Shout by chair

Wasn't surprised by Glenn' being alive. They wouldn't have let one of the old characters to go down with no heroics involved and with pretty much no one there to tell the tale and to emotionally react to their death. I feared though that him getting away will seem too unbelievable and far-fetched and therefore cheapen the show, but they managed to make it look decent enough. To be honest there weren't any surprising moments in that episode at all. We knew Spenser was an impulsive idiot. We knew that Ron is a self-obsessed brat with messed up priorities and wanted to practice a gun with at least on of the Grimes as his target. We also knew that Morgan won't be able to hide his pet wolf forever. And throughout the episode it became pretty obvious that the tower is going to fall. But that's the beauty of Walking dead. They grow tension even better than shock with suddenness. Great episode.

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Nice episode! Happy Glenn didn't die but it made no sense the way he survived...

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I really liked this episode. Finally, the action is picking up again (though I liked the last ones, too).
The balloon scene was cool, but I'd have liked the effect better if we had NOT known that they came from Glenn and Enid.

Tbh, I'm more worried about Ron right now than I am about that tower.

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Shout by Jacob P

Not sure what Spencer was thinking... thank god for Tara I guess!

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Shout by Jacob P

I was very surprised by Glenn's fake death... Enid gets on my nerves! The ending was awesome!

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so happy glenn survived! euphoria

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Shout by Deleted

I knew Glenn is not dead
(via TV Blaze for WP)

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Shout by Jorge

Hope Rick is over with his anger against God soon, it is pointless and just make you live like in Hell without being dead first.

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Shout by TehDoct0r

There was a lot to like about this episode. Everyone but Rick realizing that they needed to start to "bring along" the Alexandria people was interesting, those same people proving that Rick is right to be afraid (the chick watching the supplies, the idiot trying to repel over a group of walkers), and the "oh crap" ending were all particularly interesting. However, I had a hard time dealing with Glen's survival. I like him as a character, but I didn't buy that story of survival. It seemed a little cheap. Also, where the hell did those balloon's come from, and who inflated the initial three?

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So many complains... Stop watching if it bothers you that much and let the rest enjoy it

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Enid is so annoying she could be a Fear the Walking Dead character.

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The usual boring episode this show is known for i.e 5mins at the start to draw you in and then a mind numbingly dull drag until the last 5 mins. I can't stand Rick anymore...

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Shout by witter56

Spencer should've died. MORON. "Dang I lost a shoe"

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Great episode
I can't wait till the mid season finally

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Why does this Ened exist anyway, another douchebag!
& Go go Glenn..

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Aside from the (expected?) surprise in the beginning, there is nothing much going on in this episode. Alexandrians still adapting to the new situation, zombies still wailing on the wall, Ron still hating on Carl, and Father Gabriel still showing up as additional filler. IMO there are too many characters depicted that it feels a bit disjointed and lacking further progress. Something happens in the end, but that's it--cliffhanger again. It's really unfortunate as I thought we've got past the filler episode last week.

I still wonder why the heck don't they stab the zombies on the gate one by one like they did in prison back then?

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Those stupid people with their stupid actions. They should be dead. I am so furious!

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Shout by Deleted

Oh yet another boring, dull TWD episode. We are getting used to it by now. So to resume, nothing new, at least nothing we didnt know would happen like 3 EP ago. This show is in an insane down spiral that really need to be broken, or it will hard to rate it for more than one star in like 3 EP. I hope they end it all together at the end of this season anyway because the repetition (and stupid predictability) just show how much they don't have any more ideas to make it somewhat enjoyable.

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Shout by Eqlion

Oh, Glenn didn't die, what a surprise! The series is really boring now. I hoped that one of the main characters might die finally and it'll become more dramatic.
The Walking Dead is not about fighting zombies and surviving: it's about relations and endless discussions.

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Such a good episode, so much going on!

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Shout by -

Glenn is once covered in blood, later in the house his neck is clean, as they argue at the fence with the balloons his neck is covered again in blood :-)

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Gods!!! I can't decide what was the most shocking thing!! If it was that Glenn is alive or the fall of the tower

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Shout by gemma

holyyy shitttt. you could literally cut the tension between ron and carl. ron is so totally going to try and kill him. key word try because carl is too important to die over petty bullshit.

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Down on the ground, rounded by hungry zombies, all covered by delicious human blood and he is safe because they only eat the one on the top. No one touched the head or the legs? So stupid... but it's ok, Glenn is nice.

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Great episode, a lot of emotion and new developments building up. Enid however, super annoying, really a female version of Carl.

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Shout by RedBlazed

Wow, what an amazing episode!! This show keeps me in constant fear for the lives of my favorite characters. I am super worried now, after how it went off!!

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Achei o episódio super chato. Tudo soava óbvio.

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Shout by C sarceno

Glen is very much alive

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Yup, I guess I was right!

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