Shout by FixedState

The Big Bang Theory 2007

Was it really as great as everyone says?

Only you can answer that, I personally believe it’s a modern 90s sitcom which struck a nostalgia chord in me. It’s characters were quirky and interesting to watch and the story line was good enough, lastly, the most important thing is that the jokes were able consistently make me smile or on occasion laugh. This show for me is plain old fun.

However, what I love about this show is not anything to do with all that. This show was in its fifth season when it caught my attention. I was at university and my friends and I would binge it. It quickly became a part of our routine and whenever I watch it now it brings back all of this memories of fun and freedome that came with that part of my life.

This is not the best show ever, but I will always love it,

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