I find myself rooting for the monsters as I dislike every character in this show so far.

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Never seen godzilla or the monsters. Draws a perfectly good representation of him on the bomb. Makes sense

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Decent episode, but I'm getting really tired of the main characters attitude and how she can't deal with anything put in her path

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Some very creepy monsters starting to appear now :open_mouth:. Good to see Kurt Russell,. Good entertainment so far. :thumbsup_tone1:

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Kurt Russell to the rescue! As I hoped for, he managed to get things interesting when there's no MUTO around. And I really hope we get to see more of those darn things in the next episodes, they always save them for just a few seconds at the end of the episode, it's getting annoying.

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The fact that the military decides to just nuke Godzilla makes perfect sense. The military ALWAYS failed to defeat Godzilla in the movies, and will in this series also, obviously. It was fun to see Godzilla in some new footage for a minute and seeing that snow creature at the end was kind of neat, although they are just throwing the kaiju fans a bone.

The 2015 group continues to be absolutely insufferable. Kurt Russell is great but having to play off of the sulking Randas and the tech-geek, mopey May, has to be nearly impossible. Who would like these people? I'm beginning to think that I'm supposed to hate them. The 1950's crew is better, but mostly because young Shaw (Wyatt Russell) is really good in his role. Keiko is interesting but the tremendous chip on her shoulder is wearing thin.

This was the best episode so far and I'll stick with it for Godzilla and the Russells. If not for them, I would have dumped this series already.

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I really love the IMAX scenes being done off the 8mm, great choice

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Kurt Russell is great, as is his son - their character is the best with the grandma badass scientist being a close second. as someone else said, it's going to really bug me that they are pretending he is over 90 years old -- he just doesn't look that old, and he's way to agile. also -- more monsters would be amazing. right now they don't have much bite. we don't have any emotional reaction to the Bikini Atoll scene (we know from the movies that Godzilla is perfectly fine), so their reliance on that and this dramatic business with the two timing dad is getting a little old

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Shaw: "Founded in the late 40's, there or about"
May: "Wouldn't that make you like 90 years old?"

It's going to really bug me how they say how Shaw is 90+ years old since Kurt Russel is nowhere that age (72) nor does he look it and to believe this character is 90+ is going to be a really hard thing to overlook.

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Did I just see CGI guard rails??!! (Eye role) other than that a decent episode

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