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The League: Season 2

2x05 The Marathon

[4.9/10] A real stinker. The only redeeming quality in this one is the Jenny/Kevin story. The idea of the two of them balancing their martial affections and their fantasy league rivalry is strong stuff, and the show has fun with their back and forth.There’s also something decent-to-okay about Taco’s notary adventures (with the ad being the high water mark) but even there, it spins out into the ludicrous and unfunny pretty quickly.

I despised the other two storylines. Peter trying to upstage Andre for running a marathon is more pointless jerkery that’s become the stock and trade of The League and Ruxin’s war with his coworker over sponsoring her run is another case of everyone being an asshole and wanting us to root for them.

Overall, another poor outing for the show in its early going.

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