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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law 2022

Its funny how everyone is arguing about the woke and women issue. I thought "Hey cool show I can watch with my wife cause she usually dont likes my stuff". She hates the show... bad acting, terrible script she said :(

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Unwatchable. Mess. Bad cgi, bad writing, bad acting…..bad everything. Easily the worst MCU show yet.

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Watching clips of this made me so glad I gave up on the MCU after Disney took over. Writers nowadays can't come up with anything even resembling genuine comedy anymore, I swear to God.

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Fun, funny and light. Borrows a bit too much 4th Wall from Deadpool style storytelling, but the rest is strong enough to allow it.

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Not worth my time. I wish had spent the runtime of the first episode projectile vomiting all over my place of residence, instead of watching. But, one good thing is that the show made my digestive system move!

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People downvoting this like we know anything at all about the show.
Dont understand why rating shows/episodes before the release date is still a thing.

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Shout by khadim83
BlockedParent2022-08-18T19:04:02Z— updated 2023-12-26T16:49:22Z

Aa aa. Aa aa. Aa

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It was a good first episode. I hope this contues. I don't get all the hate. But if I am guessing right, people didn't like how she-hulk is instantly able to perform stuff better than bruce.

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Don't Listen To Anyone How They Feel About This Show, If You Are A True Marvel Fan You Will Watch It With Peace Also Have Fun And Enjoy The Fact That Marvel Is Slowly Making All The Comics Character Alive ! Hopes Up For More Characters !!

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This is the most boring show ever. She-hulk doesn't intrude anything new to the MCU and frankly shouldn't even exist.

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WTF I just saw?
Clearly the worst MCU show in history of MCU.
Don't watch this garbage.

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Biggest mistake is she hulk doing a monolog. Otherwize good show

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The CGI is awful but when you read how they treat their workers at Disney and Marvel, you understand.

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How bad (or good) is this really? Hearing mixed reviews/feedback and the clips i have seen till now ar not that hopeful, is it worth the time?

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I feel like this show is addressed for women. It is depicting her as more in control, better than OG Hulk for no special reason beside her being a woman.
Definitely a show not for all the audience out there and me.

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Shout by NicsTrakts
BlockedParent2022-08-20T09:16:18Z— updated 2023-09-28T15:39:36Z

The first episode was great! Tatiana is amazing and charming in the series. I like the fourth wall breaks and quick exposition. Hope this show continues to be great!

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Hope this isn’t shit like the last couple of marvel tv shows

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This is so bad I start crying Hulk is destroyed! Don’t know why they came up with this. Just do something with storm or any other marvel character if you feel like a girl should show power. Please no more cancel this crap

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Is there anything new here? Just another run of the mill Marvel (Disney) TV series. I feel TV is turning into pop music! Popular today, quickly forgotten tomorrow. Based on the first episode, I doubt this will make it to a second season. Shame, I enjoyed much of Orphan Black. But this is a pass for me, thanks.

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This actually makes me sad, because there is a lot to like about this show. The premise is interesting and well established, and Maslany is very good as the lead. Unfortunately, the longer the show goes on the worse the script gets, and its attempts to make its poor quality acceptable through meta fourth wall breaking about the creation of the show undermined the show's plot. The fact that the finale and the climactic moments of the show were stripped of their gravity to make a meta joke is a disservice to the goodwill built up earlier in the show. I was quite pleasantly surprised by the first half of the show, but the plot got thinner by the later episodes, and the finale really left a sour taste in my mouth.

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Its like they are actually trying to ruin everything. Holy crap, this is horrible.

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The best show? Of course not. Entertaining? For sure. I just wanna say this. People complaining about CGI when the bad CGI is literally explained on the show. Oh, people nowadays.

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Just like Moon Knight, its brilliant but so choppy. They said themselves they are aware thier shows pacing is terrible and they will change the structure, that was before they released more series and movies using the exact same structure.

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Yep - this might be the best Marvel Disney+ Show... Yes it's weird and sometimes over the top, But all works for me in the context of the show - and at least is was interesting.
it's not supposed to be serious my guys...
it's funny... actually sometime lretty funny. and often inexpected. and yeah sometimes a bit cringe. But I'll rewatch this way before any other MCU show besides maybe Loki.

