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The Big Bang Theory 2007

It used to be funny 4 seasons ago...

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One of the best TV series ever! :D

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The show is getting crowded with annoying characters..

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The best series ℹ thing ever made there are 4 types of episodes:
Nerdy: The best
Romantic: the worst
Storyline: needed but mostly boring
Nerd + Storyline: needed and best combined is a series!

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Nice show all together. 20 seasons maybe

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Bazinga punk, now we’re even!!! Awesome!

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I am totaly agree with people.This serial are awesome) After finished "Friends" I thought that I wouldn't like some other serial or movie like this storie about six friends,but it was before than I start watching "The big bang Theory".The plot really interesting also differs from other and that's cool.What is your favorite character?As for me - Sheldon!By the way, I recommend everyone cool website:, you can be sure that it would become your favourite online-helper!

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My favorite show! I Love You, Kaley!

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Brilliant series.

I have also extracted the audio to listen to when I can't watch it, such as on the train or in the car :-)

I would guess I have seen or listened to every episode at least 5 times each, so 5000 "watches" from me.

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Waiting for season 7 :)

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this tv show is awesome

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great show

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I love this show

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I love first 3 seasons, they are great. Everything after that is just some ordinary tv show with same jokes repeating all the time.

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this is a show made for stupid people to laugh at clever people.

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this show is just absolutely dire... and i'm a geek. and no stranger to american comedy. no idea why so many people watch this crap.

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this show iz dope i'm loving it

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Slowly the show is turning less nerdy. Even Sheldon is becoming less nerdy and less robotic.

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Soft Kitty...

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please zantoto do not compare it wih friends. tbbt is not that good. not anymore.

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I really loved the first few seasons but it's just getting worse and worse and worse and w...... I literally lol'd through whole episodes from the first seasons. But the current season does not even get a grin on my face anymore. It has really gotten that bad. :(

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One of my all time favorite shows

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less nerdy and less funny, at an exponential rate.

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This show used to be funny and it's also used to be one of my favorite TV shows (hence I initially rated this show a 10 on trakt). But starting from Season 7 the show has becoming redundant and it's going nowhere with its forgettable plots. This seems like the show is now more on the money rather on the quality.

I am so sad to say this but I won't continue watching this show.

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One of the best comedies out

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Sheldon! Sheldon! Sheldon!

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Love this show

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I do love this show a ton overall. Maybe not the best comedy ever according to some, but definitely my favorite. However, I feel the show started going downhill around season 6 and the progression got a bit stale (though I still love the show overall). However, season 8's finale seems to promise some big changes, so I'm excited but also worried for the next season.

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Hehe, nice easter egg in 10 hearts rating :)

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I automatically assume that people you think this show is funny are 12 year olds you haven't seen anything better in their short lives.

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This show is the possibly the best comedy show ever. Well written and acted. Each and every character is full of zest and quirkiness! And sheldon is another mirror image of me! Bazinga!!!!

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There's no laugh track its filmed to a like studio audiance, I know one of the people laughing is me!

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Love it

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Geeky awesome.

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Best Show EVER Invented!!!!!!!!!

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Best comedy shoe EVER .. I put it side by side with friends .. They are at the top of my list .. Gotta see them both if u like comedy

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Big fan .. Love it

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This has been skewing from a pretentious-yet-enjoyable tv show to a draggy chore you watch in cringe for the sake of finishing what you've started and/or your tv relapse because your favorite shows are on break. 3-more-seasons deal is really not necessary.

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This show has been removed from my watchlists. Used to be good but they kinda lost if a could of seasons ago. If you want something funny you are better of going for brooklyn nine-nine or modern family

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Great show! Sheldon is my favorite!

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Great show

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Has been going downhill for a while now.

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the best!!!

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OMFG this show is so amazing <3

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... a rocket scientist ?!?!

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First few seasons were OK, average at best. However the jokes are getting overused, the laughing track is annoying as hell (!!!) and the show is basically just making fun of nerd culture and that one guy with Aspergers (yes, I know it's not canon, but he has literally all the traits). I'd recommend watching Community, Friends, Two and a half men (the Charlie Sheen seasons) or basically any other comedy series instead.

