Me

Watchable because of the excellent cast but it definitely feels a shadow of its former self.

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Schitt's Creek: 5x08 The Hospies

Shout by Elliot
BlockedParent2019-02-27T15:07:52Z— updated 2019-02-28T22:05:45Z

Hide your diamonds, hide your exes, I'm a little bit Alexis

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The 100: 7x15 The Dying of the Light

Good episode but it really made no sense to me that Octavia didn't shoot Madi at the end there - Clarke had said her goodbye and was ready to let Madi go...but then they all up and leave her "locked in" her own mind with nobody around to help her. I think it also undermined Clarke's emotional farewell and Octavia's noble gesture - the Shepherd having the code didn't change the fact that Madi was a medical lost cause and it was the humane thing to shoot her, especially as it would have delayed them by mere seconds. I can only presume that Madi is going to make a miraculous recovery otherwise it really was a dumb thing to abandon her like that.

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Homeland: 8x10 Designated Driver

Great episode....except it struck me as rather unbelievable that the suicide car at the end reached the bus despite a large amount of (supposedly trained!?) US troops shooting at it. It's not like it was a reinforced car, just a rust bucket.

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Killing Eve: 4x08 Hello, Losers

I enjoyed the first half of this episode but the Big Bad of The 12 ended up being a total non-event of faceless nobodies, to say nothing of Villanelle being killed in the final minute.

Like others have said, the people behind this show squandered a terrific first season and an excellent cast to bring us a steep decline in quality. The small blessing is that it ended after 4 seasons rather than dragging it out for longer.

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The Walking Dead: 11x11 Rogue Element

Sufficiently intriguing episode. I find it odd how they've restyled Princess and softened her quirkiness, which is a shame. I still like her (probably because of Paola Lázaro's likeable performance) but I feel they've made her more forgettable since they joined the Commonwealth.

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Supernatural: 15x20 Carry On

This was quite a let down. So Dean battles countless demons, vampires, deities, literal God and the Devil...and he gets got by a rusty spike in an old barn?? I wouldn't say it was on the level of Game of Thrones bad; this finale was more a weak effort rather than terrible. Mind you, the final season has been a bit so-so, with the second half being particularly sub par. The concept of them all ultimately ending up in Heaven is a nice one, although arguably unnecessary for the show's finale; the fact they did this feels a bit "and that's that, guys, we're not having any spin-offs or films". Personally, I think they'd have been better off fleshing out and properly crafting last week's plot across a double episode and giving it chance to breathe, while also bringing back a few familiar faces like Crowley and Rowena to help see off Chuck, who I feel were sorely missed from the show's final outing(s).

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Yellowjackets: 1x10 Sic Transit Gloria Mundi

This has been a consistently great watch and really looking forward to season 2. If I have one criticism it's that I wish that we'd had a little more of the darker forces / supernatural elements running throughout, as the opening scene of episode one felt quite removed from much of this (albeit terrific) first season.

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Pose: 3x03 The Trunk

Loved this episode. The House of Abundance's debut was iconic and it was so fun to see Candy again.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 3x08 The Sanctuary
RuPaul's Drag Race: 11x10 Dragracadabra

I'm sorry but Shuga should not have been in the bottom two, let alone be the one to be sent home. She may have been overshadowed by Brooke Lynn and Nina but she was still on the winning team and did a good job, and her runway was solid even if the reveals gave diminishing returns. The fact Ru put her in the bottom felt a little contrived, tbh. Personally, even though she was excellent last week, I'd have been inclined to put Akiria in the bottom two since her performance was underwhelming and her runway wasn't even a kaftan! At least Yvie and Silky (ugh) had great runway looks, even if they were similarly weak in the challenge.

That aside, I really enjoyed the main and mini challenge and loved all the jokes between the judges. Great episode.

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Grey's Anatomy: 15x20 The Whole Package

Bailey: "Karev did something better than us..."
Webber: "...and he can never know!"

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House: 8x22 Everybody Dies

Fab finale of a superb show. I know they parted ways on bad terms but I was still kinda hoping we'd see Cuddy one last time.

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