Shout by Blakblu

Once Upon a Time 2011

OK, Half of the first season down. True Blood did this first, then Lost Girl, then Grim and Once came about the same time. Ive seen all of them and OUaT is the last one for me to watch. This is better than True Blood, Lost Girl got dull and repetitive, and Grimm is just plain awesome. This show ranks a little above Lost Girl, but more interesting. The only real knock is it clearly changes the fairy tales. The other shows kept the original tales alive, while this one completely destroys the older folk lore. If that doesnt bother you, then you'd enjoy this show. I was not bothered much, but this will never beat Grimm for that reason.

PS, I find it a bit unfair that Disney uses its characters along with the public domain characters. They should release Snow White, Cinderella, and the entire bunch, to allow others to use them as well. It just shows how handicapped the characters are, since no other companies can use them in similar shows as this. I'd love to see new adventures of these and others, that are lost in purgatory.

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