Shouts about...

The Big Bang Theory 2007

This show has become my comfort zone for a while now. I like to hang out at Sheldon and Leonard's apartment with them, it kinda soothes me.

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I have seen TBBT 13 times, one of the best Sitcoms after FRIENDS and HIMYM

Season 1-6 are the best.
Season 7 50-50
Season 8-11 not worth it
Season 12 80% Good

But worth watching.

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It took me a while before I started liking this show, but after watching several episodes I was hooked. The entire series is well written, the puns are hilarious, and the entire cast is amazing.

I'm disappointed to find out that this season will be its last and final.

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Shout by Deleted

One of the funniest shows on television. Sheldon Cooper's character steals the show.

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TBBT is like a bubble-gum that was chewed so much, that it's already lost it's flavour. You keep chewing it only because it's still in your mouth.
Well, you should spit it out and just be over with it.

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Penny! Penny! Penny!

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Shout by Deleted

There's no laugh track its filmed to a like studio audiance, I know one of the people laughing is me!

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the best conedybshow ever seen

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After having watched all 12 seasons I truly do not know how I am expected to recover from the journey I have been on. There have been brilliant episodes and dare I say some episodes that have slightly missed the mark but overall it truly has been a great show to watch. And that last episode had me in floods of tears - so good.

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Naming all these comic heroes is the best!

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best serie ever!! i am so happy every time that i remembered something about this serie

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hate to see this show end. I've been watching these guys so long that it felt like I was losing personal friends. I will miss these guy's.

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Was it really as great as everyone says?

Only you can answer that, I personally believe it’s a modern 90s sitcom which struck a nostalgia chord in me. It’s characters were quirky and interesting to watch and the story line was good enough, lastly, the most important thing is that the jokes were able consistently make me smile or on occasion laugh. This show for me is plain old fun.

However, what I love about this show is not anything to do with all that. This show was in its fifth season when it caught my attention. I was at university and my friends and I would binge it. It quickly became a part of our routine and whenever I watch it now it brings back all of this memories of fun and freedome that came with that part of my life.

This is not the best show ever, but I will always love it,

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The show is dead

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Best show since friends

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Use to be a favorite but here lately it is hit or miss with each episode. Still watching though and have enjoyed it thus far.

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Shout by Deleted

Nice show all together. 20 seasons maybe

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Is getting boring for me i don't have that excitement that I had before I am the only one?

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waiting for the next season. soonsoonsoon

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... a rocket scientist ?!?!

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Shout by Deleted

Love this show, its ridiculously funny and I love the great chemistry that the cast have with one another. Its on my list of top comedies along side How I Met Your Mother and New Girl.

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The best!

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The story as well as jokes has become too predictable and stale now. Nothing fresh. Good bye TBBT!

I hope they sign off after this season so as to prevent more embarrassment.

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This is one of my favorite shows!

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You mean you are part of the audience when they film this? Cool! Isn't hard to keep laughing if they do a certain scene like 10 times in a row?

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This show deserves it, its really funny.

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not so funny like in the beggining but its ok

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hope that will get better soon!

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Loosing some quality :(

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Best show, very funny ~~

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"Loved" the show. Good bye.

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Shout by Deleted

Soft Kitty...

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Renewed for 3 more seasons :)

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Ah, how quickly The Big Bang Theory devolved. It started off as a funny comedy with charming and interesting characters and ended up yet another overlong American TV series held together solely by Sheldon. Ever since they introduced drama into it, it became dismal. Episode after episode of haphazard, frustrating avoidable conflict left completely unresolved. I like Sheldon enough that I’d keep watching even if they made more seasons of this and the rest of the cast didn’t lose all of its charm, but toward the end the show revolves around who can demean and belittle Sheldon the most, while he, even in the final moments, thanked them for an achievement that belonged to him. I still think the show is worth a shot, but you’re better off dropping it after approximately six seasons.

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Is it just me or is this series losing its momentum in the current season?

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If you are a bit of a nerd (and you are if you have a mediacenter running trakt!), you'll probably like this a lot! Since nerd-ism is getting more popular and mainstream, most people will get the jokes, so even mom's, dad's and girlfriends might laugh at this.

If, however, you don't know who Spock and Darth Vader are, aren't at all interested in science and technology and never have socially uncomfortable situations (e.g. with girls), you'll probably miss out on most of the jokes.

One of the few shows that actually make me laugh out loud :)

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Stopped watching after season 6

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this is a show made for stupid people to laugh at clever people.

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this show is just absolutely dire... and i'm a geek. and no stranger to american comedy. no idea why so many people watch this crap.

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Incredible show! Love it!

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Best show ever! Watched every episode and love I it!

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People who vote on the entire series: please come back and reconsider your vote after you watched more than one season.

