I can't believe Hopper is gone. Right when I thought he and Joyce were getting together.

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Shout by Deleted

a quite average season when comparing to the other 2 but its totally made up by the "neverending story" awesome moment :D

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The series could end here and it would be a perfect end (but boy do i hope its not) because this season was phenomenal and by far the best one yet.

When Jim died by heart broke but the post credit scene has given me some hope, because there's no way they can take the only real parent she's ever had away right??!

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End of season 3 and I’m like:
Overall it was a great season with lots of positives and I enjoyed the journey... However, I have to say that I’m not the biggest fan of the destination.
I just wanted two things.
I wanted Steve and Robin to end up together.
I wanted Hopper and Joyce to end up together.
+ as a bonus, my favourite character died

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After rewatching this again I still think this is my favourite episode of the show, it's so good. I always cry for the last 20 or so minutes, without fail. But I honestly think Hopper should've actually died here. Yes, it would've been sad, but him magically being alive when we've all cried for half an episode about him feels like such a shitty move. I love this show but the way it has no stakes for the main characters is the worst thing about it. We all know they'll survive no matter what. Basically, Hopper is my fav character, but that should've been the end of his run.

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The best season finale in television history.

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I didn't sign up for this pain and suffering

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I barely have any words to describe this epic, suspenseful & emotional roller coaster of a finale. I mean it has a LOT of things going on and yet it's all so engaging. A few things:

-My wife still cries over Billy sacrificing himself, but all I felt was satisfaction. I don't care if Billy was abused by his father most of his young life, a shitty person is still a shitty person. You're a free girl now Max.

-I don't care what anyone says. The Neverending Story song scene with Dustin & Susie was absolutely adorable, and Season 4 needs to let Dustin sing more.

-Big props to the visual effects team for their amazing work on rendering the goopy mind flayer and all those fireworks.

-Ooooh, that shot of Mayor Kline getting arrested felt so GEWD!

-And finally, HOPPER NOOOOO!!!!!! T_T

I LOVE these characters so much, and I don't give a shit if their emotional goodbye scenes are cliched, they still made me cry.

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a very boring predictable ending , idk why it's receiving so much hype .

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Best episode of the show

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Very predictable ending to a bad season. I kept skipping parts because it was so cliché and skippable.

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If I didn't see Hopper's body exploding, there was no death. u.u I LOVED DUSTIN AND SUZIE SINGING. :heart:

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Susie and Dustin’s singing scene was so good. This episode makes me EMOTIONAL

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How does this show make the night sky look so good?

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Great ending to season 3. Is Hopper really dead, will El get her powers back?
Watch past the credits for a taste of what's to come!

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Another hint Hopper is alive. Is that the depressing version of David Bowie’s Heroes. Is played again.
Like it was when Will’s fake body was found.

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Absolutely bullshit.

I can't believe this?? I simply REFUSE to believe he died. He will come back in season 4. He better come back.
I don't even get it. Like he clearly had time to come back?? Like okay, we know they were running out of time but he could have come back? And what the hell is wrong with Joyce hugging Will and just showing that face to El? HUG HER DAMMIT. That was just so disappointing :sob:

I swear if season 4 is about Hopper being alive.

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It made me cry like a child.

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why would closing the portal kills the monster? can someone explain it to me? thanks.

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I cried twice when I watch this episode
1st: when Billy apologize to Max before his death
2nd: when El read the speech in the end of the episode.. -and it was beautiful speech by the way-

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Great season but this with hopper and billy was sad :(

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The part when Eleven reads Hopper's letter to her is really moving.

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hell'a'yeah ! this is how a season should end. Also wouldn't have minded if this was the last season from how well it was made !

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Honestly, the best season so far. I seems like every season they step it up a notch. This was a great conclusion to this season.
I was left heartbroken but I am hopeful that Hopper isn't dead due to the end credit scene .
I really enjoyed this season and all the newcomers to the show. I am sad that we lost both Alexei and Billy, too soon, I hoped for more on both these characters. .

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Never ending stooohory... Oooohooooweewoooo..... Hilarious.

