Dammit Morgan, why did you turn from everyone's favorite to peace-loving hippie who can't read situation?

This must be the most cliche moment in TWD this season: stupid teen getting too emotional and messing up (Ron), dumb kid being scared and making loud noise (Ron's brother), and some idealist (Morgan) insisting on his ideals--all of them risking the lives of other survivors.

This first half of season 6 seems to miss the opportunity to build upon the group dynamics to a more interesting twist. In the start of this season, on one hand we have the hot-blooded Rick, leader of the survivors who have went through hell and back, dare to risk anything for the safety of his group. On the another hand we have the de jure leader of peaceful community Deanna, who have never seen the horrors of TWD's world. And on the another additional hand we also have Morgan, the guy who have survived insanity, traveled alone with his newly-founded unorthodox ideal.

We have a hard-boiled survivor vis-a-vis naive unexperienced leader, with a fellow survivor--who has a very different outlook on life--in between. The season did a good job in the first four episodes portraying this.

But by the end of the mid-season, Deanna's leadership simply returns to Rick and Morgan has become nothing more than eccentric guy who seem to give more trouble than counter-balancing Rick's brash and heavy risk-taking leadership. And in the process a lot of people died... died too clichely to give way for Rick to his leadership. And as Rick take the leader role once again, we're presented with another opportunist hostile stranger groups (The Wolves) who always have no purpose than raiding the groups--just another trouble to make the groups life more difficult. Not much characterization, not much to have sympathy for.

And I like the throwback to Season 1's zombie disguise (and other throwback in previous episodes), but in this episode it just seems off. It seems to lack the tense, the breath-taking risk that it had back in Season 1. It feels like it's guaranteed the plan must fail to certain extent--and that failure is caused by none other than Alexandrians naivities.

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