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Star Wars: Visions 2021

Bringing all the best of Star Wars in one complete, unique, bold package, Star Wars Visions is the best thing the franchise has had to offer in years, presenting radical new ideas for the series while also delivering on the things we know and love about it. From the action-packed, adventure stylings of The Ninth Jedi and Lop and Ocho, to the more spiritual, slow burn outings of things like The Village Bride and The Elder, and even the absolute crazy anime stylings of The Twins, there is something for everybody here - from old fans to newcomers alike.

And the best thing about it? It's not constrained by canon - as much as we love Star Wars' interconnected universe, Visions, by ditching the timeline and the cameos and the references (outside of the basics) makes a grand case to just stop caring about canon and lore and instead focus on the good stuff like themes, characters, ideas, and story. It's fresh, bold, and something really special. More please?

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The entire show isn't a 10...but the overall package deserves as much. It's great and sad to see more lore accuracy in a jap parody series than in the last 3 movies.

I can only imagine anime haters rating thos lower than 6. (which is fine)

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  • Anime anthology of 9 different stories from different creators per episodes. Different art styles. Like The Animatrix [2003] &

  • each story is within the Star Wars lore/universe. But all of it is fused with japanese elements.

  • themes related to SW are embedded with their own style. The force, dark side, jedi, sith. More small personal level story and not large scale wars.

  • Lots of lightsaber fights. Love it.

  • 8/10

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Shout by JC

Such a treat to see these different interpretations of the same world, with a variety of styles and tones. I hope there’s more some time.

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Season 2 rated a 7

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They kind of put the best up front first for me with "The Duel" (although "The Ninth Jedi" comes close), with the rest varying from ep to ep. But overall it's such a vivid breath of wild, creative visuals and fresh (if not always successful) standalone stories.

  1. The Duel - A
  2. Tatooine Rhapsody - C+
  3. The Twins - B-
  4. The Village Bride - B+
  5. The Ninth Jedi - A-
  6. T0-B1 - B
  7. The Elder - B+
  8. Lop & Ochō - B
  9. Akakiri - B
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Due to its unique style this probably won't satisfy all Star Wars fans.
But like I mentioned before, you shouldn't compare episodes as each one is an individual take by the creator - a vision. This leads to you liking some but maybe not all episodes.
You can identify the Star Wars mythology within each story and some of them I would like to delph further into. Maybe becoming it's own series outside of canon.
Overall I'd say the idea worked for the most part but I don't think I'd need more.

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I have different opinion about this. Some episodes are good and other are a little bit boring. The animation are very good.

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This is an amazing concept. Not all episodes are equally good, but The Duel and The Ninth Jedi were absolutely amazing. Would love to see a full season from those two. I watched it in the original Japanese, that's a must in my opinion.

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As a fan of anime, this anthology series is just what I wanted from Star Wars. While not every episode was a home run, I still enjoyed all of them and am looking forward to the next season.

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Star Wars is lame and making it into an anime doesn't really help, like 2 decent episodes

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Again Disney ppl is so dumb, you got one of the most iconic saga of all times, and you keep creating bad products, I am not a fan but I see how bad it is.

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All flash, no substance. Disney hired a ton of animation studios to make Star Wars shorts but didn't bother to ask for even an ounce of decent writing. Most of the entries barely seem to understand what the core of Star Wars is beyond lightsabers. Two seasons in and the are barely any entries that qualify as with the time it takes to watch them.

Go watch Andor instead.

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Halfway through the third short I literally said "What the fuck am I doing?" and I turned it off.

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star wars take on a way crappier version of Love, Death + Robots

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Season two is a massive step-down in quality from the first, mainly due to Lucasfilm mandating the studios animate their characters to be dubbed in English and the scripts are approved this time individually by Disney, rather than the Japanese tournament free reign like the last outing. If you're going to bother with the second batch of episodes, only watch Episode 1 (The Sith), Episode 2 (Screecher's Reach), and Episode 5 (Journey to the Dark Head). Everything else would be a waste of your time.

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