Damn they needed to stuff that kid' mouth with something before going outside. Also, while it was mature of Carl to cover for that piece of shit Ron, I feel like he's going to regret it. Jessie is really unfortunate in the children department, isn't she. Oh and I'm giving up on Morgan. I manage to swallow down his idealistic, deeply flawed philosophy, but when he fucking extends it to others, don't just don't kill himself but stop others from doing it and actively sides with a fucking enemy, it's just unacceptable and beyond understanding. When it's not only his life at risk, he has no right to make that decision. So yeah, regardless of his mad skills with a stick, he doesn't belong in Rick' group. All in all, a great episode, but a bit underwhelming for a mid season finale.

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Shout by Jorge

The impulsive stubborn stupidity of Carol will get kill the rest of the community.

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I understand Morgan's point of view because of his backstory, but COME ON that guy ALREADY SAID he was gonna kill. I loved Eastman but how can he save everyone? The fact that he thinks NO ONE EVER needs to die is so flawed.

Also that fucking kid LMAO I knew he was gonna mess things up, he just LOOKS like the type of motherfucker to talk AT THE MOST CRITICAL MOMENT. He's scared, but he should just follow everyone else's lead and not talk.

Father Gabriel is surprisingly less annoying because he's compliant now, but Jessie's kids are really freaking annoying. That other kid that's supposed to be around Carl's age - does he not have any common sense? Trying to kill Carl AT THE EXACT MOMENT the walkers are attacking. Really, boy, REALLY???!? He put them all in danger by smashing that glass. His dad abused him and he still protects him, I mean I don't know much about psychology but the kid's an idiot.

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Oh man, the group is in a terribly dangerous position. Just hope Sam doesn't mess it up

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wow , what a episode ...cant wait for more

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Shout by Jacob P

Carol V Morgan was epic, the ending scene was epic and the post-credit confrontation was also epic. I've heard about Negan being a fan-favourite so looking forward to meeting him!

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i think im starting to like father gabriel :flushed::flushed:

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This episode was just awesome

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This was the episode that made me hate quite a lot of characters. I already hated some before, but now I'm sure about the rest. Why were so many characters this episode so fucking stupid? I really liked Morgan for a bit, but now...ever since he started this whole "all life is sacred" bullshit... Then he is even willing to fight Carol to defend an absolute psychopath?! I say fuck Morgan. What carl did is pretty much just as bad as when Glenn spared Nicolas. I already hated both of Jessi's sons, but now I just want both of them gone. I already hated Eugene, and I hate that little bitch Glenn was trying to talk to whatever her name is. After all the bullshit the main characters have been through, why do they all of the sudden seem to have so much patience for this shit? This is turning out to be the worst season ever! Carol is probably the only character left on the show that I trust to make the right decision and do what is needed to survive. Everyone else seems to have their head up their ass.

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I really liked this episode. Especially the parts with Deanna. Best episode so far this season.

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Shout by Nimazaki

Ron, you fucking bitch... :) and Morgan is such an idiot!!! now is not the time for your bullshit! All life is precious, okay, but that asshole is a vicious murderer, how stupid are you??? if you don't want to kill him just step aside, you don't have to force your Aikido stuff on other people!

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Expected more...
And I dont think Carl would have been that big of a loss for the show

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Shout by Si_Crazy

As far as TWD mid-season finales goes, this was so disappointing... Characters that acted stupid or OOC, and others being annoying,
I was bored most of the time... and it's such a big contrast considering that season 6A had 4 AMAZING episodes, and 4 LAME ones.... Hopefully 6B will be able to balance it better

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Jeez... Eugene is so pathetic!

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Shout by Jim222001

Morgan's previous episode where he met a man who made him want to change was good stuff. Too bad he is like a terrorist who misinterpreted the lessons of Muhammad. He no matter what thinks he can change an arrogant jerk killer and puts many lives at risk.
So he went from a favorite to a "kill him" just in one episode.

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Shout by itachi

It looks like TWD wants us to hate as many characters as possible..

Rick : can be annoying when he wants
Carl : Always annoying, of course. And take that stupid hat off
Judith : We don't really know her yet, BUT, she's crying a lot. Already.

Morgan : makes bad choices
Glenn : I love you.
Carol : Wants to be a badass but doesn't really impress me at all.
Daryl : I love you too but don't be too kind to others. Otherwise... well you know.
Maggie : you're fine.

Michonne : good fighter, keep it up
Sasha : she has her head back on her shoulders. Good.
Tara : she's sweet

Eugene : Scared. Always Scared. Sigh
Rosita : ok but not really important (not yet)
Abraham : Though dude but don't get fucked up

Gabriel : he's doing better but used to be f*cking annoying :)

All the people from Alexandria : ok.
Except : Nicholas (now dead, finally), Enid (stop saying shit all day long plz), Ron (same for you), Sam (Die plz)

Conclusion :

Many characters are annoying. But I still watch this TV show. Don't ask me why

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I thought Deanna was eating Judith. That was a great shock.

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Mid season finale episode? you fucking kiddingme? Morgan youre so STUPID

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Jessie is the worst mother. What the hell has she been doing while Son 1 is out to murder because someone stole his girlfriend and Son 2 is losing his fucking mind...?

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WTF! Even the priest is more reasonable than Morgan now

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yea... So if you are seening the trap, you'll go right in, because why not? Right?

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uuff, de mal en peor.

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This is really weak for a mid-season finale

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The most boring episode ever... It took me like 15 mins to what whole episode (skip, skip, skip,s...) Annoying kids, pointless talks, and predictable events including this right before end where this kid starts MOMing around...

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disappointed with this midseason finale.... :/

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The only thing I hated to like is that's pretty clear some kiddo is going to screw things up next episode...
The rest of it, I'd say: painfully obvious. Just the good ol' cliff-hanger without many surprises.

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Can't wait till Rick get a hold of Morgan.
Can't believe that dude. He turned out to be a big disappointment. Great episode.

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Shout by Deleted

Man do I hate Morgan each episode a little more sigh

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Shout by austin

They saved a good set up episode as the midseason finale. Way too anti-climatic

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That metaphor at the beginning with the ants streaming in through the window was fantastic.

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"Dolor hic tibi proderit olim."

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