Perfect! I just love Tilly and Michael. Pike too. Is that Church going to become a starship? :) Frakes should direct again.

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Yes! This is the Star Trek we like!. Classic themes of exploration with dangerous situations solved by crew collaboration and science. And the "Red Angel" background plot is nicely presented and quite intriguing and original. Please let Jonathan Frakes direct every episode!.

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Damn; this one was probably the best episode so far. I hope this show will be given the benefit of the (oh so critical) doubt and time to grow. It has great potential. I love the little clumsiness and "discovery" the show admits, but this might have very good growth potential! I also love the new captain! He's a keeper!

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Shout by Deleted

When something happens once, it's an anomaly. When it happens twice, it's a pattern. The season premier was good and solid, and managed to shuck off all the major issues that plagued the show in the first season. This episode was genuinely excellent, from top to bottom.

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I have to agree with my fellow commenters. This was good Trek. My favorite episodes have always been away teams to other cultures. Combine that with some really good character interaction makes this one of my favorite episodes so far.

Just about every part of this was excellent. Adding Pike was the best idea they've had. The Pike/Micheal dynamic is great. Tilly and the doctor have become much fuller characters.

While the show can never be forgiven for what they did to the Klingons, they are doing a good job of course correcting.

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Shout by DAVY X
BlockedParent2022-02-16T19:47:31Z— updated 2024-01-21T21:57:10Z

Great Episode
I absolutely Loving all this
Red Angel stuff, I can't get enough
of it, especially with it existing
in different times, how Cool is that.
Jacob was awesome, i really liked
him and all that right at the end
was so touching, i had a lump in my
throat. Captain Pike is amazing
best Captain in Discovery
"So Far".
Once again Star Trek Discovery
proves why it's the best Star Trek ever
especially when it's doing it's own thing
This is future Trek
and all others should take note.
Oh dear I hope Tilly is alright,
Once again she was amazing this
episode she really come into
her own this season, and I love it.
Everyone is awesome actually
i love the bridge crew
and everyone is having a lot of fun
these episodes/this season,
I'm having so much fun this season
it's Frickin Awesome.
Now let's get back to the "BOOM":
Hahaha haha

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Good episode, but to be honest it has a plot hole, who in the name of everything holly the captain is refusing to transport the people back to civilization again! or even give them a choice and a closure! They are not a primitive society, they are survivors of a war!

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Shout by Ro

Star Trek Discovery has awoken from it’s season one coma

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Interesting. A very original plot for this episode.

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"Jacob, we cannot intervene. Your society has to evolve in its own way. Which is why I'm here right now, telling you things that I shouldn't be telling you. And giving you this power cell." Okay, so only those first two sentences were actually spoken by Pike, but the other two apply, as well. Still, I'm really liking this Pike a lot, and I, too, hope that we see Jacob again.

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Kind of funny, that people abducted very short before humanities first contact fall under Directive One, while the pre-warp-settlers picard relocated do not.

I guess the prime directive only applies when it's convenient for the writers, or only when the peoples ancestors left on their own?

I made that connection from memory. I don't get how the writers who literally do have staff, that watches through the material continues to fail seeing such inconsistencies.

Well, maybe they do and choose to ignore it.

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Why isn't there a black light for the black alert? Not even Jonathan Frakes was able to figure that out. Speaking of "figuring it out", I'm still unsure if Tilly is cute or just plain obnoxious.

It's interesting how Captain Pike was sticking to the Prime Directive as much as he could, whereas Mr. Saru was willing to forget about it in a heartbeat. Gotta love the consistency.

Last season we had too much Klingon stuff, this season we don't have enough (yes, I did watch the "next episodes" scenes, the soap opera intensifies).

I'm not sure why people are hailing this episode as "proper Star Trek", the whole angel thing, for instance, only favours the increasingly overpowering soap opera side of Discovery. Oh, well, at least the episode was fun (like any good soap opera should be), and not the worst of them, as far as Trek things go. And I, too, do want to see Mr. Frakes behind the cameras more often!

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Angeles? The first directive, interesting ethical conflict

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Wow, the last episode was SO good and this one was so "meh" in comparison. I enjoy having Captain Pike in the storyline but there is a lot of wasted opportunity in this episode.

The previews of the rest of the season looks promising. Hopefully they haven't spent everything on just the season premiere.

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I'm really tired off the first bloody directive...and silly Tilly. Also, it looks like this series is reverting to the dull, no real action, that has plagued a lot of previous Star Trek shows and episodes.

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Well "fans", this is what you wanted, right? Episode filled with unnecessary exposition and questionable character actions. It just generally felt like a unnecessary filler. As those people on the planet, it felt as something from the different times, not in a good way.

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I've criticized the show a lot but I am not to big to admit when there is something I like.

This was a big step forward in the right direction. Great script with lots of good dialogue. Pikes view on things and his solution at the end reminded me a lot of Picard. And thankfully no over the top action sequences. I'll attribute that to the direction of one Jonathan Frakes who clearly knows how to do Star Trek.

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Frankly, Frakes and the writing team of Vaun Wilmott, Sean Cochran, Akiva Goldsman and Sean Cochran - has done it!

This episode really feels like Start Trek! Well Done team! Jonathan Frakes knows and understands the ST universe and it would appear the the team of writers do too. I would highly suggest and recommend, that CBS keep this team together and get them/keep them working collaborating on more episodes if they generally want ST:D to work.

I think the acting in this episode is the closest to real ST we have seen to date on ST:D and I, for one, want to see more... Bring it on! Even Tilly is more likeable in this episode.

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Best Discovery episode so far. We're in for a fantastic season.

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Just catching up now since I just got the app for the Twilight Zone. A bit better than season 1 even if the Orville keeps my attention better lol.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Really enjoyable episode. Feeling more like Star Trek and the writing was solid. Only think letter it down for me is Anthony Rapp's theatrical acting. But that's part and parcel for him. Just not interested in his over the top whining and drama.

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