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Supergirl: Season 3

3x06 Midvale

Okay, I actually really loved this. The actresses that played young Alex and Kara were great and they looked so much like Chyler and Melissa! It was uncanny. The whole murder mystery thing was fun and I'm always a sucker for seeing a little more of the Danvers sisters growing up together. Nice touch with J'onn posing as the FBI agent. Also, Eliza reading Cat Grant's biography! And the last few minutes warmed my heart. Alex and Kara's relationship is my favorite on the show. The way they love and support each other makes me want to cry. Overall, this was my favorite episode of season 3 so far. This show is going in the right direction again, let's just hope they can keep it up.

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Everything this season is top notch. Hopefully they'll maintain that until the end. And I'm pretty sure I'll be stuck listening to The Sweet Escape for hours after that lovely ending. Ha!

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Without a doubt, my favorite episode of season 3. And the tiny Smallville crossover was the cherry on top. The timing was just right. This episode makes me happy.

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“Clark has a friend named Chloe that might be able to help. She really loved weird tech stuff like this, she even has this whole wall of weird”

That was very cool

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The casting department (Lyndsey Baldasare and David Rapaport) did an amazing job in finding Izabela Vidovic and Olivia Nikkanen for the roles of young Kara and Alex Danvers, but the two actresses deserve at least as much credit themselves for the absolutely stunning work they did in mimicking the performances of their older counterparts. I can't recall ever having seen a more accomplished example of different actors portraying the younger selves of established characters. Also, the fact that both of them knocked it out of the park, points towards this being a real team effort.

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Like how they did a little tie in to Smallville.

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Now this show is finally getting in the right direction again! That was a great episode and so sweet! The young Kara and Alex did a great job, I was actually amazed by them. they're so much like Melissa and Chyler, I loved it. I just wished we had more Kara and Alex in the present day, but honestly the best episode of the season so far. Now this is supergirl spirit, not what they did in in the terrible season 2. Lets hope they keep this quality for the rest of the season.

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What a great episode, I didn’t think I would like it that much, but it was pretty cool. And the ending was sweet, I love the strong sister bond Alex and Kara have.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Wow :/ they ret-conned previous development with them as kids, bad acting and writing all round, somehow had Alex and Kara in the same school year to force a 'rivalry' element, shoehorned in a Smallville reference that didn't even make sense and overall just made this feel like a bad supergirl rip off show.

And why on earth would Jonn appear literally as her mother? So stupid.

The cult episode has been the only good one this season.

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Oh wow! This is one of my favorite Supergirl episodes yet! So amazing. Love Kara's and Alex' friendship and sisterhood. That storyline was interesting, too. More episodes like this please.

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Kara and Alex at home remembering what brought them together has been good

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Shout by Deleted

I heard this episode would tie in Smallville somehow so I watched. Was good. Hopefully the soap opera with Alex is over and they can get in with the supergirl storyline of the show.

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this was a very cool how they gave detail behind super girl life.

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