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Once Upon a Time 2011

Evil queens, unicorns, Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, etc.. - all the classics in a modern and well made TV serie. There are no half-naked-fake-boob babes or overly violent gunfights but instead there are lots of great actors, good story and great filming! Highly recommended!

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the only show i've seen that gets better the further you watch. hope they don't run out of plotlines anytime soon!

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After season 3 for me this show became forgettable, i loved it since the beggining, my second show that i ever watched (after supernatural) and i absolutelly loved it, the characteristics were awesome, but it lost all the magic when they introduced Frozen,..

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First season was good, then they lost me at season two, then they bring me back for season 3 with Peter Pan and Neverland (the best thing that they've ever done for this show). But the downfall after that is irrecoverable.
Shout out to Lana Parrilla and Robert Carlyle who are the only two actors worth watching.

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Season 7 is terrible. Glad this show has been cancelled. The mother / daughter casting is terrible. I don’t know what the director was thinking. They are not bad actors but not right for this show.

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Just dropped in season 5. It just lost the magic (no pun intended), because every season is the same:
- Everything is alright now, everyone is happy again, yay!
- A powerful Villain appears.
- Villain used Curse. It is supper effective!
- The Heroes lost their memory for a short time.
- "Now thou shalt travel to a foreign land, farewell my Heroes."
- The land ends up to be Storybrooke... again.
- OH, almost-30-years-old-henry-that-ages-really-fast-but-everybody-just-decides-to-ignore-that, SAVE US ALL!
- A Hero dies. Climax.
- The Villain is defeated with a hidden power that the Heroes found somewhere, just laying around in Storybrooke.
- Go back to step 1.

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Swanqueen should have been canon.

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This show started out awesome. I was completely hooked to the point that my sister and I would call each other during the commercials to ooohhh and aaahh over what just happened. The last 2 seasons have really gone down hill. So much so that I am several episodes behind in watching it.

It seems like the writers are running out of good plot lines. I hate to say it, but it might be time to cancel the show.

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This show had a great start! Loved season one but during season 2 and three some characters started getting annoying. They're evil then good then evil then good then evil and it keeps going. I didn't mind the first couple of time but after time it gets annoying. Season 3 and 4 get boring quite quick. I give up on this show. They run out of stuff.

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A nice family show, for me it is kind of a guilty pleasure. I feel so bad for Regina! everyone gets a happy ending and she just gets called 'the good queen'. she just wanted love damn it!

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Absolutely loved Seasons 1 to 6. Season 7? No thanks - slow and it just doesn't have that 'oompph'. Should've just left it at 6.

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OK, Half of the first season down. True Blood did this first, then Lost Girl, then Grim and Once came about the same time. Ive seen all of them and OUaT is the last one for me to watch. This is better than True Blood, Lost Girl got dull and repetitive, and Grimm is just plain awesome. This show ranks a little above Lost Girl, but more interesting. The only real knock is it clearly changes the fairy tales. The other shows kept the original tales alive, while this one completely destroys the older folk lore. If that doesnt bother you, then you'd enjoy this show. I was not bothered much, but this will never beat Grimm for that reason.

PS, I find it a bit unfair that Disney uses its characters along with the public domain characters. They should release Snow White, Cinderella, and the entire bunch, to allow others to use them as well. It just shows how handicapped the characters are, since no other companies can use them in similar shows as this. I'd love to see new adventures of these and others, that are lost in purgatory.

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It's so bad yet so good.

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every single episode is worse than the previous one

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Unlike the other comments, I disagree with a lot of what everyone had to say. Season one is probably the slowest, most boring season out of all the seasons so far. I can guarantee that if you manage to get through it, it gets a lot better. As for season three, it isn't as bad as people make it to be. The whole concept is interesting, and i'm speaking about both halves of the season. Same goes with season 4 (the frozen arc), it isn't as bad as people make it to be. My only complaint would be how meh the second part of season 4 is. But it's a really good show if you're into fairy tales. Keep in mind that it's a family show about fairy tales, so it's bound to have cheesy lines every once in a while.

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Lana. Parrilla. That is in itself enough information to go start this show because that woman could seriously bring magic to a show about potatoes for all I care and she is one of the main reasons that this show is what it is but other than that, it's got all of our favorite fairytales but with different and sometimes darker twists. It's a very layered show in which good and evil isn't always what it seems and you actually love the villains more than the heroes at some point.

The writers do a great job in creating a world in which anything is possible and all of your favorite fairytales collide. I'm never bored watching this show and if you are a lover of anything magic like myself than you simply have to watch this!

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I completely agree with the other reviews. Up til the beginning of season 3 part b (second half), the show was great. Then it started going downhill. I hate watching now but feel I need closure and like the few Regina moments.