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Shout by Puia

This is not a great show. How it became the number one series in the US, I don't get... I started watching it, and after the first 5 minutes I got bored. I kept watching it because mz brother loved this series so much, but throughout 10 seasons I have laughed about 10 times. Most episodes I watch with a face that shows no emotions. Every laughter is forced by the canned laughter of the show. In opposite, series like friends make me laugh 10 times ever episode. The whole story of TBBT is Okay, but it is definitely not funny.
Also there are no other emotions. There was only one time I smiled and the feel of internal crying came on, which was after Raj was announced to be the Godfather of Hailey. All in all it is a really unfunny series.

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watched it again and still love it

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Brilliant show!

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Best and funniest show ever. Can't stop laughing while I watch it

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I like this show and I really don't care that I don't know anything about star trek or star wars and spock or darth vader.

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I used to be good, now it is time to stop. I hope this will be the last season, but I know it won't.

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absolutely lovely. i'm crying now that i've finished

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Back in December of 2020, I originally said to myself "Y'know, it would be funny if I watched that bazinga show ngl". I finished every episode by April 2021, and I think it was a great show. I almost cried in the finale. But now, everything in that show is such a blur, but I remember watching that show on my laptop everyday laughing my ass off. It's good to see this show end after so long because I feel like it dried out by the 9th season.

the fortnite jokes caught me off guard.


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if I could time travel I would go back and stop myself from seeing this shitshow

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The reason Big bang isn't interesting anymore is because none of the writers want the characters to grow. Sheldon who once used to come in the ranks of House, Sherlock Holmes and Tony Stark is now lowered down to a blabbering buffoon. In fact every character had become a stereotype of themselves. Howard and Bernadette are dealing with parenting and most of the so called "jokes" come from her bossing him. Raj spends half the season failing in his attempts to get a girl and the rest is about his bromance with Howard. God knows why Amy is still with Sheldon when she spends 90% of the time bickering and complaining about him. And 90% of the time the episode ends with him saying something sweet to her and she forgives him. (If that is not calling a character shallow then what is?). Penny and Leonard's stories have exhausted. Penny is only left with jokes which include her making fun of geeky terms.

The characters descriptions sound so single-dimensional because they are single-dimensional. No idea what part do people find funny. Clearly they are watching a different show than me.

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One of the best series.

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Penny, played by Kaley Cuoco really knows how to make me laugh. The other character's/actors make me laugh to, but Penny's humor is more spontaneous, natural and sometimes unintentional.

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If I could give this show a negative score I would its an insult to all nerds truly a disaster.

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It was a fairly decent show to watch while eating or doing stuff, it got boring in a couple of seasons as it's pretty much the same jokes and routines all over again. They just kept rehashing the same old stereotypes and emphasizing the annoying personality traits of each character. For a show that supposedly wants to speak to the nerds, I don't think it even remotely encapsulated what it's like to one.

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Twelve years is a lot of time. Twelve seasons are a lot of episodes, and keeping the show as good as at the beginning shouldn't have been an easy task. Some say the show decayed along the years, I agree. But I never stopped liking it. Sure, there were plenty of episodes which were just OK, but the characters were so well created that I connected with them and really cared about them. I even hated Sheldon in some of the last episodes, but without that amazing ending speech, none of the other characters would've gotten their recognition. I am sure I won't watch the full show again, but I would like to go back to the first seasons and definitely watch again the last three episodes that are genuinely perfect.

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Excellent finale. They did go out with a BANG.

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Normally i would gave it 8/10, but it deserves +1 for a nerd show with which I can find common traits. ;>

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They should've stopped after season 3 tho. Overall a generous 6.

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If you're a fan of dry humor, then The Big Bang Theory is the show for you. This sitcom is one of the best of all time, thanks to its hilarious storyline and unforgettable characters. Each episode is packed with witty jokes and clever one-liners that will have you laughing throughout. Whether you're a science nerd or just someone who appreciates good humor, The Big Bang Theory is a must-watch.

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Shout by Deleted

Well, it wasn't bad until, basically all of them caught up in "relationships". From there, it was actually quite boring.

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I have very mixed feelings about this show. I enjoyed watching it when I was in high school so maybe I have some nostalgia towards it. It's incredibly repetitive but in spite of that, I still found myself enjoying the show. Recently I rewatched the show all the way through experiencing moments of both cringe and genuine laughter. It's not incredible but it's also not the worst thing I've ever watched. I guess it's just my guilty pleasure sitcom.

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Shout by Deleted

The big bang theory is funnier than most of the comedy series. Yet it’s underrated

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Twelve years is a lot of time. Twelve seasons are a lot of episodes, and keeping the show as good as at the beginning shouldn't have been an easy task. Some say the show decayed along the years, I agree. But I never stopped liking it. Sure, there were plenty of episodes which were just OK, but the characters were so well created that I connected with them and really cared about them. I even hated Sheldon in some of the last episodes, but without that amazing ending speech, none of the other characters would've gotten their recognition. I am sure I won't watch the full show again, but I would like to go back to the first seasons and definitely watch again the last three episodes that are genuinely perfect.