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I can somewhat sympathize with what Marvel was attempting to accomplish with She-Hulk by highlighting Jennifer Walters's struggles to balance her regular and superhero identities in an unfiltered and unsensational style. However, it resulted in a rather mind-numbing series. The show attempts to follow a sitcom format but I would not describe She-Hulk as a comedy unless you find it funny how bland the show was. I didn't mind the fourth-wall break in the finale but it didn't resolve the show's other problems.

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There were few fun puns, I liked some of the deets, like She-Hulk using her powers to help around her parents house. But mainly I wouldn't recommend this to my worst enemy. Most of the characters were dull and even Daredevil seemed pointless addition, even tough I was glad to see him at first.

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She hulk is a mean selfish individual who does not have swag like tony stark or loki. Her 4th wall breaking is lame compared to Deadpool. This show has 2 episodes with good action 1st episode and daredevil episode. Rest of the show is devoid of comedy and action.

If you like a show about a mean selfish person going on dates and shopping this show is for you. But if you want a funny sitcom. Watch Wanda vision initial 3 episodes. If you want good action watch falcon and winter soldier. If you want a lawyer and superhero show then try daredevil.

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do yourself a favor, just skip to the last episode. you wont miss anything, trust me

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One of the nice things about this series is that it's half an hour only, so you go through the entire season in a weekend.

I liked the breaking of the 4th wall, that was done well, except for the last episode. That was just a very cheap and stupid way to end the story lines.

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Prepared myself for the worst show imaginable, cheesy dialogue and an apparent assassination of daredevils character and saw literally none of that. Fun little comedy show, presents itself as exactly that and does it well enough. Obviously there are flaws, but that’s Marvel for you. Never trusting a marvel bros opinion of a female led show again in my life. Had a blast watching :)

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They should have called it Shet-Hulk

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If we skip the rather poor CGI and focus on Maslana's rather well-played role and the highly unusual finale with interesting cameos, it's not na so bad. :)

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I loved this show so much idk why cause normally i hate American jokes like in this. the Jen breaking the 4th wall was really great you should watch it it’s not at all bad like so many people complaining about

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Okay, so I've got a thing for green women, ever since ST:TOS and Grotbags, and it stars Tatiana Maslany for god's sake, so I was hoping for something akin to the fondly remembered 70's/80's show 'The Incredible Hulk'.
I don't understand the shocking variable length of episodes, the acceptance of poor CGI, the naff humour and don't get me started on the "breaking the 4th wall" shit. This is very poor.

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Fun ahow, i was afraid the pop culture references might be too much but they were nicely handled

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Please, make you a favour and don't see this show. Skip everything 'till ep 8 just because of Daredevil. Am I the only one who doesn't like any character from this show? Like Blonsky (kinda) and Matt are the exception, but the rest are so boring to watch and the script doesn't help. I feel bad for Tatiana, I can see she made an effort.

Edit: Can we talk the way they make (and by they I mean the writers) She Hulk/Jennifer be like "pick me" girl or smth like that. Idk I was so bipolar 'bout her character.

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I like Tatiana and enjoyed watching. But the storytelling overall was very weak, though. Didn't do her justice. The humor was really off. The MCU hasn't made a single funny joke in a really long time.

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Oh. My. God. This is, without a doubt, the worst show I have ever seen. Forget bad CGI, lack of humor, or poor action. The real problem is the script: not only is it comedicaly weak on its own, but it drags down established MCU characters along with it. Some duche of cousin tells Bruce Banner, who sacrificed a lot to save humanity as a whole, how easy he had it all this time. She never feels a negative impact of being Hulk nor lack of control over it from day zero (unlike Bruce, whom it took decades of training and struggle) on top of being stronger (despite Hulk stopping huge aliens with one fist or destroying cities). All women here are cool and perfect (except the protagonist, of course), while all men are stereotypical assholes. Actually, I take it back. This show is a comedy, just not intentionally, and I refuse to believe this version of Bruce Banner is canonical to MCU.

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Watched it because Tatiana was in it. Just couldn't get into it though. Didn't feel any connection at all and didn't know where they were going with it. Tried to make it to the end but fell short...

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Not brilliant but I like what they’re trying to do. Love the forth wall breaking and meta aspects. It doesn’t always work but a nice effort for deconstruct and poke fun at the super hero cliches, which have gotten old.

