Review by FinFan

Marvel's Runaways 2017


Review by FinFan

OK, I watched it up to ep.8. It didn´t bore me to sleep but it doesn't exicted me either. The premiere was weak, after that it got slightly better but never really got off and then it crashed for me within one episode. I just don't know how to put this, I'm clearly not the focus group for this.
While the storyline surounding the parents has something interesting in it I couldn't care less for any the children. Those parts were boring to say the least. Why do all have them billionaire parents ? Because they all made a deal with Jonah who is what ? The devil in disguise ? Doesn´t work for me. All those kids are totally clichéd in looks and behavior. I was espacially anoyed by Gert with all her social yap and don´t missing an opportunity to drop that she's in love with Chase. Yeah, I got that the first time. That whole A love B but B loves C who has a crush on D - that´s for Disney Kids. Well at least the Dinosaur fits there to.
The others - pretty blonde girl, good looking athlete, goth chic, the young outsider and nerdy guy. They all are trying way to much to fit their respective molds. This all feels like straight out of some 90s teen movie and that is how it mostly felt and the music underlines this also. What is the real purpose of this show ? Why is it called Runaways cause so far no one has run away and the one who tried is dead. Cleary calling the sacrifces that could not be it because this would be very thin. Was this supposed to be about youth rebellion than they are missing by a mile. Alltogether I must say thin writing and, apart from some very few exceptions, not good acting.
As I said before I am clearly not the target audience this all seems to be aimed at a younger viewer. And maybe a lot of it will be adressed in the second season but this did not create the want to watch it. Please notice that I don't know the comics and that this is my personal opinion of how I percieved the show. It´s not bashing. From the ratings and coments it´s clear a lot feel different and I respect that. For me it´s another Marvel show that landed flat on its behind.

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