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Twelve years is a lot of time. Twelve seasons are a lot of episodes, and keeping the show as good as at the beginning shouldn't have been an easy task. Some say the show decayed along the years, I agree. But I never stopped liking it. Sure, there were plenty of episodes which were just OK, but the characters were so well created that I connected with them and really cared about them. I even hated Sheldon in some of the last episodes, but without that amazing ending speech, none of the other characters would've gotten their recognition. I am sure I won't watch the full show again, but I would like to go back to the first seasons and definitely watch again the last three episodes that are genuinely perfect.

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Twelve years is a lot of time. Twelve seasons are lots of episodes. Everyone said the show lost its power from half the show to the ending, I agree though I never stopped liking it. There were many episodes that were just OK, but the characters are so well created that I really cared about them. I eventually started to hate Sheldon and honestly at the end I didn't go back to like him, but how his character allowed all the others get the recognition they deserved makes him indispensable. It is possible that I may not watch the whole show again but I definitely want to watch the first seasons and the last three episodes.

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this show is so overratted

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Wish i had friends like them.

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Just changed my rating from an 8 to a 7 because of the gradual decent to dumbness of this show.

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2014-05-26T09:14:30Z— updated 2016-06-26T11:52:30Z

Shoot me, but I still think it´s the best comedy out there.

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My fav show! Sheldon forever...!

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it was good at the first few seasons, after that it was no fun, I don't know how they made till 12 seasons

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Shout by Deleted

One of the best tv shows out there

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My favourite show I never stop laughing!

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Watched it all and it stays fun. Although I have to admit I watch it in between other shows to keep me busy.

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@mrvazil this is so true, and it makes me slighty sad, that they let their whole first 3 seasons ideal float to now be a show with no content whatsoever. if it wasn't for the fact that I can't stop watching a show without seeing the full thing and thus knowing the end of the characters. I would not bother watching TBBT anymore.

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Hilarious, witty, lol, sophisticated comedy

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The most amazing comedy EVER!

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Best comedy TV series ever!

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Nice show

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This show is awesome!

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I miss Sheldons' "bazingas"...

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Shout by Ergun Ozden
BlockedParent2016-12-12T18:52:57Z— updated 2018-07-11T23:52:33Z

This show is addictive. I keep watching it non-stop. Worth watching a zillion times.

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Leonard and penny together ruined the show..they were much better when alone...but in a relationship ...ugghhhh (season 2- season 3 )

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Best comedy show out there, which makes me laugh out loud everytime I watch it.

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Shout by Deleted

Well I just fkng love this show !!

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Awful show, tell you a lot about the current state of american comedies.

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Great show i love it to core!

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Great show! I loved this show to the core.

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Shout by Deleted

This show used to be good. Not so much any more...

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I love this show, very funny :)

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Brilliant series.

I have also extracted the audio to listen to when I can't watch it, such as on the train or in the car :-)

I would guess I have seen or listened to every episode at least 5 times each, so 5000 "watches" from me.

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Shout by ciku
BlockedParent2017-01-21T12:00:06Z— updated 2017-01-31T04:40:22Z

This show used to be great. Well, the first 5 seasons were amazing and so so funny... But I just feel like the writers have lost the plot and the actors don't seem that enthusiastic any more. The only people who must be excited about the show are the producers because they are raking in the cash. I hate that they split the cast into 3 separate subplots. This just made everything stop working and flowing well. Every episode is basically the same now (different settings, same terrible sub plots and jokes) and its just NOT FUNNY ANY MORE.
I feel awfully sad to say goodbye but, I tried to stick it out to the end of season 10 but just can't. Time to move on.

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Shout by Jesús López Ponce
BlockedParent2019-03-11T14:52:42Z— updated 2019-03-17T06:36:17Z

I don't get how that many people love this show. I mean the firsts seasons were funny - and not that very funny - but the last 5 are just hard to watch. Sometimes I think I'm being to hard on the show but the last season is just to painful to watch. Kaley Cuoco can't act and she doesn't even try it. Her character is just mean to Leonard for no reason and that's supposed to be funny. Sheldon has become an annoying baby, he's not even that arrogant smart guy he was, he's just more annoying than ever. Stuart was ok as a side character but watching him as part of the gang is awful, he's not funny at all, he's just sad and pathetic fella. Amy has become Sheldon's mom who has to put up with all his tantrums but in the last scene he says something nice that makes her forget everything. Bernadette and Leonard have their moments from time to time. Raj, and Howard are the only ones you can save from this terrible show, even though their participation is more and more relegated. It's time to stop.

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Shout by Deleted

Bazinga !

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One of my favorite shows on television.

Unfortunately, like many sitcoms before it, The Big Bang Theory has overstayed it's welcome and turned into a cash cow. Where the epsiodes use to be full of nerdy pop culture humor, now it's full of overused stereotypes and suffocating storylines.

I still find enough enjoyment to keep tuning in every week, but I won't deny its lost its magic.

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Shout by Deleted

Worth to watch this series..

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Shout by Deleted

Love this show

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