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Enjoyed the show, Worth watching.

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I think She-Hulk can be fun sometimes, some characters are fun and it is an interesting way of covering them, but as much the series had some fun stuff it also had a lot meh stuff. The fourth wall breaks also were the least funny thing in the series, especially the one at the end which outright sucked. Wasted potential.

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I loved it. Very funny and entertaining.

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Just finished the first season, it wasn't nearly as bad as the reviewers made it seem.

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I hate women i hate women!

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Ending of last episode of season one ruined everything. I sat down watching and thought: "WTF!?". That was one of worst possible endings. :( :(

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Shout by Deleted

Shame, even Tatiana can't save it.

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2points for the 2 episodes that sucked the least.
Everything else in this show was Bastardzised,
Woke man hating Garbage.
And totally spat in the face of
everything MCU
and flipped the bird
To all the male loyal Fans.
This bollocks isn't even

Worth anymore of my time to even attempt to write a review. Everything has been covered on YouTube and I now know that the woman that's done this show made it as woke and man hating as possible to piss the male fanbase off- On purpose no less.
I shit you not,
She's actually said it in a statement.
That tells me all I need to know and explains everything.
(Why would that be your mindset and second why the fcuk would you even consider doing that are
for that to be your motivation in
creating a MCU+ show).
Do you know what I don't care I'm pissed
this show was specifically made to do that
so job done

I can do magic tricks
Oh look a Bird.......

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The Difficult Diva of Law:heart:‍:fire::heart:‍:fire::heart:‍:fire:

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Damn it... I like it.

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Fun and easy to binge watch. The most fun Marvel tv series since WandaVision.

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Simply a poor script written with numb fingers and special PlayStation defects, which every minute you have to process the scenes and dialogues with caution because it is not possible to absorb any information as it is so "complex". And the synopsis of the series should be: "let's create a super different series, which is not a failure of our producers, but a purposeful self-criticism in the form of a series, this is the great plot wist".

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The finale makes the case that she-hulk is a legal comedy, fine. However, all courtroom/legal work plots are terribly shallow, unfunny and poorly written.

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I'm not actually sure who this show is aimed at. Is it kids, teenagers or adults? Conversations about Ironman losing his virginity isn't really appropriate for the younger audience, it's listed as a comedy but I think many of the adults will find the laughs few and far between. I'm not sure if teenagers will find the storyline (or lack off) tedious and switch off. It just fails on so many levels. There is no identity and nothing that hasn't been done before.

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She-Hulk's fourth wall breaking: good.
She-Hulk's CGI: bad.

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Shout by Diego

I started watching the show without paying attention to negative reviews.

Episodes 1 to 3 were ok. But after that, it became clear the story isn't going anywhere. There's just no plot. They're not even trying to tell a story. They're trying hard to be funny... and failing miserably. I didn't laugh once.

I kept watching because I love the cast. But at some point, it became so cringey I felt bad for the talented actors wasting their time and image in the show.

The last episode was the final nail in the coffin for me, confirming that the show creators had absolutely nothing to say and no idea what to do with a character that they probably don't even like.

She's a lousy superhero and a bad lawyer... from start to finish...

The show is so bad I'm starting to think Ms Marvel was ok.

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What a god damn waste! DC better get their shit together cause Marvel is drowning.
Such a waste of time. So disappointing. I am only watching Marvel shows/movies for the story now.

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The downvotes are from Todds ;)

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For me, the main reason to watch this is Maslany. The CGI She-Hulk is still creepy looking.
I am also disappointed about the run-time of each episode. I expected it to be more like 45-60min and most episodes are only about 30-35minutes.
The show itself is quite different from the other MCU series. This one is much more of a comedy and Maslany is constantly breaking the 4th wall - much like Deadpool does. It was also a lot of fun seeing Charlie Cox as Daredevil again. And the season 1 finale was quite mind-blowingly different.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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What a joke Marvel! WTF is this?!

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I thought Marvel shows were bad, but this is just RIDICULOUS. Is not funny or entertaining is just a woman whining about everything and saying that is better Hulk than Bruce. The ending was unexpected, but stills make no sense as a finale or even a episodd and does NOT save how bad of a shitshow it was.