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Wow, this show's quality has been slowly declining since season 2. It was fairly painful to watch most of season 3. Not sure if it'll be worth to stick around for season 4 if they don't drastically improve their writing. The cast is pretty good, such a shame the writers are not only wasting their talent but also the potential for an amazing plot and what could have been a memorable TV show. As of now, it stands as a mediocre attempt at modernizing (and monetizing) fairytales dear to us all with poor CGI, even by television standards.

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the last season was the only one that we all didn't watch because Cinderella was black but her stepmother was white.

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It might've been alright watching this in weekly installments, but it's a right fucking chore to binge. I can just about manage two or three episodes at a time.

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The first season was enjoyable but I just couldn't garner enough interest to watch any more.

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I've watched the first 3 seasons, but I can't get myself to start on season 4. I know I really liked the first season, but it kinda fell short quickly after. At least for me.

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Tried to watch this but just couldn't get into it at all. A story about characters from a fairly tale (not told in a very interesting manner) being trapped in modern day society (also not told in a very interesting manner) as a result of a curse. Most of the actors I've never heard of, the acting is pretty second rate and the script / story just plain dull. Essentially it's a soap opera set in two worlds with the fantasy theme trying to hold them together in a way which I guess might appeal if you're REALLY into fairy tales or family friendly soaps, maybe. I didn't manage to maintain the enthusiasm to make it to the and of the first season's 22 episodes, simply more interesting, better scripted and better acted stuff to invest the time in. Binned.

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If you want a great ending to the show than stop watching after S3.E11 If you want to keep going I recommend stopping the end of S03

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That last "season" should not have been made. Oh my God its totally shite. And why? Some black-washing spin-off or re-do or something? Terrible. I had this series at 9 out of 10, but unfortunately they havent been able to keep up the quality of the first 3 season's. Still, it remained quite good.... but that last season should not have been made. the last episode of the second-last season was a great goodbye to all characters and brought the story to a close. And then someone decided lets make a new series and try to cash-in on the popularity of Once Upon a Time..... terrible. So. My advice: enjoy this series and DO NOT watch a single second of the last season.

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I just love this series. :heart:

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The early seasons are better than the later. By the time you get to the last season it is almost unwatchable. They tried to cut costs by reducing the cast and the characters that were there from the beginning were written out of the show. Stop about season 5 or 6. Use the time saved on the last episode watching something else.

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I would not know what I would do without Once Upon a Time, this show is absolutely my all-time favourite. I agree that the first season really is the main season and therefore the best, but everything coming after it is very much worth watching. The concept is wonderful, the writing is amazing, the acting is breathtaking (Lana Parilla, Robert Carlyle, Emilie de Ravin, need I say more?) and everything feels right as if Storybrooke, Maine might just be right around the corner. Even season 7 is worth to watch with very intriguing charachters and plot lines.

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I've only seen a few episodes but until now this has so many flaws in the story that it's pissing me off.

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I love this show soo much but there is a lot of wasted potential

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Why cant I watch the episode. ..whhhy WHY

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I still can't believe that Emma and Regina didn't end up together, what a queerbaiting

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Love this show and I hope we get a season 7 because I need this show in my life lol...also loving this season so far! I hope jackfrost gets added in and same with Lilo and Stich characters and Goldilocks and more!

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Happy once day,oncers :D

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When does this show come back on? I miss seeing it on ABC

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Great show can't stop watching

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Completely great! I just love this show. It's totally brilliant! All the characters, all that stories that everyone else are connected somehow! With the stunning mind of the writers. I just love it!

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I am still in season one. I like the fairytales stuff but the main story is a little weak and at times boring so far. I hope it gets better

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Why can't I watch the show I logged in and its bot working how did you do it

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I can't figure out to watch it on here!! Can I even do that?!?!?!

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This show had a great start! Loved season one but during season 2 and three some characters started getting annoying. They're evil then good then evil then good then evil and it keeps going. I didn't mind the first couple of time but after time it gets annoying. Season 3 and 4 get boring quite quick. I give up on this show. They run out of stuff.

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Why does it say that runtime is 60 minutes ? It's 43 minutes, please fix it.

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Cant wait to see Merlin

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Best tv show eveeeeer !!

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Uma das melhores séries já produzidas! Foda!

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Uma das melhores séries já produzidas! Foda!

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Uma das melhores séries já produzidas! Foda!

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Absolutely love this show!!!!!!

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I lyk de show buh y z every thing about tru luv kiss hmm

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What a ride! I just finished the first season, and feel like I completed a year of school! For more, see the review:

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I'm in love with this show, I'm in love with the way Lana Parilla (Regina, the Evil Queen) plays, I'm in love with Emilie de Ravins (Belle) amazing accent, I'm in love with the good/bad-thing from Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold and I'm in love with the love between Mr. Gold and Belle. And oh, yeah, for those who haven't noticed it yet, I'm in love with Once Upon a Time. And for the critics: season one indeed was the best season ever, but it's still worth watching seasons two and three, and worth waiting on season 4.

