Jeri Ryan does an excellent job of portraying the Doctor, but that's more or less where the good stuff ends. There's no sense of danger or threat given that they are supposed to be prisoners.

Much more interesting is the background thread of Tuvok finally entering his pon farr, which is unfortunate glossed over when it should have been the focus of the episode. It's a shame that the show threw this storyline away with another Vulcan crewmember a few seasons back, so I suppose they thought they couldn't do it again.

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The good Doctor and Seven pair up for another episode. Both save an otherwise mediocre episode. Their body switch creates some of the most hilarious charades of this show. Ryan (literally) incorporating the Doctor's characteristic is stellar acting. What a great parody of our flamboyant Doc that is. How long must she have studied him. Yes, it is silly and the rest of the episode isn't worth to be discussed but the comedy scenes made me laugh. That's more than I usually expect when watching Voyager. It features one of the few scenes I could remember from my first run of the show 20 years back.

SAT word of the day:

Lothario /ləˈθɛːrɪəʊ,ləˈθɑːrɪəʊ/ noun ~ a man who behaves selfishly and irresponsibly in his sexual relationships with women.

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If not for yet another brilliant performance from Jeri Ryan this whole episode would not be worth mentioning. She has every nuance of the Doctor's behaviour down to a T. And quite frankly, he always was self-indulged.

The episode's plot is rather neglectable, and I am really rather tired of any kind of phobic aliens. The only thing coming out of all of this is Seven does now eat real foot. Wham, what a stunner.

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Jeri Ryan did a very convincing impression of the Doctor, but otherwise the story falls flat. No reason is given as to why these aliens’ photonics rebelled against them — in fact the episode goes out of its way to state that the photonics on their planet were given full freedom. Would have been nice for them to give a bit more detail.

The attempt at romance between the captain and his prisoner makes no sense whatsoever. Guess he’s just a straight up moron?

Finally, there have been dozens of occasions in which the show has made a big deal about how enormous the Doctor’s program is; but now all of a sudden it can be downloaded into Seven’s cybernetic implants without any real repercussions? Ok Borg tech is advanced but really? Though I suppose Seven of Nine has a heck of a lot of data stored in her noggin’…

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Great performance by Jeri. Personally did not care for the doctor scolding Seven on what she deems is best for her body. If she doesn’t want to indulge who is he to reprimand her.

We never talk about in this show why races with restrictive rules not allow leniency for guest. Sure we take it too far in the real world in what we allow diplomats to get away with but sometimes ignorance and oversight isn’t malicious.

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I really doubt that Seven would have replicated fois gras, given the horrific way it’s made I would have thought the Federation would ban it as a recipe; should have had caviar instead.

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For some reason I just couldn't watch the parts with Seven/The Doctor. Jeri Ryan does a wonderful job with the character of The Doctor, but something just grated on me. I love both Jeri Ryan and Robert Picardo (as well as their respective characters) and this should have been a slam dunk of an episode, but it wasn't. It was torture.

On the flip side, I loved The Doctor going off on Seven and her idiotic denial of her humanity.

And it's about time Janeway gave a proper ultimatum to moronic patrol ships. It was a little over the top, but better than her usual responses. Although she really should have let them know she was about to change course and go after her abducted crew. To be diplomatic and to prove a point.

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