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It’s an ok superhero comedy. Not the best thing Marvel’s made but definitely not the worst either.
I liked the fourth-wall breaking and all the cameos.
There’s no excuse to how bad the cgi was though.

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An entertaining and different series from the previous ones, but Marvel repeats the mistake of saving the best of its repertoire for the final chapter.

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Shout by Joey van Maanen
BlockedParent2022-10-14T15:20:49Z— updated 2022-10-17T18:22:33Z

The whole season is so bad. There are a few okay things, but it’s just not funny and the worst fourth wall breaking I have ever seen. I don’t dislike the character and hope they can fix it in a second season or with an appearance elsewhere, but this is simply not good.

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The finale was very unexpected but was good.
Overall the show was awesome!!!

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The worst marvel show ever

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Best part of this show is Daredevil.

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The worst thing ever... Marvel, wtf are you thinking in?

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I've been a fan of Tatiana Maslany ever sinse Orphan Black and she's great in this role. I also love the character they've created Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk) is quite charming and funny. I'm excited to see her in future content I think she's one of the better characters created by Marvel lately.

The show on the other hand i'm not a fan of, I get that they're trying to do something different and independant but I don't think the approach was done right. For a comedy series I didn't laugh very often the jokes aren't funny. Also there's not much of a story it's just joke after joke and non-stop cameo appearances. People who liked Thor: Love and Thunder will probably love this sinse it's the same type of content, only without the action-adventure. It's also very cringe and the CGI looks terrible I mean come on Disney's crazy rich couldn't they do a better CGI model?! But then again they probably know better than to put their money on this, which says it all.

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This was just a mess with nothing at stake and poor humour.

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  • "we dont actually have a story here so we're just gonna make fun of ourselves and people who complains about us but we're gonna be so meta and unique you'll love it"

  • its like National Geographic/Animal Planet making a special show making fun of its own shows and and not showing the actual attraction content of its channel/brand : the nature.

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I used to think it was impossible for a show to display more utter contempt for its fan-base, source material and franchise than Legends of Tomorrow. I was wrong.

This show was less consistent with established MCU canon than the last two seasons of Agents of SHIELD.

I was really hoping this would be good. I've always loved the She-Hulk comics (for the most part). There was such potential for this to be a sensational show. Instead it left me with the feeling you get after an ex talks shit about you on social media half an hour after you break up.

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Felt like a 6 to me. Coming off Ms. Marvel which only has like 2 good first episodes, She-Hulk started strong and I had hoped it would turn out to be a banger and be consistently good throughout for a change but unfortunately that was not the case for me. Out of 9 episodes, only the first one, the Madisynn one, and the last two (with Daredevil) stood out, the rest were largely forgetable and godawful in the case of the wedding episode.

Gotta say they dropped the ball on the casting on this one, every 4th wall break felt completely unnecessary and not funny at all, pure cringe even. Compared to say the Wandavision episode where Wanda was talking to the screen at least that was charming. A lawyer comedy where the main character is not funny which gotta say I was pretty disappointed sorry. That said I hope they consider a recast in future projects as it still has a lot of potential.

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I understand it's different, but that doesn't mean its good. If this was outside of the MCU (which is a superhero franchise) it could be a good watch for some people. But most people who watch the MCU are there for the action + the superheroes and unfortunately this does not fit the bill.

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[Disney+] A worthy representative of the Disney+ stage of the MCU: Totally forgettable series of completely irrelevant characters, with a few notable exceptions. "She-Hulk" is embarrassing in its status as a humorless comedy and a superhero series without superheroes. Now it is clear why employees of CGI companies complained that Disney pressured them to finish their work in impossible deadlines. The result is this.

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No matter what others say, this show is super unique and funny to watch.

It distinguishs itself from other generic superhero shows by an unorthodox approach which maybe is a reason why many doesn't like this show. If you're into heavy action packed shows with a cohesive story ending in a fulminant finale, you'll probably not becoming a fan of this series. Therefore, I would highly not recommend it for you.
But if you like light hearted comedy mixed with some forth breaking walls and law action, it is a welcome surprise.

TLDR; try to watch it and judge it afterwards. If you like it or not, is up to you, but do not judge it by its cover like many people did. This show has a new approach -though I admit can be cringy at times- but this aside it is a nice new touch of a super hero parody show, if you don't always want to watch some serious action stuff.

