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Supergirl: Season 3

3x05 Damage

I know some people think the reason for Sanvers breaking up is unrealistic but honestly it does happen. I was the Maggie in that situation. He wanted kids one day and I didn't. It happens to a lot of adults. I only wish my breakup was as cathartic and mutual. It's been 6 years and I still have resentment towards him for other aspects. Some wounds just don't heal. It's just refreshing to have a different storyline for wlw on TV. Fed up of the same old!

Really enjoyed the Lena plot this episode and her struggles. The friendship between her, Kara and Sam is great too. Super hyped for the Reign stuff though!

Also stop trying to make Lena x James happen. It's not a thing! That guy has no screen chemistry or ability. Just stop.

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I really enjoy this show. It's casual, easy viewing. I can watch it while doing other things. I loved the Sanvers storyline, and I adore Lena Luthor. I'm heartbroken but not mad about the Sanvers storyline ending, especially as long as this doesn't erase Alex's sexuality. But here's my point: I love Katie. I love Lena. I love her portrayal of this character. But HOLY HECK is her accent spotty. Can we please, please work on this?

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Oh and what’s with the James and Lena nonsense? The two have no chemistry (no one has chemistry with James) so please writers, stop forcing that romance on us!

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A lesser show would've dealt with Floriana Lima's departure by killing Maggie. This storyline was tasteful, well-executed and true to the characters, the relationships and the show. Kudos to the writers

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I really enjoyed the episode despite Alex and Maggie going where I expected. Time to let Alex just kick ass now. She has had crying scenes for what feels like every episode since coming out.

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Big props to the, er, props department for the smudged-to-heck wine glass Lena was drinking from when Kara came to check on her. Such details are often glossed over in more polished shows like this, and this particular one added a pleasant touch of reality to the moment. The episode overall was all right; though I feel like the show hasn't quite figured out how to get the best out of Katie McGrath, which becomes more noticeable when the episode leans this heavily on her. I wonder if it might have something to do with her appearing to struggle a bit with the consistency of her American accent. Which is a bit frustrating, given how a "UK/Ireland boarding school upbringing" handwave would have been consistent with the character's backstory, and might have solved the problem.

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So... It is. Sanvers is officially over. I really hate how the writers did this, could be better, but i keep the hope that Floriana will come back to the show.

That Kara-Sam team pro Lena was amazing. Great story and brilliant performance of Katie. I enjoyed the storyline but I have one complain, that wird, inexistent, forced "attraction" between Lena and James. Dear writers, please, STOP that fake "James game" no one on the cast has chimistry with him, let it go.

Anyway, the episode was a bit sad but a great one in the end. See you around Sanvers fans.

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I think the way the writers dealt with Maggie’s leave was horrible. The whole baby plot was boring and stupid. If kids are that important to Alex, why did she never mention them to Maggie before they got engaged?

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Never expected I'd feel this way about Supergirl, but every other scene in this episode made my eyes well up, both happy and sad tears. The acting from the women is next level, they're so talented. Really love the friendship and team up between Kara, Lena, and Samantha.

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I get that this new girls probably gonna turn evil, I think I’m ok with it as long as Lana stays Kara’s friend for now, I like her though

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well, here we are. i'm broken.

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istg i'm punching the next man that makes lena sad

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Shout by Cluisanna

It was obvious that it would happen but I thought it was kind of a fake-out that the lead poisonings were not the result of the device - that would have been an actually interesting/deep issue, doing something designed to save people and then it has bad consequences. I also thought it was weird that no one actually ever made the point that Lena saved the world by dispersing that lead - it was all either "she's evil because kids are sick" or "it wasn't actually her fault." I mean, even if it had been due to the device, sure it sucks that children are sick now but otherwise everyone would have died right then and there?!

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It’s been a while since I didn’t like an episode of Supergirl like this one! Looking forward for Sam getting to know her skills!

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It does seem as though every time I see Adrian Pasdar, he's playing a bigger eviller jerk than last time, and increasingly convincingly so. Nathan Petrelli (Heroes), Glenn Talbot (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Nolan Burgess (Colony), Morgan Edge (Supergirl). Almost like he's refining... something...

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Machiavelli would be proud, the relationship between the 3 girls I like

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So...are we supposed to cry for poor ol' Alex!? You know, usually when a woman wants children she goes get herself a friggin man. It's that simple!!!! Its not like Africa children die of hunger or
Lena drama... who cares!!??

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Can the writer maybe like, stop using the old "She's a Luthor" plotline? It's getting boring and not creative. Also, Kara should just call Lillian and team up with her again to kill Edge

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