This could have so easily have failed, but "Mission Marvel" is really fantastic. It's not as emotionally resonate or impactful as "Summer Belongs to You" was, but there is so much energy, love, and genuine appreciation for both source materials here that it's hard not to love it. The animation is consistently stellar, one of the show's best moving episodes in terms of action thanks to fantastic storyboarding and fast paced cuts that keep things easy to follow. It's also a treat for Marvel fans, with numerous references, parodies, and callbacks, some of which are so out there and deep into lore that it's clear they did their research.

But the real strength of this episode is in a hidden place - Candace's subplot, which is an emotional whallop you wouldn't expect from the show. The observation about Marvel fandom and it's inherently male dominated sub-culture, and incorporating that into the episode is inspired, and feels like a proper thematic continuation of the excellent "Nerds of a Feather". And the song "Only Trying to Help" is an all timer of the gate. This is really fantastic stuff, and proof the show continues to be as great as ever.

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