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A huge waste of time - literally nothing happens, and the finale (although amusing) solidifies that. Writing is poor, acting is poor, effects are poor, action is poor, jokes are poor. They'd have been better making a 90 minute She-Hulk comedy movie instead.

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Absolute Cringe Fest throughout the season.

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Too much messaging. Never misses an opportunity to point out social injustice. I don't even disagree with most of it, but I came to be entertained and escape from the ugly reality.

I cringed when I saw Tatiana Maslany was on this because she is better than the vehicle (Clone Club), but I hope it serves to get her more exposure. The show won't fail because of her at least.

I'm supporting it because she makes it watchable, but I'm about over the MCU other than Thor and GOTG.

Kids will probably love it, but look elsewhere for something that has any meat on the bone.

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Shout by Alperen

NGL, when i see Megan Thee Stallion I surprised a little bit. But after all its still boring and cringe.

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Complete trash. It's so bad.

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I know I said in a previous comment that this show was ok, that it was quite faithful to the spirit of the comics. How...eeeeeever... this is literally going nowhere. They had to bring Matt Murdoch in the last episode (#8) to inject a little action and life. Kevin Feige is kind of losing his mojo because Moon Knight and Ms Marvel were a hot mess.

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garbage level writing, marvel needs to hire better writers

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It's fine.

a 20minute sitcom. makes a change from the usual MCU stuff.

The She-Hulk CGI is ropey, sometimes looks like she's animated at 60fps, particularly eye movements. made worse when Hulk is in an episode, as he looks superb.

SH's forehead is just ridiculously massive, as is her hair.

My main problem that does infiltrate each minute of SH appearances, is that she doesn't look at all like Tatiana

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This show is atrocious. I feel like 1/10 is being generous! If this is the future for marvel than the MCU is finished.

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This show is just bad... The cgi is atrocious and comical.

This isn't even good enough for the CW network

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Shout by NicsTrakts
BlockedParent2022-09-27T05:50:39Z— updated 2023-08-04T22:25:54Z

This is a great fucking series!! It expands on MCU content in a new and fresh way. I’m so tired of the end of the world plot points. It actually plays more like a lawyer procedural than a superhero show and I’m so thankful it does! It’s a fun way to expand the universe without needing a ‘save the world’ storyline. I love watching the unexpected consequences or new situations I hadn’t thought of arising from people with superpowers. Starting a law department for supers would totally happen! The writing and edits are phenomenal. Loads of exposition told in very efficient and well-executed cuts. The show is tongue-in-cheek and the fourth wall breaks support that energy. Tatiana has been a big time fave of mine since Black Orphan and here she is so god damn good! She’s funny, awkward, and brings a great humor to this series. Don't let the incels keep you away. WATCH THIS SHOW!

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This is so fuckin bad :disappointed:

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its midseason and still no Daredevil. this is garbage and painful to watch every week.

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This is so bad it’s insulting.

Bad writing, bad acting, absolutely no immersion, everyone else in the show acts like single digit IQ individuals, we know almost nothing about Jen, she’s purposefully (I guess) made very unlikeable, which is a weird strategy for the main character, it’s genuinely held together by cameos, which she does address in the 4th wall breaking, so at least it’s self aware of how terrible it is.

Also, I’ve noticed all the comments here are just the majority of people not liking this show… Rightfully so. But, the rest are posts or replies to people not liking it, from some angry women that think everyone is misogynistic or whatever because the show is genuinely horrendous.

To those people, snap out of your delusion, just because it’s a female lead show, that doesn’t make it good.

It’s not entertaining, and in case you’re not aware, the whole point in entertainment, is to be… Well, entertained.

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First Marvel show I DNF'd

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This show is best used as background noise.

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I really like this show, just wish the episodes were longer

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Why the hate for this show? It’s just a fun tv comedy. I’m enjoying this much more than Ms.Marvel.

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I have actually no words beside: No.

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I really really really hate this show. It’s stupid and boring and the CGI is horrible at best. It the worst thing is the decision to have a forth wall breaking thing. STUPIDEST. IDEA. EVER!!! If possible I would give this a minus rating.

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Women good men bad ,she hulk better than hulk since day one but if hulk is better at something he is a show off good stuff

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