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The third season is very good in general, I love the fact that the kids are growing up a little bit. But the end broke my heart!!

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This was the best season of the show. I could never really get into it like everyone else and found it somewhat “just okay”, but man. This season had me hooked to my seat.

This episode was the best of the entire series. Now I can not wait for the next season.

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The cast was truly great and charming. This season was supposed to be very interesting, but the whole development e conclusion are kind lame as the mythology makes less sense every new season. Great acting stucked between lazy writing.

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cried my little eyes out didn’t i

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Just when I already loved Billy :( I was so sad the entire time. Dacre blew my socks off. I love his eyes forever.
So.. I REALLY THINK HOPPER IS ALIVE. Still I will feel that it would be a cheap twist if he's alive and the rest of the people with radiation suits and shit were melted like butter and he didn't.

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I thought this season was not as good as the others. Last episode was too long. Same old same old.

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“No, not the American“

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Definitely one of the best season finales I've ever seen. The montage at the end was heartbreaking but so beautifully made. Also the post-credit scene was very interesting. Can't wait for the final season.

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Shout by Ana

Simply amazing season! I really hope that Hopper survived somehow. And they better bring back Robin and Erica in s4. :)

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I'm calling it, the Russains end up training that thing and it ends up becoming Slenderman lol.

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Am I the only one who thinks this season is a bit weak?! At least the finale is a bit weak...

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Season finale. It has been fine, it could work as finale series. That post-credit scene. "A never ending stoooooooryyyy AAAAAAHHHH"

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Shout by Deleted

Cette série est génial. La saison 3 nous a tenu sous pression du début à la fin.

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Sure hope Jim's not dead!!!!

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What a well constructed plot. I really liked how they were all split up into different groups and had adventures of their own, but in the end everything came together and everybody played an important role. Just imagine how different this must be to achieve plot-wise for over a dozen characters!
The only thing I didn't like were the clichée evil Russians. I know this show is an hommage to 80s movies of that kind, but even by those standards a secret Russian base under an American shopping mall seems far fetched.

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What an amazing season, it felt awesome since the very beginning. Billy, you will be missed.

The ending was a hard pill to swallow but this season has definitely make ST become a fav. I can’t wait A YEAR come onnnnn!

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Turn around,
look at what you see
In her face
the mirror of your dreams
Make believe I'm everywhere
Hidden in the lines,
written on the pages
is the answer to a neverending story

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I couldn't stop crying when El read Jim's letter...

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Hopper can’t be dead. He’s chilling in Russia as “the American”. But that scene at the end where he reads the letter seems like a farewell

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Great end to an incredible season. The show got truly back on form and delivered above and beyond my expectations. There was love, laughter and tears. What a great ride.

P.S. The American is totally Hop. We live in hope!

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WhaAat wtf did I just watched no no you can't do this, I'm gonna be crying for like two months!! Please.,.,. Whyyy

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Am I the only one who thought Robin's "We're just friends" was super suspicious?

I'm totally cool with her liking girls, but c'mon. It was heavily implied in that scene that she might, maybe, possibly like Steve a tiny little bit (as more than a friend). And anyway, the fact that she likes girls doesn't exclude the possibility that she likes guys too! Maybe she's into both :shrug:

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Every seasons are always about the same, which makes them quite boring. But the writers find things or plots to keep you constantly looking at the screen, something amazing if you think about it. The ending was pretty cool, and gives you time to think about many theories with that end in Russia, when the soldier says "Not the american guy". Of course it has to be Hopper, as there is the only posible chance, and a quite different plot for the next season in case it exists. Definitely one of the best series I have ever watched in terms of season finales. But I Will never forgive the writers for killing Bill. I don't think that sacrifice was necessary at all, it only made Max suffer in the end.
An amazing season finale for an amazing series!!

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I think it's easy to say that this episode was the most they could get closer to PERFECTION. Everyone shines. There's no one single mistake and man..that's how you do a incredible season finale. claps and claps! Season 3 is probably now the best ST season so far..I mean, season 1 was amazing, but this one really put them in a new level of greatness. It will be hard to top this one, but I'm sure the duffer brothers can do it. And be sure: Hooper is alive! Stranger Things is easily the BEST Netflix show! wow what a great ride!

