Shout by LegionWrex

Star Wars: Visions 2021

Bringing all the best of Star Wars in one complete, unique, bold package, Star Wars Visions is the best thing the franchise has had to offer in years, presenting radical new ideas for the series while also delivering on the things we know and love about it. From the action-packed, adventure stylings of The Ninth Jedi and Lop and Ocho, to the more spiritual, slow burn outings of things like The Village Bride and The Elder, and even the absolute crazy anime stylings of The Twins, there is something for everybody here - from old fans to newcomers alike.

And the best thing about it? It's not constrained by canon - as much as we love Star Wars' interconnected universe, Visions, by ditching the timeline and the cameos and the references (outside of the basics) makes a grand case to just stop caring about canon and lore and instead focus on the good stuff like themes, characters, ideas, and story. It's fresh, bold, and something really special. More please?

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