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Marvel's Runaways 2017

Loved every minute of it...cant wait for season 2 and hopefully they contact with more marvel characters

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I think this is one of the best marvel shows out there, They really made the source material come to life. the casting is spot on, especially with Karolina and Nico. The whole cast is perfect. They gave the parents more of a story-line as well and its great.

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I know some earlier episodes feel sort of like you're slogging through it but it gets better. I'm glad I stuck it out til the end of season 3.

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Was a good Marvel show.

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The story development in season 1 is very long-winded, but it's understandable because you have to get to know each character in this series. Moreover, there are more than 2 characters, plus their parents.
In season 2, it's quite surprising that alien elements are included here. The aliens were an Avenger-level problem, so there was no way a group of runaway teenagers could defeat them. But unfortunately, they have a privilege that greatly benefits, their parents.
Unfortunately, the 3rd season was not good, it even worsened the Marvel timeline. Plus the script sucks.

But this series is worth watching, especially for those of you who might like to follow all the Marvel series. For those who have watched Cloak and Dagger, this is a must-watch.

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oh my god you guys have no idea how gay the comic is. i really hope they dont leave it all behind

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This show had the shittiest first episodes I've ever seen.

After about 8 Episodes it somehow makes a 180° Turn and is not just a decent but a good show.

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Read the comics, didn't like it, I think it was the drawing style. But I like the TV version, I just wish that there could be references connecting to rest of the mcu, even the background TV news works, please?

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I'd call this show just average.

The characters are all fairly stereotypical, but they gave them some dept. The plot is a bit boring. Everything always comes just a bit too easily, and it all just seems a bit shallow.

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Shout by Deleted

Seasons 1 and 2 have characters which are interesting and engaging
Season 3 has Liz Hurley who's so spectacularly poor her addition sums up the entirety of these last episodes. Confusing and dull.

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One of the weaker entries in the mcu, not awful or anything but it felt a lot more forced and cliche than some of the other series.

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Just watched the first two episodes, and am finding it hard to relate to these ultra rich 0.1% teens with first world problems and cardboard cutout parents. Implausible. Indeed all the characters seem to be predictable stereotypes so far, and it feels like every 3-6 minute scene could have been slashed to 20 or 30 seconds without loss of plot or art.

And WTF is up with the opulent wealth that every character in this show is wallowing in. The world they portray of rich parents without real world problems (or day jobs apparently) frankly pisses me off. It's like the 99.9% of us who live in the middle and lower classes, and who actually must watch our money, don't exist. Rich ass white writers is what it smells like to me.

Anyway, I'll give episode 3 ten minutes, but if something doesn't become relevant, interesting or believable soon, then I'm done.

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Meh, it's basically another teen drama, spiced with a tiny farts of magic stuff here and there and some weird religious backstory going on. Lands in the "filler" series category for me.

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Not even close to the original story

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Shout by Deleted

if a season 3 comes out, I don't watch it. waste of time already, but I'll force myself through season 2 till the end.

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Shout by Λεφρίκη
BlockedParent2017-09-28T18:59:35Z— updated 2019-09-08T10:21:39Z

I LOVE the comics and I'm so scared they're gonna fuck it up... :/
edit: They did. They did fuck it up.

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In the 70's, I used to watch crappy shows like "Wonder Woman", "6 million dollars man", "Hulk", "Buck Rogers", etc. Today, we have shows with great production quality, but really bad writing and storytelling. Just like this excruciating boring TV show.

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Biggest pile of shit ever made right after PLL...

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Not even Elizabeth Hurley could save this show...Gets worst every season.

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This show was VERY BORING!!! In fact, it was so boring, I skipped quite a number of episodes just so I can end my own torture. The only ones with the coolest powers were Cloak and Dagger. But, even with those two, their acting was so bad! I refuse to believe these kids had any professional acting lessons. The script was absolutely awful!! I absolutely HATE IT when these superhero shows make everything about their romantic relationships. It shouldn't have been even about superheroes. I'm serious!!

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Saw the first episode at NYCC they made some changes but it very much feels like the comic come to life. I can't wait to see more of it!

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one of those comics that def should not be adapted into a show. just doesn't seem to work sadly. I pray they never get their hands on SAGA

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Gert went from one of my favorite characters in the comics version to being just plain unbearable in the show.

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When the guy in the glasses was calling his mom to tell about the house party, he first had a gray smartphone with a transparent case, then seconds later it was a different phone with a black case.

I liked the first episode though. It definitely got me interested in watching the next one.

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I'll never forgive Marvel Studios for canceling Drew Pearce's Runaways movie and allowing this cheap TV version to happen

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This show is... good? Bad? Why not both? It certainly takes some getting used to. Honestly, what normal human being is really interested in watching ultra-rich people go about their business? It's not something that most of us can really identify with. However, the teenage struggles that these kids go through are probably familiar to most of us. Who didn't want to rebel against their parents when they were a teenager? And here, we have an interesting case, because these parents actually are evil! Wow!

While it takes some getting used to, the first two seasons of the show actually get better and more interesting as they go along. The mythology of the show is also pretty intriguing. It's fun and entertaining to watch.

However, the third season of this show was an absolute trainwreck. I don't know what happened here, but it seems like the writers were massively out of ideas and pulled some super weird stuff out of their butts. It's absolutely cringey and unfortunately ruined the entire show for me. Such a shame.

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I wanted to check this series out but as the first episode began it started with "previously on Runaways" scenes. Was there a miniseries or something I'm missing? Also at the top of the page on this site, it says that the show is a "returning series"? What does that mean? I'm a little confused. If anyone could explain the discrepancies I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks

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