About damn time he showed up, now I have someone to root for.

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God the kids are so damn annoying. And no one gives a shit about teen drama. This show is all over the place.

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Really dislike the present characters aside from the Frenchwoman and Kurt Russell, and guess what, when they show a lot of the past timeline characters and put some Godzilla in, the show is pretty good.

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This show gets infinitely better when it goes back to the 1950s.

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Thank god, we’re back to the past. The current time scenes mostly suck.

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As G awakens and emerges from the rocks, they all tumbled down a big hill and no one was injured, not even a scratch! Ridiculous!

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That's more like it! So Lee really screwed things up because he had the hots for Kei. Not that I can blame him after that dress :dress: and that dance ...

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I really wish they'd stop forcing teen drama into the Godzilla franchise - Were no lessons learned from the whole Millie Bobby Brown saga?

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That Yamamoto actress... how beautiful is she? oh man!

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The show gets so much better when we go back to the 50's. Why didn't the show just concentrate on that? When we get back to the three dorks it's just meh - at best.

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The military ball was just beautifully shot

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I am losing interest in this show. May is an really terrible actress.

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can I pet that dawg?

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Finally, some yummy Gojira goodness! :black_heart:

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Godzilla finally makes an appearance and as expected, it's cool. Keiko and Young Lee Shaw have some nice chemistry, also.

But those goddamned pouting Randas and mopey May...they only threaten to leave Older Lee and Elisa about a half-dozen times during this episode. Just friggin' leave already!!! Please! The show will be instantly better when they do.

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Rooting for the monsters so there is no second season with these annoying people! Lazy writers and their slow pace fillers are getting in my nerves. This season could have been done in 3 episodes

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Finally their Father is found, only to Disappear again? The big G is awake and I am not sure what Lee is up to? :thinking: Slight confusion.

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