How delightful it is to come across an episode of your favourite TV show that you had almost forgotten. As it went on, more of it came back to me, but at the start I really couldn't recall where it was all going.

Gul Dukat has been a presence on the show since the beginning, but he's slowly received more and more development over time. Despite previous episodes spent with him ('The Maquis', 'Defiant') which gave us titbits, this is probably one of the first truly deep dives into what makes him tick. A large reason for it feeling so much more satisfying here is because he's paired up with Kira, and the two of them together really bring out a more truthful side to both of them. For Dukat, family does really seem to be the most important thing (and family will heavily influence his actions later in the series), but you can't help but wonder how much he's really in it for himself.

The show has also gotten me invested in the relationship of these two due to how much we've learned about their backgrounds. By all rights, Kira and Dukat should more or less despise each other but they've both learned that things are never quite as clear cut as that. Kira certainly has more right to feel hatred but she knows that all Cardassians are not the same. The scene in which Dukat sits on a thorn (?) and they both end up laughing is genuinely great and beautifully natural. It occurred to me here that I really want these two characters to get along.

Things get much more serious towards the end as we learn that Dukat has a half-Bajoran daughter, Ziyal. This is one of my favourite plot points of the series, but it also had the added issue (as it went on) of making Dukat very sympathetic. Whether that's a good or bad thing is different for every viewer, but for me I think it's always amazing if you end up feeling something for the "bad" guy and is only a sign of good writing. For all that, it still feels like a mistake to trust him and you always get the feeling that he has something else going on, and that something is probably not good. His charm can make you forget that he's a mass murderer, and it's easy to be disarmed because he believes that what he did was right. Just one of the best characters in the entire franchise.

Apart from that, meeting the Breen for the first time is a bit underwhelming. The Sisko/Kassidy relationship is a pleasant background story, with the best scene being the informal chat with Jadzia and Julian. Sisko's admission to Kassidy about his fears is excellent, and it seems like their relationship is about to proceed to a deeper level.

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