Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2023-06-03T10:47:49Z— updated 2023-06-06T15:09:49Z

The A-plot is great because Dukat is great. I mean, Kira is great too and the general idea to pair two very different people for a common mission always works. It's a bit repetitive as far as Kira is concerned. We have seen her before being confronted with her and Bajor's past before. We have even watched a story about a Cardassian orphan abandondend by their fellow Cardassians after the retreat from Bajor. We have seen her fight in sand pits. That's not a novelty. But pairing her with one of the most-complex and one of the sector's most feared Cardassian "enemies" makes great TV. Dukat - as always - is great. His character is complex and you never know whether he's a monster or a loving family man. It's enjoyable how their relation changes from distrust to cooperative buddies, then back to pointing lasers on each other, then back to some sort of - I dare to say it - friends.

The B-plot is very soapy. But it creates a believable private life for Sisko. It will pay off later.

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Dukat is a snake, but who would have thought that he'd turn into a snake with a ... conscience... ?! Or ya know....maybe not, I might just be stupid but I can't quite decipher what he meant at the end... "I'll let you know." What does that mean?! Felt a little ominous...
dun dun dun

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