Michael Burnham is such a badass, she knows everything, she's on top of everything, she's a god. What would be do without Michael Burnham? Probably have a better show that allows a crew of highly intelligent officers solve the mystery of the week... together. And not just one person giving an all-encompassing answer to which others can just nod at in amazement.

I'm all for bending the rules a bit and ignoring the "Prime Directive" ... Oh no wait, "General Order One" but giving a battery that's 200 years more advanced? I don't know... Let's give an A-Bomb to the Indians/Native Americans shall we.

I want this show to succeed, I want Star Trek to succeed. I want continued adventures in this amazing setting without copyright laws and rights fucking things up. I want Picard that is Picard, not just a Picard that's actually Dickhard. This still isn't Starfleet, this is still a frathouse doing a damn good job at cosplay but bending whatever they want to serve their purpose. I watched most of Star Trek TNG, DS9 and VOY as a 16-year old... The lingo was incomprehensible at first but the more I watched the more I "understood" this technobabble... The technobabble in this borders between nonsense and "Let's drift... You're LITERALLY GONNA DO A DONUT". Herpderp.

I rolled my eyes and sighed way too much and that's a goddamn shame.

As an entity on itself though... There were some nice parts in this episode but everything happened too fast. The storyline of the settlement seemed rushed, got one scene of explanation and let's get out of here, oh no wait, we've been captured but no wait we escaped, bam bam bam. This alone would have been a full episode, maybe two, on old Trek. Why bother inserting the total annihilation subplot taking away valuable screentime from what could have been great (is it cuz the Orville did something similar a couple of episodes ago... nah that's technically/creatively impossible).

Also Tardigrades, yes Tardigrades... Are you pushing it CBS seeing you're being sued for using the idea for 98% from an indie developer?

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