when this show is over, someone should make a fan edit of the 10 episodes. it could be a fun 8 minutes.

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"I can bury you deep or I can bury you shallow". Just when you think this show can't get any dumber, the writing any lamer or the acting any worse... Now all I want is for Kurt Russell to go full Captain Ron so there's some actual entertainment.

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Secret organization like CIA? Yep CIA is very secret no one know of it's existence except the the whole world

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Boring ass filler episode. Waste of time. Nothing happens

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Geez... this should have been a 5-episode season. We really don't have time to watch all these boring fillers.

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Anna is so pretty :heart_eyes:

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Wow. Why force feed us gayness. We don’t give two shits. Unnecessary waste of time.

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WoW trakt deleted my comment :thumbsup: Gay

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The Randas and May are still terrible characters with emotional and personal problems stacked one on top of another. Kurt Russell's Lee Shaw is resigned to making vague statements that do nothing but give the viewer no information about Monarch, except that it's a dysfunctional organization. This episode is devoid of practically any kaiju action, but I may have fallen asleep.

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The worst thing about the two girls kissing is the one with the dutch boy haircut.

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When May and Kentaro had sex, no gay person came on here and threw a temper tantrum. But, show a gay kiss, and all of a sudden, it's the end of the world. Representation is the new normal, and if you have a problem with that, well that makes you abnormal. Grow up.

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I love how my comment which had 32 likes and 10+ comments was removed from referencing the south park motto, add a chick to it and make it gay and lame... I guess the only people who can say the word gay are the lgbt, really tired of trakt cleaning up the comments to try and hide the massive push back on this stuff, not because people are racist or whatever phrase word, because it makes for lame tv.

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The last two episodes have been noticeably worse than the first three, but at least this one is a great honeypot for incels living in their mom's basement :smile:
Glad I can block them.

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Why does May look like she's always high

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why would they sing, loudly, when they know they are trespassing and there are armed soldiers nearby?? some seriously stupid writing in this episode. I guess all we learned is that her mom sorta knew about the affair (tbh I was hoping she was in Monarch, so that was a bummer) and that the maps the kids keep ripping off walls willy-nilly are important. who would have guessed

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Cats had more screen time than kaiju

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Although I kinda like the show, I find almost all the characters to be majorly annoying. The monarch people are bullies and assholes. They keep accusing the kids of stealing files when they didn’t steal anything. They expect cooperation when they could’ve been reasonable but instead they abduct cate throw her in a van and put a bag over her head. The kids are dancing around a restricted disaster zone and told not to get caught or loot. And they decide to loot and make a lot of noise as if they don’t have a care in the world. Care is so upset at her father for having another family but she’s been having an affair. I can keep going. I’ll probably finish the season but I don’t think I could continue for another season if this crap. Especially with how little they show the monsters

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This show is getting worse by the second. The dialogue and plot holes in this episode are atrocious

I don’t know if I can continue with this show

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I like Kurt Russell and his son but this show otherwise fails to have human characters we care about. Unlike Godzilla: Minus One.
Especially when the latest episodes have just been of them arguing. Or flashbacks of them just living life, that no one asked for. Tim who works for the bad guys, I even have found more likable than some of the heroes.

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big ass dragon on the thumbnail but just drama on the actual episodes. what a waste.

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Shout by Demsk

I thought that this series tells the backstory of Monarch and the Titans. That's why I started to watch this. I'm not at all interested in this dadhunt, it's just boring.

I wondered how did Cate know Japanese commercials if she has lived her whole life in the USA?

Lots of stupid writing that others here have mentioned already so won't repeat it.
Cate being a cheater too, though she's not married, is just story-wise like...so what. Cheating is not hereditary.

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