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I miss the time when Amy used to greet Penny as "Bestie"

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Typically great stuff. This also gets in gear the plot of that helium thing that was barely touched upon last episode. & this is the first ep of the season w/ the pregnant Bernadette in focus. I assume Raj's subplot of dating 2 women will be seen in the next episode or 2.

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I don't get why there's so much hate with this show. Yes, it isn't as fresh as years ago but it isn't that bad either. At least is better than half of the crap that's premiering lately.
This episode was good, perhaps not sublime but good and funny. I thought the Wolowitz plot was going to be boring but it developed decently and could bring something interesting with the separation of the group. I feel bad for Raj though.
The pregnancy/Penny plot was out of place, I concede that. Too forced.

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There's some laughs. People seem to just watch it to knock it these days.

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Tragic episode. The writers don't care anymore.

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Shout by RoxieVelma
BlockedParent2016-09-27T00:32:21Z— updated 2016-09-29T14:48:40Z

You're better off just reading the episode description because that's the plot for the whole 19 minutes. Actually the entire description happens within the five minutes of the show.

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