Receiving a hologram transmission is a problem? Then how the hell did they get The Doctor back? Twice!

I do love Dwight Schultz, though. To bad it isn't really Barclay's personality. Not even his holodeck personality.

I'm glad we get to see the real Reg as well.

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Barclay episodes rate right up there with The Doctor... Wonderful characters

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I can't believe Janeway wouldn't immediately say she would look into Reg's programming when The Doctor voices his concerns. You have someone you should trust immensely claiming something isn't right with another hologram and you poo poo his claim. The number one principle in all things regarding security and safety is "Trust, but verify." It should not have been necessary for The Doctor to mention all the lives on Voyager Janeway is risking by not investigating.

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Dwight Schultz is such a fantastic actor, I really love his character.

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All Reginald episodes are massive fan service. I don't care though. I just like that guy even if that's not the real Reg most of the time.

Paris sees the pattern too: that's the inevitable "get your hopes up, we're about to get home" episode. Thus, the outcome is clear from the beginning. It's a good episode though. We get a Reg hologram representing a self-confident and motivating person. And we see the real Barclay as a dork and a stalker, Deanna in a bathing suite, and the Ferengi. The old rule is still true: when Voyager is able to resort to well-established characters and races of the Alpha and Beta Quadrant, the show is reliably capable of telling a good story.

PS: dabo girl, fraudster, prostitute, Betazoid, shrink - all possess unique insight to the male psychology.

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Holos personality gave him away right away even though they tried to explain it away mid-episode. It was too late. I was surprised they didn’t let the doctors worry expose him. Also at this point you’d think they have tractor beams ready one button clock to go. Or just disable it since it’s never ready or too much interference when ready :rolling_eyes:

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Shout by FinFan

I swear I did not remember the plot of this episode. But I smelled a rat the moment Barclay appeared. There are too many red flags and that starts with the episodes title.

We discover that the Ferengi are scheming to steal Seven's nano probes. Unfortunately those are more the one dimensional Ferengi out of early TNG. DS9 already gave them so much more depth. But the TNG connection in Form of Reg and Deanna gives this something worth wile.

Harry getting his hopes up everytime there seems to be a way home, only to become depressing when it fails is past the point of getting old. And are we completely ignoring the fact that the pod got through unharmed ?

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Why do they keep bringing him back!

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