Flicking through the Klingon sections coz that whole thing is fucking painful ugh.

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Shout by DAVY X
BlockedParent2022-03-05T10:48:38Z— updated 2024-01-22T07:37:53Z

I enjoyed this episode and had fun with it and I thought this was just setting things up for the chaos to come.

Bring on the Chaos:

Star Trek Discovery is still the best Star Trek ever created and every episode is a joy to watch.
Loved that line
"Control" values his skill set
(yeah I see what you did

(So this season has two spinoff's
"Star Trek Strange New Worlds"
and a "Star Trek Section 31" Movie).

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So, the most annoying ensign Tilly, who btw weights about 80 kg., wins the marathon of the ship. It happens before opening credits, so I'd not mark it as spoiler, but yes - this is how believable the entire show is.

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Shout by Ro

Loved the storyline of Tilly

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After a solid start to the second season, we get this Klingon focused episode. The Klingons in ST:D are the least interesting thing and this episode dragged on and on -- the end with the two twists that didn't quite make up for the lethargic episode. I hope this episode is a fluke in this season and that we're done with the Klingons for the rest of the season. Where the hell is Spock?

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The most boring part of last season is back to haunt us, combine that with the focus on Tilly and you have a real rough episode.

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The plots advance, although I am surprised how they do it

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wtf is up with section 31? Arent they suppose to be unknown to starfleet? Nope everyone is talking about it like section 31 is known to everyone.

And on another note. theyre trying to fix their screw up with the klingons looks by "ooh the war is over we can grow our hairs back" like a little hair would fix their complete fuck up.

Nope, it wont, your fuck up is unfixable!

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as i remember there was a black badge wear by someone on early episode in season 1.
why nobody confront that?

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Shout by Agent24

The return of Michelle Yeoh was definitely the best part of this episode.

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Holy fuck! The Klingon side story is crazy enough to make the most emotionally twisted Latin American telenovelas ashamed of themselves! Discovery is clearly embracing its soap opera nature and I'm loving it! I can't wait for another episode of 'oH maHvaD!

Also, isn't the thumbnail for this episode a spoiler?

And I'm VERY curious about Section 31, I'm sure they're gonna destabilise things and bring some serious fun to the show!

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I "love" Trekkies. There's too much action, too little action, they changed this and that ... This episode is was back on the tracks after too 90s second episode that served no purpose and was really awkward all the way.

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God this episode was boring, I have just about given up with this latest attempt at Startrek. I was just about to turn this off but then Michelle Yeoh appeared and saved the whole episode. I hope the spin off comes soon and actually has some action in it, unlike Discovery where it’s mind numbing dialogue that goes on and on and on….. I hope that’s the last we see of the Klingons for a long time, they may have grown hair but they still look like the vampires from Buffy, and why do they talk funny, I just don’t get it.

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A few thoughts...

  • The Klingons look MUCH better.
  • Some nice nods to other Trek continuity, like Boreth and the introduction of a classic D7 cruiser. One of the background Klingons even had a House of Mogh emblem on their clothes.
  • This was probably the most "season 1-esque" episode of this new season. It tried to fit too much in and as a result there was very little room for character. Pike, Saru and Stamets barely got a look in. Even Tilly's plot felt far too rushed.
  • The camera didn't stop moving and it was a bit exhausting.
  • The Spock/Burnham plot devolved far much into "tell-don't-show". We need to be more engaged with this story and that doesn't happen by having characters just talking about it for a long time. Before this episode I WAS very engaged with it, so it's a shame it slowed down so much here.
  • Tyler/Voq has become a far more interesting character.
  • Very much enjoyed the return of Georgiou.
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I'm not a fan of the Orcs and Ash, and they featured prominently here. I'm not much of a Tilly fan, either, and she figured prominently here. I am a fan of this Pike, and of course he had almost nothing to do here.

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Oh please! Now the useless writer is rewriting the Vulcans as well. "Raised in an age where emotions were discouraged". That was not an age. That IS the way Vulcan's should be and are. This season do NOT start well. And this crap with Tilly is just that...crap!

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Mmm, I didn't quite enjoy it, I just think it is a little scattered, disorganized, and boring.

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I find the Klingon Soap Opera really annoying, the hair is a step in the right direction, but not enough. Best thing of the episode was Michelle Yeoh kicking ass, and preparing the way for the Section 31 spin-off. Still no Spock in sight.

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I never thought would say this, but the Tillly story line was the best thing about this episode. The Klingon stuff is still a total trainwreck and them suddenly having hair doesn't improve anything.

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First off, I love the Disco shirts (I know it's short for Discovery but still).

To much time with the space goblins. I feel insulted every time they put these creatures on screen pretending they're Klingons. On top of that they feel the need to involve us in a love triangle. An albino goblin, a human raised as a Vulcan and a Klingon surgically altered to look human walk in a bar. There is no punchline unless you count the baby. I think they spent money on their pseudo Klingon's clothes and sets and they feel obligated to use them .

What I didn't mind was Georgiou showing back up. I like the Emperor storyline and I like section 31. Now that she's away from the goblins maybe they can do something cool with her.

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My two least favorite characters are back.

I don't mind that they re-visit the Klingon story as such but those Klingons still don't feel right.

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After a good start in season two it seems we're having back one of those crappy season 1 episodes.

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Far too much season 1 baggage waylaid an otherwise interesting continuation of the Red Angel plotline.

Even the Klingon plot was doing pretty good until Mirror-Georgiou showed up in an MCRN ship and plot device'd it to death. I think this is one of the episodes produced by the original showrunners, prior to their exit, that wasn't re-treated by their replacement (though, some scenes do look like they were inserted after the episode was completed). Either way, Point of Light almost completely lacks the positivity and charm that the first two episodes of season two have.

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Who wrote this damn episode? The long, boring conversations between Michael & her mother went on forever. More blah, blah scenes between other characters. Little action. Yawn.

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