I can only go on about how this is still "early days" so many times, so I'll mostly leave this episode be.

But I'm not going to ignore how useless Troi is. She can't sense anything until it's convenient for the writers. Bleh.

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This is where Data's fascination with Sherlock Holmes is born.

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I never liked the alien-take-over angle. Plus the thread to Picard is hollow. You wouldn't kill the captain of the Enterprise, and your lead actor, seven episodes into the new show. But even in it's early days there were some things positives (of course you didn't knew it back than watching it the first time). This was Data's first contact with Sherlock Homes. Something that will be build upon further down the road.

Oh, can someone explain to me how you can be upwind on a starship ???

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Shout by JasperKazai

Troi's abilities are such bullshit. They only exist to serve the plot in specific moments, and are otherwise completely useless. It's like a very bad knock-off of the Force.

It's very strange how a violent, murderous relationship between two alien species was basically treated as comedic relief. And also was not resolved in any way. Bizarre!

Lol at how the transporter tech just moved out of the way without being told to once the main cast entered the room.

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Mostly slept through this one

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more like Lonely Among Us

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This one kept me on the edge of my seat!

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