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What We Do in the Shadows 2019

This show just chuckles me up. The cast is awesome ... they have bumbling down to an art. I hope this is a series that sticks around for a while

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This series is soooooooo LOL! I love it!!
I still haven't watched the movie but Somehow I'm convinced that it is the exact opposite :joy::joy:

I've just started watching season 3 and HOLY SHIIIITTT things have changed :eyes::eyes: (It's just episode 1 lol)

Congratulations to the cast and crew. Thank you sooo much for making me laugh so hard :heart:

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This is the best. Every episode is unique and funny. Great cast and great cameos.

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Funny series full of WTFs hahaha
I just feel bad for Guillermo...

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My all time favorite faux documentary series with a dark humorous look into an all new creative take on the lives of Vampires in the modern world. This stands out to me as the gold standard of comedic satire. One of the few cases of a series out shining its source material while staying connected to it.

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Mockumentary at it’s finest.
Hilarious! The cast is fun. Great energy.

Don’t binge it all at once!

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Consistently hilarious with a great cast and some shocking moments.

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Expands on everything that made the film so special, creative and hilarious sequel of sorts.

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Bat! I love Matt Berry.

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I wasn't convinced the show would be good from some clips I saw on YouTube but gave it a shot anyway. It has ended up being one of my favourite comedies so far, but it's hard to explain why. It's kind of like The Office, but with more creative freedom to play with the supernatural.

The characters are all hilarious in their own ways, but my favourite has to be the energy vampire Colin Robinson portrayed by Mark Proksch, basically playing as himself. Watching the others doing Q&A panels can be kind of awkward and painful, but it's evident that Mark is a comedic genius. Season 2 of the show also has a crazy amount of surprising cameos as well.

I gave the movie a watch as well since its popularity is what led to the existence of this show, and I'm probably in the minority when I say that I think the show is much better. The movie was alright, but it just doesn't seem like my style of humour, maybe it's just too smart for me.

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I love this show. My favorite vampire, is the energy vampire, he cracks me up! Lol!

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A really wacky but funny comedy that uses all of its characters equally to tell a separate but overarching story for each season. I appreciate that every character also changes each season based on what happened to them and the addition of other supporting characters.

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My new fave show...seen the film ages ago...but this actually is better than the film ...every character shines Matt is outstanding...followed him from the I T Crowd...

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  • Story 3/5
    • Comedy 4/5
  • Characters 5/5
  • Depth 3/5
  • Cast 5/5
  • Artistry 4/5
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What We Do In the Shadows has been one of my favorite movies for a long time, so when I saw there was a series made I was a little nervous since TV series made from shows are usually very pale imitations. This incarnation however, is a perfect extension! Produced by the same people and in the same style, it's great fun. Each character has a different personality and brings their own fun to each episode.

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As someone who enjoyed the movie and is a fan of Matt Berry and creator Jemaine Clement, this series has been extremely disappointing. I quit watching after the first three episodes because of how boring and unfunny it was. Weeks later, I came back to finish the rest of the season, thinking maybe it would be better, but nope.

I feel like the writers didn't feel like they had to write any actual jokes because they figured the premise (of a vampire documentary) would be funny enough. It plays out like a poorly improvised comedy, rather than a well-written one. It just feels extremely lazy and a big waste of time.

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Unfortunately this show just seems like a quick cash grab motivated by the success of the movie. It watches like a cheap imitation.

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Shout by Kim

I've never seen the movie, but I have to now after watching this series. I'm finding it to be a funny parody mockumentary of these vampires. Overall, I'm just really enjoying the show.

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got sooo excited when i heard this was coming. hope there are cameos! :smiling_imp:

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Just really, really funny. Dumb, but hilarious, and the most reliable laugh out loud moments I can think I’ve seen in a long time. Shoutout to every line reading Matt Berry ever does.

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So just found the movie to this, was pleasantly surprised but the show is way better. I hope to see this show continue for many years.

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Couldn't really get into the movie but this show is hilarious. Definitely something you can just throw on and have some laughs at. I'm only 5 episodes in.

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Three of the finest comic actors doing their thing and doing it brilliantly. Matt Berry at the very top of his game. An absolute joy in every way.

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Never seen the movie but this show is something. Really liking it

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Extremely talented and sweet. Had enormous pleasure of watching it. Laughter is king.

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This a case similar to reading and loving a book and then being overly critical of the movie adaption. The movie is so smart and effortlessly funny that it's still fresh 5+ watches in. However, I couldn't make it through the first episode without taking breaks. I definitely think my expectations were too high and if I gave it a chance by watching more episodes it might improve and I could eventually connect...but right now I need to take a break and come back when I'm feeling less biased :)

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Don't see why people are hateimg the newer seasons the hilarious its been announced season five and six are coming soon

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Trash show. Amateur and lame comedy. Nothing hilarious about this at all. I haven't laughed out not even once. A few slight giggles here and there but that was it! And I got into this with high hopes after reading all these over hyped and glorifying comments. I thought this was going to be some ingenious humor. It's like a teenager that just discovered sex had written it.

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The movie this is based on is one of my favorite comedies. And I would dare to say this show is even better. Every cast member is hilarious, and having seen IT Crowd and Four Lions I already love Matt Berry and Kayvan Novak. On top of it there are plenty of cameos of equally funny people. I have watched 12 episodes so far and none of them has disappointed (besides maybe the pilot, naturally).

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