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And by the way, that is so true. The second season was not as good as the first season! I haven't seen the third one though

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I am into these episodes so much because, I mean, the suspense is.... Wow! If there were infinity stars! that would be my choice. 100% recommended and satisfied with this tv show!!! It's A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE BEST TV SHOW IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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When is the next season?!

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after a good but not great 1st half of the season, 2nd half with Zelena and magnificent 2 hour season finale was just faith in once has been restored

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I'm conflicted! Really liked the first season. The second season's writing was really bad in so many ways. Often things are not resolved and beneath the surface don't make a lot of sense. Now, I'm still trying to drag myself through the third season wondering why I'm still watching it at all. Some of the concepts and the retelling of the story-tales are wonderful as a whole, but the dialogue is hard to get past. Many of the actors are not great at what they are trying to do. I do like Emma, and Hook is great in his part as well. I keep hoping the show will live up to the acclaim and adoration it seems to get.

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Hate what the finale did to Regina! I liked the harmonies between our 3 female leads, didn't want it to go this way. Sighs. Love the show and the morality of it and all.

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i'm in love ♥

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It doesn't matter about great performances, it's good, exciting and fresh writing. I love how the writers play with all the tales and weave them through the existing characters. Good fun to watch!

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Replace [Totally ninja!] by [Magic!] make my day. Awesome.

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amazing show! the writers are very goods and make a great job.

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Emma... What the Hell is wrong with you girlie!!!!! You need Hook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Thank you, Robbie Kay (PP), for making this show better.

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fairy tales climates are super.

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Every week I tell myself that I am done with this show.. and every week or 2, here I am again. There's just something so alluring (and unfortunately annoying) about it.

Don't get me wrong, I loved Season 1, which is basically why I still hang around, waiting to see what happens next.. then come the second season. When we lost the feel of normalcy, which is the characters' Storybrooke personas, things sort of went awry for me. Nonetheless, I still watch (though I can wait episodes out for weeks, unlike other shows that stir me up so much that I can't wait for the next episode), and every once in a while, I do find myself quite satisfied. Seems that the 3rd season is going pretty well, though, compared to the second, which I found myself strongly disliking halfway through.

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I just decided to watch this on a whim...and was not expecting to enjoy it, but it sucked me in! Completely marathoned the first 2 seasons and looking forward to the 3rd premiere! There is just something about this show that has me hooked!

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This is the best :) I'm a huge fairytale lover, so when I heard about this show I was so excited. And it delivers. It's clever, funny, detailed and filled with awesome characters who are portrayed by perfect actors. Who would imagine that Captain Hook would be so hot ;) and Rumpelstiltskin has to be my favorite character! He is adorable with Belle.

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I probably wouldn't watch it if it weren't for Lana Parrilla's excellent performance as the Evil Queen... Long Live the Evil Queen!

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Great show! Love it!!:)

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I started watching Once Upon a Time just a few days ago, but I'm loving it since first episode.

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Very creative! You can't stop to watch it. A little short...

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hmmm ... ok-ish

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Great show

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I love it ,

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I am new

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watch it evry Sunday.

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Love this s

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LOVE THIS SHOW! Best show EVER! Totes addicting!

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This show blows my mind...

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great show!!!

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going downhill in season 2....

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Great show! The Evil Queen a.k.a. Madam Mayor is someone you are supposed to hate, but the way Lana Parrilla presents her character is bound to make you fall in live with her.

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I love this show , one of the best

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season one was a lot better. they're not doing so well with character development and some plots are extremely worn out. they have a great cast of characters and lots of potential, so i hope things do improve.

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i love this show its so coool

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Don't know what it is with this show but after one season I just don't like it, I have nothing against fairytales adaptations, it may just be the characters but I just don't like it at all.

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It took me about a year to finally getting around to watching Once Upon a Time & Grimm, two series that had me interested, but very concerned about potential train wrecks. Grimm certainly does fail, but I have to say I've been pleasantly surprised to see that Once Upon a Time hasn't.

I'm 7 episodes into the first season, and the show has struck a nice balance between the real world and fairy tale world. The plot twists when it nees to, gets convoluted for the fun of it, but in such a way where I'm entertained instead of turned off. My praise wouldn't go as far as some have, this isn't the best shown TV, but if you're intrigued by the premise it is certainly worth checking out. Solid 7, but I think it has the potential to rise beyond that as we move through the show.

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This is simply the best television show in production today. it's clever ,smart,totally original and great writing .

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deliciously complicated. riveting and takes you on a twisted adventure! great characters, plot and cinematography.

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love this show , hate the witch ... :p

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As a long-time fairytale lover I absolutely recommend this show. It is original storytelling at its best!!

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Way better than expected. The premise sounds a bit silly but the execution is good and plot and character development is promising. I'm curious were the show is going.

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