Still waiting for this show to make that extra step and get more than 'just good'.

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Nice episode. Too bad it’s going too fast ! 30 minutes episode is short :/

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How did they even get into the casino?

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I truly do not understand why all these episodes are so short…
Why did the creators not give the story and the characters more time to breath so they can establish more depth and suspense? Perhaps there’d also be more time left for some genuinely lighthearted and easy-flowing humour then. After all, that is the main part of what made the books so popular, so it feels weird to have that predominantly missing here.
I don’t know, everything just goes by so fast and easily now, which is a shame. It’s still a nice show, but it could be much better!

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Our heroes continue west to Las Vegas in search of Hermes at the Lotus Hotel who they hope will help them find an entrance to the Underworld. Grover comes across another satyr who's searching for Pan as well. We continue to learn more of each character's personal history and what drives their ambitions forward which is essential to learning about the massive complex world Rick Riordan has created. Too bad these episodes aren't longer. Percy attempting to drive the taxi car in this episode was very funny to watch.

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I don't know, the show is still decent but we continue to just rush through areas / locations way too quickly, I don't feel like there is any danger or threat as they just deal with everything so quickly. I think every episode so far would've benefited by being 10 mins longer

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I really wish they would stop revealing the plot twists before they even have to confront them. First Medusa and now this. Like, could they maintain a sense of mystery for more then two seconds?

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In a weird way, the show's tendency to whizz through a plot (which they thankfully didn't do last week, and subsequently was also its best episode) actually thematically makes sense for this particular episode at least because it makes the time dilation issue feel real time! It is bizarre though that this is a story thanks been adapted to film, and then adapted to TV, and the TV one still feels rushed!

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Anabeth speaking like a 50 year old who has seen and done everything is getting old really fast.

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This was fun. I was wondering how the pearls would come into play since they hadnt been collecting along the way. I enjoyed the lotus scenes, even if it wasnt as obviously drugged as in the films

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can’t believe i’m saying this but…. lin manual miranda is actually a pretty good hermes lol

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i agree with the sentiments that the episodes could stand to be around the 45 minute mark but i also know why they aren't—family tv shows are always capping out around 35 minutes max and i think it's probably for the best as someone who used to have to bargain using television show episodes to finally get my brothers into bed. those 10-15 min extra add up fast. it is SUPER weird though how the episodes feel so short and rushed at times when the percy jackson movie adaptation didn't quite feel that way (not complimenting it, just an observation). maybe it's the fact it excised a few of the quest steps?

speaking of that adaptation, i haven't read the books so can't confirm but if this show is more faithful to them, i really don't understand some of the changes made for the movie adaptation. this show has been a lot more fun tbh.

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this reminds me in how the a series of unfortunate events tv show they just half assed the wide window because THAT scene was just so iconic and good in the movie and now in the percy jackson tv show they knew they could not beat the iconic drugged out lady gaga moment so they just had a bunch of kids awkwardly wandering around and showing how bad at acting they are

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So far I loved most of the adaptations and changes. Not here. The casino part was my favorite in the book and they didn’t get it quite right or at least it didn’t feel so for me.

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Still enjoying this but does Lin Manual Miranda need to be in every Disney project?

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i haven't read the books but watching this series and the general good reception of it makes me think that i shouldn't.

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I found this episode to be dull They overfocused on the quest and it didn't deliver anything besides it.

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