I really wanted to like this more, but I just didn't.

I'm a big fan of She-Hulk, especially the forth-wall-breaking era, so every time I sat down to watch another episode I was looking forward to it, but almost every time I walked away under-whelmed.

Yes, the CGI is bad, but you get used to it after a while, and I forgive it given the amount of pressure and crunch in that industry (principally because of Disney/Marvel). A lot of the forth-wall breaks are more cringe-y than they are funny, but I appreciate what they were trying to do. It's painfully ironic that the show is so hated for focussing on a storyline that prophesies its own backlash. And while I think it was a solid, relatable storyline,it was such a background thread until it was suddenly the main conflict that it didn't really feel like a proper payoff for the season.

Honestly, it felt more like the first half of a season than a complete season, and if it had gone for another 5-10 episodes I feel like it would have found a better footing and a more satisfying conclusion.

That said, all the cry-babies whining about this show are just that. Not every show is for everyone, even if they share a universe. I know that I can't (and probably won't try to) keep up with all the MCU content, so some non-essential viewing is A-OK, and if you really loved She-Hulk that's okay too.

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