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if you have seen episodes or are wondering if to start, turn away and watch 'The IT crowd'

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Love those episodes with Doctor Who references!

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One of the funniest shows on television. Sheldon Cooper's character steals the show.

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Watched season 5 and 6 live, rest of episodes I watched in syndication.

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Love this show.
Every time I see the characters, I can only laugh!

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Love Sheldon

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Bazzinga punk!

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Awful show, tell you a lot about the current state of american comedies.

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Show is awesome. Bazinga... :)

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The show was good at first, and had a lot of geeky references, so it was a cool show for geeks. It also had the intelligence of being accessible to non-geek types, who could laugh along at just how socially inept some of the characters are. Even geeks can laugh at that, since you will probably recognize a friend's behaviour (exaggerated of course) who's less apt socially.

However, nowadays it's just more of the same thing all the time. This is growing old, and they don't seem to have any good ideas anymore. I'm stopping watching.

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Love it!

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I think the first seasin was way geeker than the rest of the series.

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does Penny have a last name?

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Love this show

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is it just me, or are the episodes getting less nerdy?

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Ungodly awesome!!!

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Damn it, can't mark that I've seen everything.

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So repetitive jokes , although decently funny sometimes.

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How is this so popular? Some of my friends recommend it to me because I'm a software engineer, and I work in data science, so they think it's made for me. I think it's how your average non-nerd thinks a computer nerd behaves. Them recommending it to me must say something about me. The characters are just stereotypes, annoyingly so. At least everyone in my field thinks it's terrible, others however who are not as nerdy seem to enjoy it so I think it's just a show about nerds that isn't made for nerds which makes it unique in a way. Most shows with nerds in them cater to a nerdy audience.

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Ok, i don't get how is it that this show is so appreciated... I tried I tried and I tried 8 times (i saw the first 8 eps before this comment) to make me like it but I still think that TBBT is nothing more than just barely sufficient :/

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awesome funny show

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I've watched many of them but not all episodes; I have them all on DVD and have watched many on there and on re-runs, but I doubt it's all of them.

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Meh, it is pretty funny. The main thing that bothers me about this series is the unbearably high amount of times they use laugh tracks at non-comedic parts. Just count how many laugh tracks they use in a single episode.

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Hells yeah.

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Needs more nerd

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This show WAS an original comedy about some loser nerds who couldnt get laid and that was unique and funny, but as the seasons progressed almost everyone is in a relationship and STUPIDLY it seems like 1/2 of every episode is now focused on the girls and their perspective on things instead of keeping the main focus on what made the show great...the 4 nerdsman! DO YOU NEED PROOF...If they made a spinoff about the girls it would FAIL b/c their scenes are not that funny or entertaining! Get back to what made the show great...sheldon and the guys being nerdy losers. What's next cheesy lines with babies like "full house".

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Woo hoo, 3 more seasons!

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Did you laugh? If you did this show is right for you

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one of the best tv shows

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I am the target demographic for this show, and Big Bang Theory writing fails... Watch the IT Crowd, Silicon Valley, or Mythic Quest instead.

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I regret collecting this, the constant laugh track and terrible jokes. It's impossible to tell how this has lasted so long while other great titles have vanished before an entire season could be completed.

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if your new to tbbt then watch it in reverse order. it gets better as you get closer to series 1

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Best comedy show on tv ever!:two_hearts:

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fu;;;;;;; good show

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I don't like this show.It's not funny and too many laugh track

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only good thing about this show was sheldon and penny and also thier friendship, i despise the ending

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Love this show

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great show

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a good tv series...

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this is my fav TV show ever!!!

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I gotta have more laugh track

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this is a awesome show

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Just the funniest show of all time. Nothing more to say

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This was a favorite of mine for years.

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I love all the characters on this show. Jim Parsons does an outstanding job, as his awards prove

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