fuck fuck fuckkkk what a good fucking episode holy shit. i could barely breathe when it was all happening at the end. im so mad at roman and lawrence and ewan right now. so fucking mad.

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Great TV. The show has been alright but nothing special until now. This is the first truly great episode of Succession.

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You come at the king, you best not miss.
"You better be smelling your fuckin' armpit, Romulus." and the way Rome cowered at the end had me dying.

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Wait how did Tom got that bruise? Last episode at the very end when he’s at bed with Shiv you can see some sort of band-aide in his nose so something happened after the thanksgiving dinner

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Wait, doesn’t shiv get a vote as well?

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peak television. I’m supposed to write more words but see no need to

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WHAT AN EPISODE!! This house of cards doesn't seem to be as strong as it look like. And it will fall apart.

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Got- damn, what an episode. Six episodes in, and I can still barely guess where things are going, even when it seems "obvious".

Roman, you pussy! Happy to plan and recruit for the coup, even excitedly talk about what things would be like after. But when time came to drive that dagger into Caesar's back, he was hiding in the shadows hoping no one would notice him.

Fuck this is so good!

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Amazing episode. Things are starting to come together really well.

I struggle to under Ewan's decision, even though he referenced it in an earlier episode - "...he's still my brother". Based on everything that has happened since, I just can't buy it.

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Oh, come on! What a bunch of eunuchs. Completely false.

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Wait, doesn’t shiv get a vote as well?

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The handmaiden's tale is a positive story compared to this horrible shit. I'm done.

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