Review by Paladin5150
BlockedParent2019-02-01T08:06:34Z— updated 2019-02-03T01:30:18Z

Well, now....., wasn't that, .....special? You know, I really, really tried to find an angle to present a positive commentary on this episode, but, sorry to say this looks like a case of 2 episodes forward, and now one back...., to LAST season.

Growing up, when I hit my teen years, I would, on occasion, give Moms a little attitude, as teens are wont to do. She would give me, "the look", with an arched eyebrow and ask, "Oh, so you're smelling your piss now?", or "So, you must be feeling your oats", both of which basically meant, so, you're feeling cocky eh"? All of these responses were telling me to "back off kiddo", and if not heeded, would result in sometimes painful consequences.

Well, after two stellar episodes, it seems that the writers of STD(iscovery) started feeling their oats, got a bit cocky, and bit off more than they could chew.

Therefore, sadly...., Friends, Trekkies, Trakters, lend me your ears. I come to bury episode 3, not to praise it. The evil the scribes did (in season 1) lives after them. Though there was good interred in its bones. So let it be with DISCO. The noble Burnham hath told you DISCO was ambitious. If it were so, it was a grievous fault. And grievously hath DISCO answered it......

Yes, IMO Episode 3's grievous fault was that it was indeed TOO ambitious. Rather than simply continuing the arc began in episodes 1 and 2, the scribes, er, writers for some unknown reason decided to attempt to (in)coherently explore not just old business from last season, in the form of ..."meanwhile back on the Klingon Home World". But hey, lets throw in some marital discord, political infighting, and for good measure, surprise, surprise, surprise, son of a Voq......yes, LITERALLY a son of a Voq! Which was an weirdly inordinate amount of time to spend building the whole plot line up only to see Jr exiled to Fury-161, and daddy duo hooking up with the Sec 31 gang, now led by I'm not the Emperor Georgiou.

And if Burnham's Brother and Daddy issues weren't enough, Mom shows up at the office and, since Michael already did that whole mutiny thing already, asks her to break a couple more Starfleet regulations just to let em know she's still a rebel, if there's a good cause. Which, cause, now it seems, will have them embarking on the FIRST "Search for Spock", not to be confused with a much later search, which occurred after he was jettisoned out of a photon tube after being derezzed by a failing reactor. Oh yeah, and he's apparently gone batshiz cray cray and went "1 8 7 on some mutha' FN Doc's". (apologies Snoop)

And... speaking of Batshiz cray cray..... our girl Tilly, is now not only seeing dead people, but arguing with them, in front of everyone on the Bridge, and rather than esplain' and check in to sick bay, tells her BFF Burnham, who being an expert on interpersonal relationships and the cray cray, immediately susses out that our girl does indeed still have a full Happy meal, but, it may have become a bit moldy. So she takes her to see the resident spore whisperer Staments, who by the power of the space rock, discovers she is being haunted by......, SLIMER!!! (but featureless and not as cute)

Add all that to the already getting complicated "what are these signals, what is the Red Angel, what are Dark asteroids, plot lines, and you are starting to have Steven Moffatt levels of story complexity, with none of the fun. And, while I like my cranial contents twisted into a timey wimey pretzel just as much as the next Whovian, this AINT that show, so, my advice would be to stick to the basics, develop a coherent storyline, and play for the long game instead of coming across like you're panicked, and trying to cram as much stuff in as you can before you get canceled.

Unless the writers know something that we don't...., yet.

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