Review by Deleted
BlockedParent2020-08-23T12:20:22Z— updated 2020-09-13T13:55:06Z

I think what this show does is pretty much unheard of? An adaptation of a film which takes place in the same universe with an entirely different cast of characters, made in another country, but by the same original creators. And it's not just good, it's not even just on par with the movie... I think, at points, it's probably better.

The first season certainly borrowed a lot of beats from the film, and even Nandor felt a bit too familiar at times (he initially struck me as a combination of Taika and Jermaine's original characters), but it still retained its own identity. By the time the second season rolls around, though, the Shadows series has really stretched its legs and transformed into its own manic beast. The plots are much more original and fun, and I can't stress how perfect the casting and writing is for the characters (especially Nadja and Lazlo. Every time they open their mouths, it's inspired). Unfortunately the latter half of the second season starts to shift in a different direction, which I can only describe as less funny. That's a very subjective criticism but something in the writing definitely changes (as things do when a comedy starts getting more wacky) and it just becomes a show I'm less amused by.

Still, for the most part at least I've been very happy and impressed by my time with this show. The only thing left I could ask from it is that the creators have the strength to end it once they feel the idea has run its course. Personally I probably won't check out season 3 because it already feels like they're kinda running out of ideas, and it would be a shame to see this one peter out into mediocrity.

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