Best episode of the series and what a great season closing. In this eighth episode we have everything, humr, emotion, action, and valuable lessons that make this a wonderful episode. I was very moved by the fate of some characters and the growth of others. A beautiful story told with interesting characters that have evolved sensationally. Wonderful episode! First of all I would like to talk about the script. Signed by Brother Duffer, the script of this episode has everything. Emotion, drama, humor and joy. The story thrills you to the end, with the last scenes being a life lesson. And still had one of the best redemptions of the series, I was saddened by the death of the character. The characters have their bows tightly closed and the story has a good closing, but I hope it has a fourth season. Excellent steering. Direction is done by the Duffers, who are also excellent. They conduct the scenes with a lot of emotion and tension, making each scene be extremely impotent. And they still direct the story to inscrutable twists. I tensed wondering what would happen during the whole episode. A spectacular direction that captures the viewer from start to finish, where you cry, laugh and rejoice to a spectacular end. Already the photograph of this episode is the best already presented in the series. From Russian base settings, the mall and Radio Tower Hill show that the directors spared no effort to deliver a beautiful series visually. They use very well the lighting and the colors to give the right tone the scenes and still gives a feeling of tension at all times. Incredibly visually. But the special effects are sensational that do not even seem to be from a TV series. The effects of the machine and the Mind Flayer are spectacular and show how there has been a significant evolution from that time to the first. It was amazing to use the visual effects and they provided the viewer with a visual spectacle. Already soundtrack was phrenic and very well used throughout the episode. They managed through the banners to dictate the tone of the scenes, giving a different tmosphere for which each scene needed. It was great to see Justin and Suzie sing and hilarious at the same time. Great use of 80's music too. After the technical parts, I would like to talk about the performances of the characters. For me the big highlights of this episode were Winona Ryder, David Harbor and especially Dacre Montgomery. Dacre made you hate Billy as the jerk he was, but in that last episode, his redemption was beautiful and his evolution as a character was a fantastic work of the actor who managed to give an acting show. It was the death I felt the most and I was moved. Winona and Harbor were sublime as Joyce and Hopper, making an excellent pair and thrilling in their performances. The scenes in which Joyce turns the keys and looks at Hopper is of a sensitivity and delicacy that only gives good tors as they could bring. Fantastic performances. Already the rest of the cast was very well, with highlights for Millie and Gaten. Millie thrilled in the epilogue of the episode with a vicarious performance that showed the amuderecimendo her as actress and the character. Eleven has grown and is now ready to follow other paths. Already Gaten had one of the funniest scene I have ever seen, singing with his girlfriend to relieve a little attention from a very somber and tense episode. He is very karimimático and showed it during this episode. Already the rest of the cast was very well, fulfilling well their respective roles. Finally, I'd like to talk about the epilogue and the post-credit scene. The epilogue of the season may have been the closing of the series, but I hope it has a few more seasons because this epilogue has paved the way for new horizons for characters. And the post-credit scene made me very intrigued if Hopper died or not. No matter what happens to character in the future, he had a perfect arc closure. So I'd like to say that this was the best episode of the entire series with a lot of emotion and tension, which really touched me. May the fourth season come! 10/10.

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