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This was too emotional and in my opinion the best episode of all seasons.

P.S Can't wait for Season 4.

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Oh man, the last few episodes have been intense and action-packed. I was giggling because the Terminator figure dude tracking the kids down, and the blob monster (The Blob, Back to the Future references run amok) running through the city. My sister and I were cracking up when Dustin and the other kids started singing one of the best 80s karaoke songs ever LOL totally the best season by far! :exploding_head::fireworks:

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I was about to write how nice it was for once that a show didn't end with a cliffhanger and then came that post credits scene -_-

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Shit. I cried. This episode made me cry! Top game!

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Brilliant, so many emotions! I feel like they could leave it there and it would be satisfying (though naturally I still want more).

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"I miss you more, multiplied by all the stars in our galaxy." :D:purple_heart:

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Shout by MrJG

Well, other than Will's Spidey-senses at least he got a bit of a break this season...10/10 for this season. Hooper ain't dead! You dont kill a main character off that easy.

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Shout by melkiades96
BlockedParent2019-07-07T20:08:50Z— updated 2019-07-15T12:13:00Z

I think in Season 4 we'll learn that Hop passed into the upside-down before the machine thing exploded and the gate closed because it was his only way to stay alive. And Season 4 will be about the gang trying to open the gate one last time and getting him out. There will be one final standoff and Eleven will have a tough choice and she'll eventually sacrifice herself by closing the gate permanently from the nether side after all his friends passed on the other side, leaving herself inside the upside-down. Damn, Netflix should hire me to the writers' room, a little weed and my imagination can run wild :smiley:

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"The american"
"keep the door open 3 inches"
The portal didn't close all the way... LISTEN LISTEN
Listen jim is alive okay

I started crying at Billy's scene, and I haven't stopped since jfc

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i am very NOT okay!!!!

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This season his intense and its more like a movie based in the sequence of events, music and scenery, are all very meticulous well done. The new characters add a new meaning to the story and create some very comic moments.

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This season was way better than S2, almost as good as S1 if not better in some ways.
The ending is sad, but the post-credits scene indicates that there will be a 4th season and that Hop is probably still alive (I'm guessing he was blown into the upside-down and retrieved by the Russians).. Also, the fact that 11 loses her powers by the end and keeps trying is also a nod in that direction.

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I loved that one shot of them sitting in the car, chased by the monster, listening to Dusty sing, and just looking at each other and thinking "WTF?!?".

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Damn. That was the best episode of the season, nay, THE SERIES. As it should be. I laughed, I cried, and every emotion in between. I absolutely love how every single person involved has a role to play and something to contribute. There are no damsels in distress amongst these badass people. I love you all. AND I NEVER DOUBTED YOU DUSTIN, I KNEW SUZIE WAS REAL.

But why did they have to break our hearts like that with what happened to Billy? It was so sad. I really was rooting for him to come out of this alright. I'll miss his gorgeous eyes. However, I'm almost positive that was not the end of Jim. So we'll see. Please god don't let me be wrong.

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I laughed, I cried... Fantastic episode. Really hope "The American" is Hopper.

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Ok... Fine if this is it then ok. Haha but we need more. PLEASE.

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Joyce Byers is a bitch to uproot her family. Okay, all her previous partners from the town either left or died in front of her but she's breaking up two couples of recently traumatized teens. It's not like she has a big opportunity elsewhere and the mall has closed, her shop will rise again.

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Of course they gotta make Billy good just before killing him off. He even apologized to Max, her reaction to him dying (+ the scene in the sauna previously, and her trying to talk him back when he charged before them earlier in this episode), goes to show she really must have cared, and he must’ve too. Guess him surviving and them getting a better/ healthier sibling bond was nothing but a fantasy.

Hopper too, like damn, why you making me cry like this.

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This episode the final will blow your mind so emotional lets bring on Season 4 Of Stranger Things

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A never ending stoooooooryyyy AAAAAAHHHH

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