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Phineas and Ferb

Season 1

Gotta admit, I did not expect to enjoy it anywhere near as much as I did. Season 2 here we go.

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Such a great first season. Phineas and Ferb's first foray into the television world holds up as cartoon excellence - nearly every single episode is a knockout, and even the weaker ones are still far funnier and smarter then anything else on TV right now. It's such a delight at all times and the entire cast continues to be great on screen. It's the rare show that actually does get better with age and time - as well as season to season. It's so good that it frankly doesn't deserve us - we aren't good enough for the show.

Probably the thing that struck me as the most interesting here was how the show evolved over the course of the season. Like for example - Phineas was kind of a jerk in the early episodes, but slowly but surely became less so, becoming instead the Phineas we all know and love by the end of the season. The bumps in the road with some parts early on are gone by the end, instead replaced by a confidence and a willingness to pack in emotional beats as well as comedic ones. Simply great stuff.

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