


Question Time: 46x18 30/05/2024

Weak panel and to have the two thundercunts that are Piers Morgan and Nigel Farage on the same show...terrible decision. The BBC needs to stop inviting that grifting bigot Farage on so much.

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CSI: Vegas: 3x10 Tunnel Vision

I think it’s a pity this show has been cancelled. It’s a good cast and feels a solid continuation of the original run. I was a little less of a fan of the third season’s extended narrative, rather than standalone cases, but it still deserved to continue. Maybe it’ll get a second chance…

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Question Time: 46x15 09/05/2024

God, the discussion around Israel and Gaza was terrible. As usual, it was heavily weighted to sympathy for Israel deaths on October 7th (nobody ever talks about what prompted the attack October 7th) and a downplaying or glossing over of murdered Palestinians. If 1,000 deaths justifies 34,000 deaths in retaliation, what does 34, 000 deaths justify? Is a 34-fold escalation really a proportionate response by a nation merely "defending" itself? Grace was the only good panellist here.

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Gladiators: 1x01 Episode 1

Shout by Elliot
BlockedParent2024-05-11T11:18:54Z— updated 2024-05-19T21:37:15Z

Terrific fun and a really honest continuation of the original series. The vibe was fun but still competitive. I think my only criticsm is the presence of Barney Walsh, which just smacks of nepotism. I think Bradley Walsh is not a bad choice for presenter but they ought to have picked someone else for the second choice, someone with a different energy to bounce off, and preferably a woman.

On a different note, it's sad to see yet another innocuous TV show on here plagued by dipshits with a victim mentality having to moan about "woke" or "PC" stuff, even when it's not present.

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The Hotel Inspector: 19x06 Billy Andy's

Kind of a boring episode and, for the life of me, I can’t see how that guy runs a successful interior design business. He didn’t seem remotely creative and the interiors of the pub/hotel were bland and boring.

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24 Hours in A&E: 12x09 You Raise Me Up

Monica was a right sweetheart

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The Joy of Painting: 8x11 Mountain Range

Good painting but Steve is not remotely as charming as his dad; he's kinda boring.

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24 Hours in A&E: 11x07 Lonely Hearts

While admirable that he was on the right side of history (to some extent), I had to laugh when Leigh claimed there was no racism back when he, a white child as part of a white family in the heart of Zimbabwe in (I guestimate) the 1940s/50s, was living there. Indeed, racism is famously a modern invention as part of the ~wOkE~ movement.

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Astrid: Murder in Paris: 2x01 Starling

Another enjoyable episode except for how Coste was written. I hope it’s just a blip but she was written as if she was a fairly dim witted cop, whereas in season one she was very much a clever cop but one that tended to push boundaries and challenge authority.

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Astrid: Murder in Paris: 1x05 Fulcanelli

“You are my thimble” oh

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Space: 1999: 1x24 The Last Enemy

A rather weak finale that was very surface level. The ruse at the end was quite enjoyable but there was no exploration of why the conflict was happening.

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Father Brown: 7x10 The Honourable Thief

Flambeau episodes are always a season highlight but this one is also a great 'Scooby Gang' episode. Lots of fun.

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Alfred Hitchcock Presents: 7x26 Ten O'Clock Tiger

Some great lines in this one (“he hasn’t even got enough brains to have a headache”) but kinda wild that one of the horses was called ‘Molest-Me-Not’ :skull:

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Space: 1999: 1x06 Voyager's Return

Contrivance of all contrivances to have the designer of the problematic technology you’ve come across hidden amongst your ranks. Pretty weak and uninteresting story.

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Condemned to Live

"Hurry up! Don't let the flies in!" :laughing:

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My Life Is Murder: 2x08 Hidden Gems

What a pleasant surprise to see Bill Bailey unexpectedly guest star in this episode, not to mention another The Tribe alum.

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Beck: 9x04 Deadlock

A solid end to the current season of Beck and one that was eerily prescient with the sad passing of long-standing cast member Ingvar Hirdwall, as the episode ends with his character, Grannen, informing Beck he’s moving out due to health considerations.

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The Avengers: 5x24 Mission... Highly Improbable

A rather frivolous episode that relies more on the charms of its dynamic duo than a well-plotted story - there are rather a lot of contrivances and some plot holes here and there - but it remains an enjoyable episode, and Ronald Radd is fun as Shaffer. Not the strongest note to serve as the iconic Emma Peel's last episode proper - the previous episode, Murdersville, was a much stronger affair on every front and was Emma-centric, too - but still good fun.

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Law & Order: Organized Crime: 4x02 Deliver Us from Evil

Was great to see Tamara Tunie this episode and was a lovely moment between Warner and Stabler. Hope she appears in future episodes.

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Father Brown: 11x05 The Father, The Son

Strongest episode of the season so far, likely because it largely relied on the well-established and likeable character of Flambeau, and John Light always has great chemistry with Mark Williams.

I had hoped that Mrs Devine's relationship with Inspector Sullivan had finally hit the skids (and that she therefore might make an exit at the end of this season) but it seems my hopes were shortlived.

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Question Time: 46x03 25/01/2024

Weakest panel in a while. Bronwen Maddox seemed pretty sensible and the best of a bad lot, while Sonia Sodha's comments were fairly normal despite being a massive transphobe - lucky for her that topic didn't come up, I guess. But Jon Ashworth is a rather insipid Labour MP who seems to toe the party line with shallow comments and lacks sincerity, then you had a faceless and deluded Tory MP in Alex Burghart making his underwhleming debut defending the indefensible, i.e. the Tory Party's record in power these past 14 years, who were all rounded off by the hard-right gobshite that is Konstantin Kisin. Hoping next week's lineup is an improvement.

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Red, White & Royal Blue

God, I’m such a sucker for a well done (and slightly cheesy) queer romcom.

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Daria in 'Is It College Yet?'

While arguably not entirely necessary as the series finale, “Boxing Daria”, rounded up the television series well, it was nice to have one last extended visit with the gang and see them take their first steps out of the High School bubble.

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Law & Order: 23x01 Freedom of Expression

This was a rather cartoonish spin on some of the tensions that have arisen off the back of the current situation in Gaza. This show usually handles these things better but this was quite a weak story combined with a weak guest cast.

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Question Time: 46x02 18/01/2024

Hashi Mohamed was a great panellist, I hope he'll be back on again soon.

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FBI: 5x22 Torn

This started off seeming like it’d be a good episode with an interesting case but the heavy-handed inclusion of the “struggling with my faith” story was tedious and eye-roll worthy.

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The Avengers: 5x11 Epic

The story is one only The Avengers could pull off. Campy and surreal, it doesn't hold up to much strutiny but it's a lot of fun and Isa Miranda and Peter Wyngarde are terrific as the faded movie stars contractually obliged to do the bidding of their unhinged director.

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Alfred Hitchcock Presents: 7x02 Bang, You're Dead

Surprisingly tense episode but also highlights how long America has been obsessed with guns that this show did an “awareness” episode like this.

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Daria: 3x01 "Daria!" - The Musical

Musical episodes are always divisive (just look at the recent one on Star Trek: New Worlds) but I thought this was pretty successful and a fun “alternative” episode.

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Daria: 3x04 Depth Takes a Holiday

A misfire of an episode from a usually consistent series. The setup was too wacky and the jokes just weren't really there for this one.

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